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Topic: CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.6 (Read 1973535 times) previous topic - next topic
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CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #25
There is a mysterious unused alernate CRC for each track in AccurateRip database, and i suppose it's a CRC of some fragment of a track.

How are you calculating offsets, exactly?

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #26
Correct AR has 2 CRCs one for the track, the other for 1 sector in the track for offset detection.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #27
There is a mysterious unused alernate CRC for each track in AccurateRip database, and i suppose it's a CRC of some fragment of a track.

How are you calculating offsets, exactly?

Simple math.
Basicly, ArCRC = sum ( N * Sample[N] );
If there is an offset by S samples, original ArCRC = sum ( (N-S) * Sample[N] ).
So when i process a track, i calculate two sums:
ArCRC and offset correction CRC: OcCRC = sum ( Sample[N]);
We can calculate offsetted CRC very fast and simple:
sum ( (N-S) * Sample[N] ) = sum ( N * Sample[N] ) - S * sum ( Sample[N] ) = ArCRC - S * OcCRC.
We do it for every S in range of +- 5 frames, and search for the match.
So we don't really need that second CRC from the database to find an offset for a correctly ripped track.
Of course, in practice it's all a bit more complicated around the track boundaries.

Correct AR has 2 CRCs one for the track, the other for 1 sector in the track for offset detection.

Thanks a lot, that's very useful information. And thanks again for the database and permission to use it
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #28
@spoon: Is there a way to query the AccurateRip database via the web to get a list of AccurateRip Disc IDs that correspond to/contain a certain FreeDB Disc ID?  This would allow us to determine the AccurateRip Disc ID for a CD with a data track if the cuesheet contained a "REM DISCID" line.  In fact, it's even possible to do this now since the length of the data track can be determined to within a 1 second range based on the FreeDB Disc ID, but I'm sure you don't want us querying 75 times (max) to figure out which one is correct.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #29
Maybe that is why I haven't really tried "Fix offset" option yet and lack for autoverification after conversion. If AR knows about different pressing only but I'm sure the rip is offset corrected, I wouldn't adjust it to AR, only convert image to tracks (I like it that way) and verify result.

Try it with new version. You can turn off offset correction in Advanced settings, and it will do almost what you asked - autoverification after conversion. Autoverification before conversion, in fact

But here's another strange one. 

And try this jazz trio again

Can you implement an "Encode if AR verify OK" mode ? You could even have a setting to specify the confidence level of an OK AR verification, say for example, 5 (i.e.: if confidence level is >=5, then flag it as OK). An album should be considered AR OK if all tracks verify with the same offset, over the previously specified treshold.

I hope the new version does what you need.
You can turn on "Encode only if" option in Avanced settings, set up the confidence levels, turn off offset correction if you like, and run it in "Fix offset" mode.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #30
I think I have the same problem as "No Fun", or at least a similar problem.

I've tried CUETools (latest version available in this topic - "Update 4") on one album I'm totally certain of : Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill. This album was my absolute personal AccurateRip record a year and a half ago, with a confidence score of 181. So I'm quite certain it's a perfect rip, and a well-known one from AccurateRip's point of view.

So we start from 14 separate FLAC files, with no cuesheet at all. With CUETools "CUE Sheet Creator" button, I create a dummy cuesheet. Here it is :

Code: [Select]
REM COMMENT "CUETools generated dummy CUE sheet"
FILE "01 - All I Really Want.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "02 - You Oughta Know.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "03 - Perfect.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "04 - Hand In My Pocket.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "05 - Right Through You.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "06 - Forgiven.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "07 - You Learn.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "08 - Head Over Feet.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "09 - Mary Jane.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "10 - Ironic.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "11 - Not The Doctor.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "12 - Wake Up.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "13 - You Oughta Know (Alternate Take).flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "14 - Hidden Track.flac" WAVE
INDEX 01 00:00:00
Then I set the Audio Output to "none", AccurateRip to "Verify", and I click on "Convert" (maybe "Analyze" would be better in this case IMHO). Here are the results in the dialog box :

Code: [Select]
[Disc ID: 001d2cdc-0137a6e5-bc0d410e]
Track [ CRC ] Status
 01 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 02 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 03 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 04 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 05 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 06 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 07 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 08 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 09 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 10 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 11 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 12 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 13 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
 14 [00000000] Disk not present in database.
Same thing if I set AccurateRip to "Fix Offset" (although I'm certain my offset is good here)

Obviously there's something wrong here...

EDIT - Gregory, regarding the "Fix Offset" mode, personally I am interested in CUETools mainly for verification purposes. I'd like a tool that will help me batch-analyze all my CDs and write relevant AccurateRip info : AR info(accurate rip, different pressing, not present, not accurate), AR confidence score, etc... directly to the file tags, all in a single operation.
E.g. : AR info tag = "Accurate Rip" and AR confidence tag = "181".
Then with foobar I will easily locate all suspicious CDs and decide myself what to do with them (or not). What I want to say is that I too don't want CUETools to automatically perform conversions. I'd like it to only test the files, and then I'll decide what I want to do or not.
An idea could be to include the "Verify Offset" feature into the "Verify" option. So with "Verify" we could (1) verify against the AR database with no offset correction, and (2) try other offsets if necessary then verify again. All this without conversion.

Thank you again for all your work. 

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #31
@foorious:  I checked freedb/Amazon and it looks like that hidden track was part of track 13, so I think you or whoever ripped it split it into a separate file.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #32
Oh, that's too bad : I have manually splitted hidden tracks in maybe 10 albums over more than 1000, and this seems to be one of them. Apologies ! I have tried rejoining tracks 13 and 14 using foobar, tested again, and the problem remains the same. Maybe I've manually removed the silence between both tracks, so I'd better pick another album.

However, what would be great would be if CUETools could still be able to give an AccurateRip confidence score for tracks 01-12 that have been perfectly ripped...  Ideally it should skip track 14, say that tracks 01-12 are accurate, track 13 isn't (since it has been splitted), and track 14 is unknown for this album.

Let's give it another try with "The Eminem Show", with an AR score of 131 a year ago. The good news is that CUETools works.  Now here are the results :
Code: [Select]
[Disc ID: 0037a240-033958f4-f2122a14]
Track [ CRC ] Status
 01 [4e72a4c7] (200/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 02 [5067c665] (200/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 03 [743e0797] (200/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 04 [6458502e] (200/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 05 [a64967d7] (200/234) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 06 [51eb46fb] (200/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 07 [8d2df3dc] (200/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 08 [c352fc4e] (200/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 09 [85d7fd90] (200/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 10 [4ad9cfcf] (200/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 11 [deaa2b28] (200/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 12 [c33c9809] (200/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 13 [dc2adb6d] (200/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 14 [a08ecb26] (200/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 15 [6058d3ad] (200/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 16 [3679cc8b] (200/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 17 [de921b13] (200/233) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 18 [cdf03864] (200/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 19 [182e9e00] (200/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 20 [1472b5f2] (200/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
Offsetted by -1292:
 01 [2283a122] (02/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 02 [748b9a16] (03/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 03 [3a302f22] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 04 [fbb556ee] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 05 [4ab21fa9] (03/234) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 06 [6eaee4a0] (02/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 07 [c499eb91] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 08 [bc923bf3] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 09 [84092bf7] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 10 [69ffc4dc] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 11 [82c7ac88] (03/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 12 [842870f4] (03/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 13 [c35d77a7] (03/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 14 [34039f7d] (03/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 15 [e9637259] (03/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 16 [ceb12b4c] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 17 [60502ae4] (03/233) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 18 [16d8d257] (03/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 19 [b934d324] (02/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 20 [66cdcc1c] (02/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
Offsetted by -667:
 01 [f519d188] (05/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 02 [41146252] (05/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #5
 03 [c9fc9127] (04/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 04 [cb5d04e0] (04/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 05 [9a4f6e7c] (05/234) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #5
 06 [35a24389] (05/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #4
 07 [02b217ec] (04/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 08 [94f81271] (04/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 09 [958cdce8] (04/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 10 [47cb5cbf] (05/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #5
 11 [2dc2b084] (04/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 12 [8410aceb] (03/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 13 [fb401505] (04/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 14 [e38bf06e] (04/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #5
 15 [366e1bb3] (04/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #5
 16 [44c2823a] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 17 [2e26ab5f] (04/233) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 18 [a290ace0] (04/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 19 [eff146b7] (04/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 20 [0083aa32] (04/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
Offsetted by -649:
 01 [4f5f41ac] (02/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 02 [197ea526] (02/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 03 [bea615d7] (02/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 04 [a846eab4] (02/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 05 [83d32d84] (02/234) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 06 [c8c2430d] (02/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 07 [b3a571ba] (02/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 08 [57352b0d] (02/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 09 [62e23292] (02/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 10 [495fbab0] (02/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 11 [5243aba8] (02/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 12 [f36e39d1] (02/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 13 [20f36626] (02/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 14 [da74e8d9] (02/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 15 [c4da15bb] (02/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 16 [1e00f9c6] (02/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 17 [f496b548] (02/233) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 18 [3b62ba40] (02/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 19 [7bd1fc66] (02/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #9
 20 [6e60667f] (02/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #9
Offsetted by -646:
 01 [0e792b20] (08/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
 02 [6fa42e5d] (08/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 03 [1ccb28d1] (08/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 04 [c919bdc0] (08/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 05 [80567094] (08/234) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 06 [38cda00b] (08/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 07 [4fd11505] (08/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 08 [f794af27] (08/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 09 [dea7732b] (08/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 10 [82266a65] (07/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 11 [30436600] (07/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 12 [eccef0d0] (07/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 13 [20934d20] (08/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 14 [e531d34e] (08/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 15 [d93100dd] (08/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 16 [e7fc0e4f] (08/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 17 [9ffe1eec] (08/233) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 18 [06cf2f55] (07/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 19 [fc46b55b] (07/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #3
 20 [d54c073b] (08/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #2
Offsetted by -6:
 01 [3edb878e] (04/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #5
 02 [75f100e6] (03/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 03 [8ab2054e] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 04 [14e58fcc] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 05 [7f7fdf2b] (03/234) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 06 [3007a36e] (03/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 07 [6422e15b] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 08 [eee6b1e6] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 09 [67264ec9] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 10 [615600f2] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 11 [5489d199] (03/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 12 [54b78349] (03/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 13 [0e07c10c] (03/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 14 [67225b15] (03/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 15 [573e8824] (03/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 16 [5d764362] (03/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 17 [91274e2d] (03/233) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 18 [210ea414] (03/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
 19 [de49a93c] (03/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #8
 20 [ddd6f7a9] (03/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #7
Offsetted by 6:
 01 [287a0269] (04/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #6
 02 [bf762232] (06/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 03 [b5e2f1e2] (06/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 04 [b11510f1] (06/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 05 [ceb49c26] (07/234) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 06 [57c9ad9d] (07/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 07 [dc195675] (06/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 08 [6bb00e8c] (06/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 09 [d712cbd5] (06/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 10 [57b131bc] (06/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 11 [ab12c627] (06/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 12 [7ab1d63f] (06/228) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 13 [43e9ba7a] (07/231) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 14 [41eca653] (07/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 15 [946d2300] (07/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 16 [6043b398] (07/230) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 17 [1cdab6df] (07/233) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 18 [cafa20fd] (06/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 19 [34923213] (03/227) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #5
 20 [9985a391] (00/228) No matches
However, forgive me but I'm not sure to understand the results.
E.g. : "01   [4e72a4c7] (200/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1"
- What does the "200/229" mean ?
- What does the "#1" mean ?

And one last thing : how can we make the results to be written directly into the file tags ?
(e.g. one tag for the CRC, one tag for the "200/229", one tag for the "Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1", and so on...

Thank you again Gregory for this promising software. 

[!--sizeo:1--][span style=\"font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Moderation: Code changed to codebox (again).[/size]

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #33
Gregory, regarding the "Fix Offset" mode, personally I am interested in CUETools mainly for verification purposes. I'd like a tool that will help me batch-analyze all my CDs and write relevant AccurateRip info : AR info(accurate rip, different pressing, not present, not accurate), AR confidence score, etc... directly to the file tags, all in a single operation.
E.g. : AR info tag = "Accurate Rip" and AR confidence tag = "181".
Then with foobar I will easily locate all suspicious CDs and decide myself what to do with them (or not). What I want to say is that I too don't want CUETools to automatically perform conversions. I'd like it to only test the files, and then I'll decide what I want to do or not.
An idea could be to include the "Verify Offset" feature into the "Verify" option. So with "Verify" we could (1) verify against the AR database with no offset correction, and (2) try other offsets if necessary then verify again. All this without conversion.

First of all, "Verify" option does verify offsets also. "Fix" option on the first pass does exactly the same as Verify, only it then procedes with conversion (possibly using the offset found in first pass).

"Verify" also writes AR tags in source file on success, but currently only flac album image (with embedded cue) is supported for this.

So as i see it, two features are missing: writing AccurateRip tags in image that is split into tracks, and special tags for non-offset corrected rips - because right now they are tagged as inaccurate.

However, forgive me but I'm not sure to understand the results.
E.g. : "01   [4e72a4c7] (200/229) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1"
- What does the "200/229" mean ?
- What does the "#1" mean ?

200/229 is the confidence level, i.e. 200 of 229 people who ripped this disc got the same results as you.

#1 means the first database entry. There are several entries for each disc in database. Is it #1 or #10, doesn't really matter.

Anyway, only confidence level is important.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #34
However, what would be great would be if CUETools could still be able to give an AccurateRip confidence score for tracks 01-12 that have been perfectly ripped...  Ideally it should skip track 14, say that tracks 01-12 are accurate, track 13 isn't (since it has been splitted), and track 14 is unknown for this album.

Unfortunately, this is impossible. You have to know the id of the disk to be able to compare it to the database, and diskId depends on the number and length of the tracks. So if you split a track, cut out silence - there's no way to tell which disk it is that you have.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #35
So as i see it, two features are missing: writing AccurateRip tags in image that is split into tracks, and special tags for non-offset corrected rips - because right now they are tagged as inaccurate.

Yes, definitely. These two features would be a great add-on ! 
Optionally, I see two more small features :
- Be able to choose which info is to be tagged or not (maybe with some checkboxes),
- Be able to edit the name of each tag.

200/229 is the confidence level, i.e. 200 of 229 people who ripped this disc got the same results as you.

Thanks. That's what I thought, but I prefer to be sure. Oh, just one question : if I add the confidence results for all different versions, I do not find 229. E.g. for track 1 : 200 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 225. Where are the 4 missing people ?

Unfortunately, this is impossible. You have to know the id of the disk to be able to compare it to the database, and diskId depends on the number and length of the tracks. So if you split a track, cut out silence - there's no way to tell which disk it is that you have.

Just a silly question then : when the Disk ID is impossible to figure, couldn't we at least use the %artist% and %album% tags to (1) find all versions of these albums on AR database, and (2) try some matching on a per-track basis ? Just wondering if Disk ID is the one and only way for AR...

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #36
I do not find 229. E.g. for track 1 : 200 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 225. Where are the 4 missing people ?

The missing 4 people most probably had a scratched CD or bad drive, and ripped this disc with errors, so their CRC doesn't match even taking possible offsets into account.

Just a silly question then : when the Disk ID is impossible to figure, couldn't we at least use the %artist% and %album% tags to (1) find all versions of these albums on AR database, and (2) try some matching on a per-track basis ? Just wondering if Disk ID is the one and only way for AR...

Right now Disk ID is the one and only way for AR. There's no text search in it. There's even no search by cddb id. And even if there was, for your Alanis Morissette disk, there are 70 entries in cddb database.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #37

I can't make the "encode if % of verified tracks with x confidence" mode work.

FYI, I set AccurateRip mode to "Verify". I only enable the Encode check at Advanced options, with 100% and confidence=1. It verifies but it never encodes after that.

While I'm at it, could you please add support to transfer tags while encoding ? I need to transfer APE tags to FLACs.

Thanks in advance.


CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #38

I can't make the "encode if % of verified tracks with x confidence" mode work.

FYI, I set AccurateRip mode to "Verify". I only enable the Encode check at Advanced options, with 100% and confidence=1. It verifies but it never encodes after that.

While I'm at it, could you please add support to transfer tags while encoding ? I need to transfer APE tags to FLACs.

Thanks in advance.


Verify option still never outputs anything.
"encode if" mode relates to "fix offset" option, which should probably be renamed now.
You can uncheck the "fix offset if" option, turn on "encode if" option and use "fix offset mode".

Support for APE tags is on my todo list.
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #39
Thank you for the excellent new CUEtools features.

I wonder if it would be possible to add a new simple filename extension corrector that would not need to check the audio files on the disk at all.

Then you could just select the desired target extension (wav, flac, ape or wv) and mass process a bunch of cue sheets even if the audio files are not organized in separate folders.

Personally, I have stored my "single file + cue" multi-disc albums in single album folders so I would need to reorganize them before I could use the filename corrector tool for fixing the cue sheets after a file format change.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #40

Original Log
Code: [Select]
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 3 from 28. July 2007

EAC extraction logfile from 15. September 2008, 16:35

California Guitar Trio / Yamanashi Blues

Used drive  : YAMAHA  CRW2100E  Adapter: 1  ID: 0

Read mode              : Secure
Utilize accurate stream : Yes
Defeat audio cache      : Yes
Make use of C2 pointers : No

Read offset correction                      : 733
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out          : Yes
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks  : No
Null samples used in CRC calculations      : Yes
Used interface                              : Installed external ASPI interface
Gap handling                                : Appended to previous track

Used output format              : User Defined Encoder
Selected bitrate                : 768 kBit/s
Quality                        : High
Add ID3 tag                    : No
Command line compressor        : C:\Archivos de programa\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE
Additional command line options : -6 -V -T "ARTIST=%a" -T "TITLE=%t" -T "ALBUM=%g" -T "DATE=%y" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%n" -T "GENRE=%m" -T "COMMENT=%e" %s -o %d

TOC of the extracted CD

    Track |  Start  |  Length  | Start sector | End sector
        1  |  0:00.00 |  2:21.52 |        0    |    10626 
        2  |  2:21.52 |  2:10.05 |    10627    |    20381 
        3  |  4:31.57 |  1:29.70 |    20382    |    27126 
        4  |  6:01.52 |  2:01.13 |    27127    |    36214 
        5  |  8:02.65 |  5:04.62 |    36215    |    59076 
        6  | 13:07.52 |  1:54.48 |    59077    |    67674 
        7  | 15:02.25 |  1:19.70 |    67675    |    73669 
        8  | 16:22.20 |  4:37.32 |    73670    |    94476 
        9  | 20:59.52 |  1:28.23 |    94477    |  101099 
      10  | 22:28.00 |  2:17.02 |    101100    |  111376 
      11  | 24:45.02 |  1:45.43 |    111377    |  119294 
      12  | 26:30.45 |  1:46.07 |    119295    |  127251 
      13  | 28:16.52 | 11:44.35 |    127252    |  180086 
      14  | 40:01.12 |  2:14.70 |    180087    |  190206 
      15  | 42:16.07 |  3:12.58 |    190207    |  204664 

Track  1

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\01 - Yamanashi Blues.wav

    Pre-gap length  0:00:02.00

    Peak level 87.1 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC CB0C5459
    Copy CRC CB0C5459
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [0C56D51D], AccurateRip returned [6ACB9DE4]
    Copy OK

Track  2

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\02 - Melrose Avenue.wav

    Peak level 100.0 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC E61F48D9
    Copy CRC E61F48D9
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [A4E7F44C], AccurateRip returned [8626201C]
    Copy OK

Track  3

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\03 - Corrente.wav

    Peak level 45.6 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 0DCED459
    Copy CRC 0DCED459
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [818FD48C], AccurateRip returned [B1A8D24C]
    Copy OK

Track  4

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\04 - Walk Don't Run.wav

    Peak level 92.8 %
    Track quality 99.9 %
    Test CRC 2740BABB
    Copy CRC 2740BABB
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [7E0BF22D], AccurateRip returned [288D709D]
    Copy OK

Track  5

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\05 - Ricercar.wav

    Peak level 55.9 %
    Track quality 99.9 %
    Test CRC 0971BFCF
    Copy CRC 0971BFCF
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [FE96930D], AccurateRip returned [A7E04B1D]
    Copy OK

Track  6

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\06 - Pipeline.wav

    Peak level 97.7 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 6B69F644
    Copy CRC 6B69F644
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [66C9EB2F], AccurateRip returned [68298E0F]
    Copy OK

Track  7

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\07 - Beeline.wav

    Peak level 100.0 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 98FD9219
    Copy CRC 98FD9219
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [47D2D9C9], AccurateRip returned [EBF33DEF]
    Copy OK

Track  8

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\08 - Chromatic Fugue In D Minor.wav

    Peak level 100.0 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 43027130
    Copy CRC 43027130
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [D14A54B1], AccurateRip returned [9BF87C1B]
    Copy OK

Track  9

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\09 - Tenor Madness.wav

    Peak level 97.4 %
    Track quality 99.8 %
    Test CRC 55607C9F
    Copy CRC 55607C9F
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [9DE020F5], AccurateRip returned [FCA36A15]
    Copy OK

Track 10

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\10 - Sleewalk.wav

    Peak level 69.1 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 934EA7BC
    Copy CRC 934EA7BC
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [7E619E3B], AccurateRip returned [0BC6DFFB]
    Copy OK

Track 11

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\11 - Carnival.wav

    Peak level 66.6 %
    Track quality 99.8 %
    Test CRC D54C937A
    Copy CRC D54C937A
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [200C7AF2], AccurateRip returned [4DB39EE9]
    Copy OK

Track 12

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\12 - Prelude In C Minor.wav

    Peak level 54.0 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 22685572
    Copy CRC 22685572
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [D9E0F7AE], AccurateRip returned [6B5F77AF]
    Copy OK

Track 13

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\13 - Ciaccona.wav

    Peak level 61.0 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 38F5A639
    Copy CRC 38F5A639
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [A29460B6], AccurateRip returned [0F0A5387]
    Copy OK

Track 14

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\14 - Blockhead.wav

    Peak level 100.0 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 42266934
    Copy CRC 42266934
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [C0007BA4], AccurateRip returned [45D75600]
    Copy OK

Track 15

    Filename D:\Datos\audio rips\15 - Kan-Non Power.wav

    Peak level 84.9 %
    Track quality 100.0 %
    Test CRC 0A69F0AD
    Copy CRC 0A69F0AD
    Cannot be verified as accurate (confidence 2)  [1AFEE1A0], AccurateRip returned [2F2FAE7B]
    Copy OK

No tracks could be verified as accurate
You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database

No errors occurred

End of status report

accuraterip result:
Code: [Select]
[Disc ID: 0015b781-00fd75be-d70aa80f]
Track [ CRC    ] Status
 01 [0c56d51d] (00/02) No matches
 02 [a4e7f44c] (00/02) No matches
 03 [818fd48c] (00/02) No matches
 04 [7e0bf22d] (00/02) No matches
 05 [fe96930d] (00/02) No matches
 06 [66c9eb2f] (00/02) No matches
 07 [47d2d9c9] (00/02) No matches
 08 [d14a54b1] (00/02) No matches
 09 [9de020f5] (00/02) No matches
 10 [7e619e3b] (00/02) No matches
 11 [200c7af2] (00/02) No matches
 12 [d9e0f7ae] (00/02) No matches
 13 [a29460b6] (00/02) No matches
 14 [c0007ba4] (00/02) No matches
 15 [1afee1a0] (00/02) No matches
Offsetted by 112:
 01 [6acb9de4] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 02 [8626201c] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 03 [b1a8d24c] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 04 [288d709d] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 05 [a7e04b1d] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 06 [68298e0f] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 07 [ebf33def] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 08 [9bf87c1b] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 09 [fca36a15] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 10 [0bc6dffb] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 11 [4db39ee9] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 12 [6b5f77af] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 13 [0f0a5387] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 14 [45d75600] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1
 15 [2f2fae7b] (02/02) Accurately ripped as in pressing(s) #1

How is this possible? If I go and check offets page (, it's clear that offset for "YAMAHA - CRW2100E"    +733. Yet, accuraterip shows "Offsetted by 112" having confidence level 2?

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #41
How is this possible?


No tracks could be verified as accurate
You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database

No errors occurred

End of status report

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #42
So this pressing is different by an offset value of 112? 

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #44
While I'm at it, could you please add support to transfer tags while encoding ? I need to transfer APE tags to FLACs.

Thanks in advance.


If your APE files have tags, i suppose they have embedded CUE sheets too?
CUETools 2.1.6

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #45
I created a mockup to demonstrate my suggestion:

This kind of UI would allow any target extension. The tool would not require internal support for the compression format so it could be used when the audio files are converted outside CUETools. For instance, MP3 would be possible.


It would be even better if it could optionally create a new cue file in the same location and preserve the original file.

It could add the target extension in the new filename. For example, .cue could be changed to .mp3.cue (I use this naming system).

Personally, I always do a "copy, paste & rename" procedure before I change the extensions inside a cue file. It is a time consuming step if I have a lot of cue files to edit.

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #46

While I'm at it, could you please add support to transfer tags while encoding ? I need to transfer APE tags to FLACs.

Thanks in advance.


If your APE files have tags, i suppose they have embedded CUE sheets too?

Nope, just a single-album APE file, with APEv2 tags and a separate CUE file. Maybe it's a good idea to code a wrapper for Case's/Synthetic soul's tag.exe, since it's freeware and already does what we need.

Thanks in advance,


CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #47
I thought this was pretty cool, it runs fine with Mono 2.0 in Ubuntu when compiled with only WAV support:

Too bad Mono doesn't support C++/CLI.  There was some work on an extension for GCC to allow this but it looks like it's been abandoned.  I wonder if P/Invoking into libFLAC (for example) would work...

CUETools versions 1.9.5 through 2.1.5 (current)

Reply #48
I thought this was pretty cool, it runs fine with Mono 2.0 in Ubuntu when compiled with only WAV support:

Too bad Mono doesn't support C++/CLI.  There was some work on an extension for GCC to allow this but it looks like it's been abandoned.  I wonder if P/Invoking into libFLAC (for example) would work...

Cool. And i've been playing with x64 build.
Got .APE files to decompress 25% faster.
CUETools 2.1.6