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Topic: XLD Master Thread List (Read 21866 times) previous topic - next topic
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XLD Master Thread List

This thread will hopefully help readers interested in XLD and DAE on the Mac easily find the information they are searching for.  Several threads have branched out with the  possibility of new users not finding valuable information they are seeking.  This thread will attempt to consolidate all the fragmented information relevant to XLD and DAE on the Mac.

1.XLD Requested Features List
2.XLD found problems and bug issues
3.Mac OEM Drive Features Database
4.XLD drive use results with logs
5. XLD and the drive cache
6.XLD integrates CD Paranoia III 10.2
7.XLD Integrates C2 Error Detection In Its Ripper
8.Mac CD Ripper Comparison

XLD Master Thread List

Reply #1 I have just written an XLD page from scratch copying over some of the information and writing in some other important information. The page is constantly be updated as new information becomes present. Any feedback or questions are always welcome. Thanks. 
budding I.T professional

XLD Master Thread List

Reply #2
I'm a new XLD and Mac user and I think a single thread detailing XLD's settings would be nice.  Seems like XLD's development speed is legendary around here, so I understand if this isn't an easy task, but it would make at least my life easier  For example, I'm not entirely sure what "Verify suspicious sectors" does without "Test before copy" or vice versa, and I'm curious how ReplayGain works with XLD, iTunes and iPod (I understand FLAC can apply ReplayGain to output files...? Does this edit metadata or audio?).  And what is the old cdparanoia setting for? Which drives are affected by "30 sec offset problem"?

Anyway, you get the idea    My point is, XLD documentation is pretty lacking at this point (or I'm looking in all the wrong places?).  Great software, that's for sure, but how do I use it?

XLD Master Thread List

Reply #3
I'm a new XLD and Mac user and I think a single thread detailing XLD's settings would be nice. Seems like XLD's development speed is legendary around here, so I understand if this isn't an easy task, but it would make at least my life easier  For example, I'm not entirely sure what "Verify suspicious sectors" does without "Test before copy" or vice versa, and I'm curious how ReplayGain works with XLD, iTunes and iPod (I understand FLAC can apply ReplayGain to output files...? Does this edit metadata or audio?). And what is the old cdparanoia setting for? Which drives are affected by "30 sec offset problem"?

Anyway, you get the idea  My point is, XLD documentation is pretty lacking at this point (or I'm looking in all the wrong places?). Great software, that's for sure, but how do I use it?

I can't answer all of your questions seeing that I am not an XLD user, but I can answer some of the others you have asked. The ReplayGain specification does not I repeat does not work with the iPod. It's not supported by the iPod. The only way you can use ReplayGain on the iPod is by installing the Rockbox open-source firmware first, which is supported by most iPod models. itunes does not support ReplayGain either, although it uses a similiar, but different approach called "SoundCheck" to normalize the audio data.  FLAC tags are essentially "Vorbis comment" tags they allow you to enter in free field comments. The ReplayGain specification in FLAC works by editing the metadata and adding the appropriate album or track gain this in reference to 89 dB SPL or 0 dB full-scale. What that means is if you have a an album gain that is -8.66 dB then the entire album averages about 97 dB if I am doing the math here correct (not one of my strong suites), which may precieved by many as "loud". I recommend you check out of the loudness race article on wikipedia if you want more information on that. The "old" cdparanoia setting is the version without the -A cache option. The difference between cdparanoia 10.1 and 10.2 is that the "new" cdparanoia add's a cache option, which allows you analyze the cache integrity of your specific drive.  The reason being is that cdparanoia sometimes will not work on drives that have large caches. This simple option allows cdparanoia to analyze your drive and determine how large your cache is. It also prints out a log file. I don't really know all of the technical details in terms of the offset correction. You will have to ask somebody else around here what the purpose of that is. I can write XLD documentation for that show's you how to use the program in the wiki, unfortunatly I am not a Mac user so I do not have access to this software. I hope that answers most of your questions. 
budding I.T professional