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Topic: EAC and AAC (Read 7194 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can it be done? I am quite baffled. I just noticed that EAC and AAC page was never written. I would write one except I am unsure how exactly you configure EAC and use it as an external compressor with something like Nero AAC. Considering I have had poor luck with the Nero AAC encoder in the past (albeit why I don't encode with it) I was wondering if anyone could lend a helping hand or any assistance in this department. It would be great guide for all of the IPod and Itunes users out there (that doesn't include me). Well anyway if you have any working knowledge at all about this topic please feel free to discuss it here. Thanks. Take care.
budding I.T professional


Reply #1
Great question.  I would love an answer as well.


Reply #2
I see no reason why not, but in the meantime we do have this:

In general I think stickies suck, but in this one is from someone who truly knows his shit.

If someone does make an EAC AAC article (Synthetic Soul, exec?), please use the others as a boiler plate.  Someone made a bit of a mess out of the flac page, but it got fixed.


Reply #3
If someone does make an EAC AAC article (Synthetic Soul, exec?), please use the others as a boiler plate. Someone made a bit of a mess out of the flac page, but it got fixed.

Yeah it didn't make any sense someone thought we should merge both articles together into one, but due to the fact there are so many EAC Guides we don't want the same information to be written over and over again.

If someone does make an EAC AAC article (Synthetic Soul, exec?), please use the others as a boiler plate. Someone made a bit of a mess out of the flac page, but it got fixed.

I noticed that sticky page when I was looking to encode with Nero AAC (The standard input always yells at me though when I try to pipe the file in! it even complains with the Nero AAC Frontend! (Speaking of which I should probably link to that. I am sure somebody will have more luck then I do. There is Frontend that exists so that you can pipe your FLAC files directly to AAC). I am acustomed to using Vorbis, which is a quick skip, hop, and a jump.

Note: I will get the page started and then somebody else can finish it up!

Check this out! I found a guide for configuring CDex with AAC. I will have to incoporate some of this information into the wiki as well.
budding I.T professional



Reply #4
Speaking of piping, I made this drag-and-drop batch converter for NeroAacEnc per a request which accepts a variety of lossless formats, preserves basic tag information, and scales the input according to RG album gain.  Maybe someone will find it helpful...
Code: [Select]

IF "%~1" == "" neroaacenc -help && GOTO end


TITLE Encoding "%~nx1"
IF EXIST "%~1.tag" GOTO encode_shift
IF EXIST "%~dpn1.m4a" GOTO encode_shift
SET /p nul=Encoding "%~nx1" <nul
IF /i "%~x1" == ".wav" (CALL :encode_wav %1
) ELSE (IF /i "%~x1" == ".wv" (CALL :encode_wv %1
  ) ELSE (IF /i "%~x1" == ".tak" (CALL :encode_tak %1
    ) ELSE (IF /i "%~x1" == ".flac" (CALL :encode_flac %1
      ) ELSE (IF /i "%~x1" == ".ape" (CALL :encode_ape %1
        ) ELSE ECHO ... Invalid file && GOTO encode_shift
IF "%~1" EQU "" ECHO. && GOTO end
GOTO encode

SET /p nul=... <nul
neroaacenc %PARAMS% -if %1 -of "%~dpn1.m4a" 2>nul
GOTO :eof

CALL :taginfo %1
SET /p nul=... <nul
wvunpack -q %1 - | %SCALE% neroaacenc %PARAMS% -if - -of "%~dpn1.m4a" 2>nul
neroAacTag "%~dpn1.m4a" %TAGINFO% 2>nul
GOTO :eof

CALL :taginfo %1
SET /p nul=... <nul
takc -d %1 - | %SCALE% neroaacenc %PARAMS% -if - -of "%~dpn1.m4a" 2>nul
neroAacTag "%~dpn1.m4a" %TAGINFO% 2>nul
GOTO :eof

CALL :taginfo %1
SET /p nul=... <nul
flac -dcs %1 | %SCALE% neroAacEnc %PARAMS% -if - -of "%~dpn1.m4a" 2>nul
neroAacTag "%~dpn1.m4a" %TAGINFO% 2>nul
GOTO :eof

CALL :taginfo %1
SET /p nul=... <nul
mac %1 - -d 2>nul | %SCALE% neroaacenc %PARAMS% -if - -of "%~dpn1.m4a" 2>nul
neroAacTag "%~dpn1.m4a" %TAGINFO% 2>nul
GOTO :eof

tag %1 2> "%~1.tag"
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1*" %%X IN (`findstr "Title:" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
  SET title=%%Y
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1*" %%X IN (`findstr "Artist:" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
  SET artist=%%Y
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1*" %%X IN (`findstr "Album:" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
  SET album=%%Y
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1*" %%X IN (`findstr "Year:" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
  SET year=%%Y
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1*" %%X IN (`findstr "Track:" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
  SET track=%%Y
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1*" %%X IN (`findstr "Genre:" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
  SET genre=%%Y
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1*" %%X IN (`findstr "Comment:" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
  SET comment=%%Y
SET TAGINFO=-meta:title="%title%" -meta:artist="%artist%" -meta:album="%album%" -meta:year="%year%" -meta:track="%track%" -meta:genre="%genre%" -meta:comment="%comment%"
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1,2* delims== " %%X IN (`findstr "replaygain_album_gain" "%~1.tag"`) DO (
IF DEFINED SCALE FOR /F %%X IN ('EVAL 10^^^^^(%SCALE%/20^)') DO SET SCALE=sox -v %%X -t wav - -t wav - 2^>nul ^|
DEL "%~1.tag"
GOTO :eof

Tag.exe can be found at Synthetic Soul's website.  Eval.exe can be found here.  Sox.exe can be found at  A special build of mac.exe that provides for stdout can be found at or you can get an updated one at

EDIT: Spelling and grammar.  The code is still the same.


Reply #5
Speaking of piping, I made this drag-and-drop batch converter for NeroAacEnc per a request which accepts a variety of lossless formats, preserves basic tag information, and scales the input according to RG album gain.  Maybe someone will find it helpful...
I do  , thanks a bunch!
WavPack 5.7.0 -b384hx6cmv / qaac64 2.80 -V 100