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Topic: Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly (Read 12525 times) previous topic - next topic
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Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

I use litestep for my shell and every time Fb2k opens a folder, it opens explorer as my shell before it opens the folder view

My request is to make the command to open a folder configurable

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #1
Personally I never use Windows Explorer, since it's heavy and uncomfortable to my taste. A configurable file explorer option seems like a great idea.

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #2
u can use foo_run.dll for this, I used to use it with total commander. Can be used with any program which can use parameters.

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #3
I am not looking for add functionality, I want to change the native functionality

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #4
How do you propose it handle folders? I assume it already uses the native file associations by calling ShellExecute on them.

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #5
How do you propose it handle folders? I assume it already uses the native file associations by calling ShellExecute on them.

I could be wrong, but I believe it calls explorer.exe directly

Error Dialog
Process properties showing command line

When I open a run dialog and type 'F:\' it opens it without opening the explorer shell
I get the same result in VBScript if I create a Shell Object and use .Run "F:\"

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #6
maybe its doing something like this

where it highlights the file that you're opening?  from the way that thread reads, explorer is the only way to select the file in the folder.

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #7
My mistake, that's exactly what it's doing.

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #8
I second this request.

I'm using explorer, but the /e switch opens the folder with the treeview, which I never use. It's quite annoying to have to close it each time.

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #9
As mentioned use foo_run which allows you to set up your own "Open Containing folder" item, then just remove the native one.

Until the core functionality changes this is your only option I'm afraid.

The easy solution is to put the executable path foobar2000 uses for this as an advanced option. Make the string configurable.
PS! And also to expand all tree items on the advanced configuration page by default.


Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #10
It seems to like to cause second instances of explorer.exe to run which drives me nuts, as well as not re-using existing windows when they are the same folder.

Doesn't even seem to be a fully qualified path, you can put any executable named explorer.exe in your foobar2000 folder with funny results..

What's wrong with SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems?

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #11
another vote for this to be configurable, it could do multiple thingies as well, example:
- display in right pane of active total commander window
- paste to clipboard
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #12
What's wrong with SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems?

Wasn't available on some of target operating systems at the time relevant code was written. Thanks for the tip, I'll use this function instead.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Feature Request: Do not call Explorer.exe directly

Reply #13
Thank you