Here's the script, which I called It requires that you have metaflac in your path. Note that much of this code came from, and so I can't be expected to know everything about the internals of the script - I just adapted it to my needs.
Note:- This script does not currently work on rips with other than a 2 second pregap on track 1. All tracks will come back as being incorrect or not in the database.
- This script does not currently work on rips from cds with a datatrack.
- If the AR values that come back are all wrong, it is likely a different pressing or a different track 1 pregap. If only ONE doesn't match, that track is probably bad.
# #
# #
# #
# KitchenStaff ( #
# #
# Many thanks to Mr. Spoon for his kind permission to use the AccurateRip #
# technology and database. Access to AccurateRip is regulated, see #
# [url=][/url] for details. #
# #
# Original ARCue script by Christopher Key <> #
# #
# This script allows the usage of AccurateRip's extensive track checksum #
# database to verify the accuracy of directories of flac files. To use, #
# simply run: #
# #
# Flacdir1 Flacdir2 etc... #
# Note that this is not a perfect system. If the disc originally had a data #
# track, this routine may not find a match. This is also dependent on the #
# Accurate Rip database having seen the CD a sufficient number of times. #
# This tool should be used to verify that a set of files is good, but not to #
# necessarily indicate that the entire set is bad (different pressings, etc.) #
# #
use strict;
use LWP;
use Carp;
use POSIX;
my $lwpUserAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
foreach my $flacDir (@ARGV) {
# Get the list of flac files from the directory
print $flacDir . ":";
opendir CURDIR, $flacDir;
my @flaclist = readdir CURDIR;
closedir CURDIR;
my @filelist = grep {/flac$/i} @flaclist;
@filelist = sort @filelist;
# We need track offsets in 'frames'
# can get these from metaflac
my (@trackOffsets,@trackLengths,@trackSamples);
my $tn=0;
my $tmpl=0;
foreach my $fl (@filelist) {
$tmpl = `metaflac --show-total-samples "$flacDir/$fl"`;
$trackSamples[$tn] = floor($tmpl/1);
$trackLengths[$tn] = ceil($tmpl/588);
printf $trackSamples[$tn] . ":";
my $trackCount = $tn;
my $curoff = 0;
$trackOffsets[0] = 0;
for ($tmpl = 1; $tmpl <= $trackCount; $tmpl++) {
$curoff += $trackLengths[$tmpl-1];
$trackOffsets[$tmpl] = $curoff;
# Calculate the three disc ids used by AR
my ($discId1, $discId2, $cddbDiscId) = (0, 0, 0);
use integer;
for (my $trackNo = 0; $trackNo <= $trackCount; $trackNo++) {
my $trackOffset = $trackOffsets[$trackNo];
$discId1 += $trackOffset;
$discId2 += ($trackOffset ? $trackOffset : 1) * ($trackNo + 1);
if ($trackNo < $trackCount) {
$cddbDiscId = $cddbDiscId + sumDigits(int($trackOffset/75)+2);
$cddbDiscId = (($cddbDiscId % 255) << 24) + ((int($trackOffsets[$trackCount]/75) - int($trackOffsets[0]/75)) << 8) + $trackCount;
$discId1 &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
$discId2 &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
$cddbDiscId &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
print "\nChecking AccurateRip database\n\n";
# See if we can find the disc in the database
my $arUrl = sprintf("",
$discId1 & 0xF, $discId1>>4 & 0xF, $discId1>>8 & 0xF, $trackCount, $discId1, $discId2, $cddbDiscId);
my $arDiscNotInDb = 0;
my $arNetworkFailed = 0;
my $response = $lwpUserAgent->get($arUrl);
if (!$response->is_success) {
if ($response->status_line =~ m/^404/) {
$arDiscNotInDb = 1;
$arNetworkFailed = $response->status_line;
# Extract CRCs from response data
my $arCrcCount = 0;
my @arTrackConfidences = ();
my @arTrackCRCs = ();
if (!($arDiscNotInDb || $arNetworkFailed)) {
my $arCrcData = $response->content;
my $ptr = 0;
while ($ptr < length($arCrcData)) {
my ($chunkTrackCount, $chunkDiscId1, $chunkDiscId2, $chunkCddbDiscId);
# Force perl to interpret these values as signed integers
use integer;
$chunkTrackCount = unpack("c",substr($arCrcData,$ptr,1));
$chunkDiscId1 = unpack("V",substr($arCrcData,$ptr+1,4)) + 0;
$chunkDiscId2 = unpack("V",substr($arCrcData,$ptr+5,4)) + 0;
$chunkCddbDiscId = unpack("V",substr($arCrcData,$ptr+9,4)) + 0;
$ptr +=13;
if ( $chunkTrackCount != $trackCount
|| $chunkDiscId1 != $discId1
|| $chunkDiscId2 != $discId2
|| $chunkCddbDiscId != $cddbDiscId ) {
croak("Track count or Disc IDs don't match.");
# How if it flagged that a track is not in the database?
for (my $track = 0; $track < $trackCount; $track++) {
my ($trackConfidence, $trackCrc);
# Force perl to interpret these values as signed integers
use integer;
$trackConfidence = unpack("c",substr($arCrcData,$ptr,1));
$trackCrc = unpack("V",substr($arCrcData,$ptr+1,4)) + 0;
$ptr += 9;
if ($arCrcCount == 0){
$arTrackConfidences[$track] = [];
$arTrackCRCs[$track] = [];
$arTrackConfidences[$track]->[$arCrcCount] = $trackConfidence;
$arTrackCRCs[$track]->[$arCrcCount] = $trackCrc;
printf "Track\tRipping Status\t\t[Disc ID: %08x-%08x]\n", $discId1, $cddbDiscId;
# Calculate a CRC for each track
my $errLevel = 0;
# Calculate a CRC for each track
my @trackCRCs = ();
my $FH;
my ($accuratelyRipped, $notAccuratelyRipped, $notInDatabase) = (0, 0, 0);
for (my $trackNo = 0; $trackNo < $trackCount; $trackNo++) {
# Open a pipe to flac decode
open($FH, "flac -d -c -f --force-raw-format --totally-silent --endian=little --sign=signed \"$flacDir/$filelist[$trackNo]\" |");
binmode $FH;
my ($frame, $CRC);
$CRC = 0;
$CRC = processFile($FH, $trackLengths[$trackNo], $trackNo==0, $trackNo==$trackCount-1);
use integer;
$trackCRCs[$trackNo] = $CRC & 0xFFFFFFFF;
if ($arDiscNotInDb) {
printf " %d\tTrack not present in database. [%08x]\n",
$trackNo + 1, $trackCRCs[$trackNo];
} elsif ($arNetworkFailed) {
printf " %d\t [%08x]\n",
$trackNo + 1, $trackCRCs[$trackNo];
} else {
my $foundCrc = 0;
my $foundCrcMatch = 0;
for (my $arCrcNo=0; $arCrcNo < $arCrcCount; $arCrcNo++) {
if ($arTrackConfidences[$trackNo]->[$arCrcNo] != 0){
$foundCrc = 1;
if ($arTrackCRCs[$trackNo]->[$arCrcNo] == $trackCRCs[$trackNo]) {
printf " %d\tAccurately Ripped (confidence %d) [%08x]\n",
$trackNo + 1, $arTrackConfidences[$trackNo]->[$arCrcNo], $arTrackCRCs[$trackNo]->[$arCrcNo];
$foundCrcMatch = 1;
if (!$foundCrc) {
printf " %d\tTrack not present in database. [%08x]\n",
$trackNo + 1, $trackCRCs[$trackNo];
}elsif (!$foundCrcMatch) {
printf " %d\t** Rip not accurate ** (confidence %d) [%08x] [%08x]\n",
$trackNo + 1, $arTrackConfidences[$trackNo]->[0], $arTrackCRCs[$trackNo]->[0], $trackCRCs[$trackNo];
if ($arDiscNotInDb) {
print "Disc not present in AccurateRip database.\n";
$errLevel = 2;
} elsif ($arNetworkFailed) {
print "Failed to get $arUrl : " . $arNetworkFailed . "\n";
$errLevel = 3;
} elsif ($accuratelyRipped == $trackCount) {
print "All Tracks Accurately Ripped.\n";
} else {
if ($notAccuratelyRipped >= 3) {
print "Your CD disc is possibly a different pressing to the one(s) stored in AccurateRip.\n"
printf "Track(s) Accurately Ripped: %d\n", $accuratelyRipped;
printf "**** Track(s) Not Ripped Accurately: %d ****\n", $notAccuratelyRipped;
printf "Track(s) Not in Database: %d\n", $notInDatabase;
$errLevel = 1;
print "\n\n\n";
sub processFile {
use integer;
my ($FH, $tracklength, $firstTrack, $lastTrack) = @_;
my ($frame,$CRC,$frameOffset,$frameNo,$sample,$endFrame,$frmloop);
if ($firstTrack) {
# Skip first 4 frames
if ($tracklength<=4) {
return 0;
if (read($FH, $frame, 4*2352) != 4*2352) { croak ("read failed.") };
if (read($FH, $frame, 2352) != 2352) { croak ("read failed.") };
$sample = unpack("V",substr($frame,2348,4));
$CRC += $sample;
$frameNo = 5;
} else {
$frameNo = 0;
if ($lastTrack) {
$endFrame = $tracklength-5;
} else {
$endFrame = $tracklength;
for ($frmloop=$frameNo; $frmloop<$endFrame;$frmloop++) {
if (read($FH, $frame, 2352) != 2352) { croak ("read failed.") };
$frameOffset = $frmloop * 588;
foreach (unpack("V588", $frame)) {
$CRC += $_ * (++$frameOffset);
return $CRC;
sub sumDigits {
my $n = shift;
my $r = 0;
while ($n > 0) {
$r = $r + ($n % 10);
$n = int($n / 10);
return $r;
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