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Topic: Display album art of the playing track (Read 9047 times) previous topic - next topic
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Display album art of the playing track

Nice update! Any chance to see an improvement for the album art element in this beta? (to show the now playing cover) It's more important than new visualizations IMO...but maybe its more difficult for you to implement from an other side of view..

Thank you anyway!


Display album art of the playing track

Reply #1
Nice update! Any chance to see an improvement for the album art element in this beta? (to show the now playing cover) It's more important than new visualizations IMO...but maybe its more difficult for you to implement from an other side of view

I'm not sure - is this really a meaningful solution to the actual problem (which is displaying info about the currently playing track/album)? Next up people will ask for doing the same with the file information element - and soon it will be visually confusing if an element shows info about the selected track or playing track. Wouldn't in the long run it be a better solution to have general "now playing info"-element, where you can choose via contextmenu what info to display (incl. albumart) and which will then automatically nicely layout and display the requested info for the playing track?
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Display album art of the playing track

Reply #2
Next up people will ask for doing the same with the file information element...

I considered that as good idea as it seems to be the most simple idea to switch between two modes (available by context menu)

and soon it will be visually confusing if an element shows info about the selected track or playing track.

Never came to my mind but,yes, that is true.

Wouldn't in the long run it be a better solution to have general "now playing info"-element, where you can choose via contextmenu what info to display (incl. albumart) and which will then automatically nicely layout and display the requested info for the playing track?

Good idea - the things would be kept clean: one ui element where coverart, album information, tags, playback time info and so on. And if someone still likes to use selection properties and album art viewer for now playing track he can doebleclick statusbar.

Display album art of the playing track

Reply #3
Wouldn't in the long run it be a better solution to have general "now playing info"-element, where you can choose via contextmenu what info to display (incl. albumart) and which will then automatically nicely layout and display the requested info for the playing track?

You're making me foam at the mouth (is that weird? )

Display album art of the playing track

Reply #4
I like it the way it is right now.