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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 551732 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #975
I'd like to somehow automate sorting in ELPlaylist.

I'm using Filter Column to look for a new album artist, and then click on the album artist once. It get's automatically sent into Filter Results column, which is powered by ELPlaylist; however, the sorting is messed up (it's %album%). I have to Right Click --> Sort manually every time to get the order I want (%ALBUM ARTIST% - %DATE% - %ALBUM% - %DISCNUMBER% - %TRACKNUMBER% - %TITLE%)

Is there any way I can automate this process, so it gets automatically put in the said form?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #976
Filters sorting pattern needs to be set. That should take care of of how items are displayed automatically then.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #977
Filters sorting pattern needs to be set. That should take care of of how items are displayed automatically then.


Thanks, that did the trick. I've got another question though.

My Group Header has a magenta background color. Can't quite figure out how to get rid of it. I put in a basic $drawstring with DUMMY TEXT LOREM IPSUM text in it an set the color to white to make it opaque. As you can see, there's no more code in Group Header, and it's still magenta. Any clues how to remove it/make it white?

For reference, my Styles tab:

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #978
I meant to say cyan,  not magenta. Woops.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #979
Looks like default text color you get on first run. Maybe check here. Optionally you could use $drawtextex(,,,,,) which is easier to come to terms with.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #980
Looks like default text color you get on first run. Maybe check here. Optionally you could use $drawtextex(,,,,,) which is easier to come to terms with.

Nope, no luck with that, as you can see here:

No luck with $drawtext or $drawtextex either: they're simply not being displayed. No matter the settings or text color I use, the text doesn't show up.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #981
Looks like default text color you get on first run. Maybe check here. Optionally you could use $drawtextex(,,,,,) which is easier to come to terms with.

Nope, no luck with that, as you can see here:

No luck with $drawtext or $drawtextex either: they're simply not being displayed. No matter the settings or text color I use, the text doesn't show up.

I fixed it. It was a very dumb mistake. I used Tab in my code instead of Space to format it, and it killed the function. Basically it was $drawtext with x,y coordinates and the rest of it was just dead, so it used the defaults. Apparently cyan is the default color for when no custom r-g-b option is set.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #982
Is it possible the change text color or dim text only in brackets or parentheses?

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #983

I like to add an column for the albumn title after song title. How to do it?
Is it even possible?

Now my code looks like this:

Code: [Select]

$puts(track.text,%tracknumber%  %title%)

///////Track Info///////

                $get(text.left),0,$get(text.right),%el_height%,$get(text.color),vcenter end_ellipsis)
    $drawtext(%length%,0,0,$sub(%el_width%,4),%el_height%,$get(text.color),vcenter right),)

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #984
If you merely want to show the album name next to the title change this:

Code: [Select]
$puts(track.text,%tracknumber%  %title%  %album%)

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #985
But then it is not justified

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #986
As I said, "If you merely want to show the album name next to the title", you didn't ask it to be justified.

Check out the $drawtext function on the ELplaylist wiki to get %album% displayed the way you want.

Put it after the if declaration in your script but before setcoordinate(0).
You might then perhaps also want to limit your %title% string to x characters so it doesn't run in and mix up with your album title.
So use this
Code: [Select]
$puts(track.text,%tracknumber%  $left(%title%,y))

Where y is the amount of characters you want to display starting from the left. There are more elegant solutions then merely cutting off the title string using $len and $ifgreater but that's for you to find out and learn if you want to have more control about how you want to display stuff in ELplaylist.
Use the titleformatting reference  and Elplaylist wiki as help.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #987
Thank you it is working now

Code: [Select]

$puts(track.text,%tracknumber%  %title%)
$puts(track.text,%tracknumber%  $left(%title%,20))
///////Track Info///////

                $get(text.left),0,$get(text.right),%el_height%,$get(text.color),vcenter end_ellipsis)
    $drawtext(%length%,0,0,$sub(%el_width%,4),%el_height%,$get(text.color),vcenter right)


Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #988
One last question. What is the grey box at the bottom? Is it maybe a bug?

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #989
No clue, that's something config specific. Could be anything, a line or a top layer panel stack not fully filling the height or something else.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #990
It is a bug. When you remove the foobar2000 toolbar and make the setting for the elplaylist background color within the Columns UI  / Colors and Fonts Interface it appears.

If you set the background color for elplaylist in its internal settings the problem is gone  :D

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #991
Here's my two cents, I would hesitate calling any unexpected behavior by any piece of software a "bug" without at least some knowledge of its basics. You've got a custom build config there and you have no understanding of its syntax used to build it yet freely conclude behavior that's unexpected to you to be a "bug".

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #992
Here's my two cents, I would hesitate calling any unexpected behavior by any piece of software a "bug" without at least some knowledge of its basics. You've got a custom build config there and you have no understanding of its syntax used to build it yet freely conclude behavior that's unexpected to you to be a "bug".

It's closer to a bug than not. You can get around this by changing the splitter background color to whatever you desire and turning on ELPlaylist transparency in its settings. Style > Pseudo-transparent Background.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #993
Without seeing anything at all of how that config/ELplaylist was scripted including its color settings I wouldn't be able to say anything at all with confidence what the problem is. I like to think I would first see to that I excluded all other variable before going with "it's a bug". Add to that with most new users often even PEBKAC is a "bug".

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #994
It's been brought up in this very thread before. You wouldn't notice this behavior if you use default colors. However, when you alter the background color of the playlist scrolling to the bottom reveals the underlying splitter color. For whatever reason it does not paint it all the way down its given vertical size.

It's easy to check in a portable test mule install. Perhaps it is not a bug but a limitation of the component. That said, you can work around this oddity by using the method in my previous post.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #995
It seems that this problem cannot be solved fully solved with the workaround. There is still a small vertical line.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #996
How can I make it so that all groups have equal separation between all of them?

Attempt 1 - minimum row height: $add(%el_item_count%,6). Singles displays fine, but album separation is too big.
Attempt 2 - minimum row height: $add(%el_item_count%,2). Album separation is fine, but singles get cut.

I know it must be some simple math but I'm really bad at it.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #997
How can I make it so that all groups have equal separation between all of them?

This may or may not work if you add it to the end of the Track list script. Colors can altered too whatever you need. It essentially adds a blank row between each entry in the playlist. It's probable you would need to figure out a size for the artwork that works on albums and singles.

Another option is to create two playlist views and assign them to specific playlists. EG: albums and singles. Playlists would have to be named accordingly, but would automatically switch to whatever view was in focus at the moment. This doesn't help for a mixed playlist though.

Code: [Select]

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #998
Wow! First of all thanks very much for the quick response. Didn't expect this to get any traction at all.

I tried your first solution, but it doesn't seem to do anything that affects the size of the group, or the separation. I don't entirely understand the code so I tried changing all values with random numbers, but I'm afraid nothing did much other than putting on a grey line. Regarding the other idea, I really can't do it because I browse mostly by artist so EPs/Singles and LPs are mixed together constantly.

Beside this - any chance you could assist me with this frustrating issue that I've been fighting around would be MUCH appreciated:

I'm looking for a way to have a ❤ placed dynamically at the end of every track title with a rating of 5. I have it placed, but it's written along with the track name, so the color is shared with the text, while I want a red heart.

This is the code I'm using:

Code: [Select]
    $drawtextex([%track artist%' - '][%title%] ❤,$add(%art_size%,115),5,$sub(%el_width%,
    $add(%art_size%,320)),%el_height%,$get(text_color),vcenter end_ellipsis)

I really can't have it sit permanently like a column because it defeats the purpose of immediately seeing which songs I like. And there's basically no space to put it as a column without obstructing some other element either.

Re: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #999
My bad. I completely forgot you also need to add this to your Grouping (tab) under the 'Minimum row number of group' input box. It has been a while since I set mine up so sorry for the error there.

Code: [Select]

That should fix the gap to one row between album entry then.