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Topic: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter (Read 429081 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #100
Will you release a hotfix or a new version?

if i can fix all these new bugs or changes (developper only knows ...) i'll make a new release of my configs to make them compatible with this new version, if there is onnly one new problem that i can't fix, i'll do nothing and wait for a new release more clean ...

i check what other can have be changed ... tests continue

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #101
truncating the command path do not resolve all the buttons i use in IBIZA or KUNG-FOO configs ...

i wait for a fixed new version of Panel Stack Splitter, i come back to previous version and wait for news from the developper, i hope he will find what's wrong in this new release...

good luck to him and thanx by advance.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #102
The code:
$imagebutton(50,50,50,50,C:\Programme\foobar2000_9.5.5\images\play.png,C:\Programme\foobar2000_9.5.5\images\playH.png,COMMAND:Play or Pause;REFRESH,,)


[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #103
The code:
$imagebutton(50,50,50,50,C:\Programme\foobar2000_9.5.5\images\play.png,C:\Programme\foobar2000_9.5.5\images\playH.png,COMMAND:Play or Pause;REFRESH,,)


i know, i've said it in a previous post above  (#99) but some other commands still don"t work, example :

$imagebutton(154,1,25,25,'./images/ibiza/bt/fav-off.png','./images/ibiza/bt/fav-on.png',CONTEXT:'Edit/Add to Current Playlist',,)

changed in ==>

$imagebutton(154,1,25,25,'./images/ibiza/bt/fav-off.png','./images/ibiza/bt/fav-on.png',CONTEXT:'Add to Current Playlist',,)

still do not work ! just an example

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #104
This bug is fixed now. Thanks to the dev.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #105

The code:
$imagebutton(50,50,50,50,C:\Programme\foobar2000_9.5.5\images\play.png,C:\Programme\foobar2000_9.5.5\images\playH.png,COMMAND:Play or Pause;REFRESH,,)


i know, i've said it in a previous post above  (#99) but some other commands still don"t work, example :

$imagebutton(154,1,25,25,'./images/ibiza/bt/fav-off.png','./images/ibiza/bt/fav-on.png',CONTEXT:'Edit/Add to Current Playlist',,)

changed in ==>

$imagebutton(154,1,25,25,'./images/ibiza/bt/fav-off.png','./images/ibiza/bt/fav-on.png',CONTEXT:'Add to Current Playlist',,)

still do not work ! just an example

ok, make it works, all is fine now, but have to be fixed anyway please, not very clean no ?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #106
v0.3.5.1a is out !! command-path problems fixed

@ dev:
thanx a lot to the dev for reactivity to fix this bug, it works fine now

%isplaying% is always not supported, is it on your to do list ?


[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #108
new bug found in last version :

alpha parameter do not work anymore with $drawimage (not tested $imageabs yet)

example :


==> alpha-070 not actived, it stay to 255 by default

@ developper : thanx by advance for fixing this bug please

keep the good work and thanx for this nice component

other bug found in last version :

==> always with $drawimage in PSS or $imageabs too, pictures are not visible in a PSS after showing it, reappear sometimes after a track change !!

in fact, the problem is only with $imageabs which do not work  ... $drawimage works but this function is working worth than $imageabs , picture resize is ugly with $drawimage, not smooth at all (nice in $imageabs)

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #109
another bug with $drawrect function, offset is lower of one pixel than in previous version ... very strange !

a $drawrect coded to draw a rect 10x10 is now painted in 9x9 pixels !!!

@dev : could you fix it too ?


[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #110
@ developper :

ANOTHER bug in v0.3.5.x new version of PSS :

- i use Chronflow panel in a PSS panel, and in the new version of PSS, the chronflow option that allow to find a cover (positionning) by typing the key <=> first letter of the display (%artist% - %album%) no more work

here is the chronflow setting that allow this, it is checked but do not work !!, tested in 0.3.4 and it works fine, so, it is due to your update.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #111
Actually the last bug report isn't just limited to letters or the arrows. It just refuses to take any keyboard command with this version.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #112
Playback on hitting enter key stopped working with above version.
Back to stable version.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #113
i go back to the stable version 0.3.4.

i hope the dev. will fix the new release asap

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #114

is there any guide on using this component? I'm interested in making buttons to switch layout (display or hide certain panels). I knew hot to do it in Panels UI using pvars. How can I do it in Panel Stack Splitter?

Also is it possible to use this component as a replacement for Track Info (Mod)? I think it should work or are there any drawbacks?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #115

is there any guide on using this component? I'm interested in making buttons to switch layout (display or hide certain panels). I knew hot to do it in Panels UI using pvars. How can I do it in Panel Stack Splitter?

Also is it possible to use this component as a replacement for Track Info (Mod)? I think it should work or are there any drawbacks?

the embbeded txt file give you all what you need (commands, synthax, examples); you just have to translate it (google do the job) except if you read japanese.

no more PVAR in PSS, no way to keep permanenet variables. we could think that it can replace trackinfo_mod but it depends of what you need, because there are lack in PSS :
- %isplaying% do not work
- Commands for buttons in PSS are limited if you compare with PanelsUI or Trackinfo_mod, for example, there is no way to set TAGs from buttons or to set variables (i miss that)

PSS display image is better than TrackInfo_Mod => better handling of memory usage to free them when they are no more displayed or replaced by another (big lack in TrackInfo mod that make grower and growser the amount of memory)

just try to learn!

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #116
Thanks a lot for your information. I know I could have tried it all myself, but it would take many hours to find it out.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #117
Found two little cosmetical bugs in PSS (maybe already mentioned):
- when switching between two panels in tab stack, there is always a white flash (i have a very dark background, so it is very annoying)
- on foobar startup the first button i've set in PSS always shows the mousehover image instead of the normal one until i move the mouse over any button in PSS or over album art-image
- same with the last button, but it shows the mousehover-image coincidentally...

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #118
there are many bugs to fix in the last version of PSS ... i hope this could be fix by the dev...

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #119
May anybody help me?

I want to add a button that changes appearance if a special panel is shown.

This is my string:
Code: [Select]

It only shows up the lyric buttons but without any function.
What's wrong with my code?

Btw. the two panels are the same size and the same position, album list panel is hidden on startup.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #120

You migth try something like this:

Code: [Select]
Here goes the code for the button when the lyrics panel is shown
now the button when the lyrics panel is hidden

...and for the command, use SHOWPANEL:'Lyrics':$if($isvisible_c(Lyrics),0,1)
<insert signature here>

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #121
Ok thanks, i'll try it.

The same, except that i have non-functional album list buttons now...

I will specify my problem:
I have two same-sized, same-positioned panels and want to switch between them with one button.
But the button has to show "album list" symbol when lyrics panel is shown and "lyrics" symbol when album list panel ist shown.
Maybe my code is totally wrong, so can anybody give me an example code for this?
(I'm a total newbie in title formatting. Have begun with it this week, as i tried to change appearance of foobar2000)
The japanese readme is not really helpful and the google or babelfish translations are like japanese with well-known letters...
(I only understand about a quarter of the translates sentences...)

I just saw that i forgot two commas before the last bracket in my code. Added them, but without any effect...

Ok. At least i got PSS to switch between two panels with two different buttons and this code:
Code: [Select]

But how to do it with one button with different symbols for lyrics and album list?

Btw. the above mentioned "flash"-bug is gone since i removed tab stack. Might has been a problem with it in PSS...

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #122
@developper (ssenna ?) :

i would love a such panel for field replacement in Panel Stack Splitter like done in ELPlaylist settings :

that would make code more clear and easy configuration of parameters ...

i hope you will done it in e next release of this wonderfull component.

Thanx by advance

PS: back to version but a big bug to fix in priority is the $drawimage() function that do not support the alpha OPTION no moren always opacity set to 255 even i set a lower value (i.e 125 to make the image transparent ...)
$drawimage() has a better handle of memory usage (cache?)


[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #123
I'll stay on 0.3.4 because with i can't use keyboard shortcuts.
Or is it fixed now?

You have two very good skins made with ibiza and kung-foo, so i think you are very good in using PSS 
Did you have a solution for my above mentioned problem?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #124

I told you... did you use the $if($isvisible_c(Lyrics),  ...  ,  ...  ) ?

Look 3 posts above.
<insert signature here>