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Topic: [Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter (Read 418628 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter


I just tried this Plugin and I think it is fantastic. It is a bit like panel ui but a bit more user friendly.It is still in developement and it is in alpha state, but for me it works fine.
As its name says it is a plugin for columns ui.

Screenshot of the dialog:

[a href="" target="_blank"]

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #1
How do you get the splitter settings up?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #2
wow, this is good news. im going to watch this component for a while before i use it. if it can do have of the things possible with panels ui i will be impressed.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #3
How do you get the splitter settings up?

Go to Preferences Displa|Columns ui and then the layout tab

1. Use a horizontal Splitter as base, then insert the panel stack splitter.
2. Then you can add the panels you want.You can also use foo_uie_tabs.
3. Mark the panel stack splitter and press the button "configure"

Now you can see the posted picture of the splitter settings.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #4
I would like to hear the foobar dev's take on this before using it.

Is this implementation better than panels_ui (which I never used because it's buggyness and memory eating skills)

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #5

How do you get the splitter settings up?

Go to Preferences Displa|Columns ui and then the layout tab

1. Use a horizontal Splitter as base, then insert the panel stack splitter.
2. Then you can add the panels you want.You can also use foo_uie_tabs.
3. Mark the panel stack splitter and press the button "configure"

Now you can see the posted picture of the splitter settings.

Thanks - got it now.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #6
My opinion is: Eew, titleformatting abuse.
Why can't people realize that an embedded scripting language used for formatting song titles should not be so horribly abused. Just because you have a hammer doesn't mean that all problems are nails.
If I ever finish my UI components, you can be assured that I will never use title formatting for anything else than formatting titles.
Stay sane, exile.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #7
I would like to hear the foobar dev's take on this before using it.

Is this implementation better than panels_ui (which I never used because it's buggyness and memory eating skills)

only true for memory eating (if you use pictures thru $imageabs2() function), no bugs in recommended versions (0.13.8 and 0.14.9)

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #8
I would like to hear the foobar dev's take on this before using it.

Is this implementation better than panels_ui (which I never used because it's buggyness and memory eating skills)

interesting, you havent used the component, yet you say its buggy and memory eating? perhaps that is the case when you get people filling it with ridiculous amounts o' crap. ive been using panelsui/columns ui for years and i like to think that my config is stable and resource friendly yet very complex and functional. but not bloated like half the crap you see in ppl's screenshots.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #9
interesting, you havent used the component, yet you say its buggy and memory eating? perhaps that is the case when you get people filling it with ridiculous amounts o' crap. ive been using panelsui/columns ui for years and i like to think that my config is stable and resource friendly yet very complex and functional. but not bloated like half the crap you see in ppl's screenshots.

Well. I have used it for a total of a quarter of an hour.
And that brought on some crashes and a huge memory usage.

And that was with some of the more well known configs, like fofr's.
But you are probably right. and I guess resource friendly differs from person to person.

But enough about Panels UI.
How are the memory usage and stability of this one?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #10
Please let's get  back to topic.

How are the memory usage and stability of this one?

I don't know. Since this component is in alpha status and in devellopement there are no reliable informations.

I don't even know who many people are testing or using this component.

Maybe the people here can collect some informations?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #11
My opinion is: Eew, titleformatting abuse.
Why can't people realize that an embedded scripting language used for formatting song titles should not be so horribly abused. Just because you have a hammer doesn't mean that all problems are nails.
If I ever finish my UI components, you can be assured that I will never use title formatting for anything else than formatting titles.

My thoughts exactly. My god, can't we just have a component that makes use of XML config files or something?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #13
I am starting to like this component a lot.
One bug, i cant find a way to use %width% and %height% in panels positions like top or height.

The one thing i hope for this component is the notitlebar feature + alpha blending for background picture under XP. That way we could do HUD skins

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #14
You can use %width% and %height% under width and height. Or do I understand something wrong?

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #15
doesnt work for me

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #16
Dear develloper hopefully you will read this thread:
I have a button in a Track Display. When the playback is playing it shows a pause button and when playback is paused or stopped it shows a play button. This is the track display code:
$if($or(%ispaused%,$not(%isplaying%)),I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackplay.png,I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackpause.png),
$if($or(%ispaused%,$not(%isplaying%)),I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackplaygold.png,I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackpausegold.png),

I tried to adept this in the panel splitter. I modded the code to fit the new sytax but still the image won't change.

Is this behavior intended? Did I make something wrong in coding?

Maybe someone else who uses this plugin can help me.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #17
Dear develloper hopefully you will read this thread:
I have a button in a Track Display. When the playback is playing it shows a pause button and when playback is paused or stopped it shows a play button. This is the track display code:
$if($or(%ispaused%,$not(%isplaying%)),I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackplay.png,I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackpause.png),
$if($or(%ispaused%,$not(%isplaying%)),I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackplaygold.png,I:\foobar2000_0.9.5.1\PanelsUI\default\images\Inas Metalseries\Blackpausegold.png),

I tried to adept this in the panel splitter. I modded the code to fit the new sytax but still the image won't change.

Is this behavior intended? Did I make something wrong in coding?

Maybe someone else who uses this plugin can help me.

I am not sure you can do it with %isplaying%, i think it s something like %el_isplaying% (working in EL_playlist anyway)

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #18
Hmm in the translation this isn't mentioned anyway. I will try this.

Okay another question.Could someone give an example how to use $showpanel?

From online translation of a side with explanations:
$showpanel (), $showpanel_c () †
Code: [Select]
$showpanel (i, sh), $showpanel_c (caption and sh)

I: Some turn with the child panel list (counting from 0)
Caption: Panel caption name
0: Non indication
1: Indication

Indication and non indicatory modification function of panel

Maybe it is a translation problem but I don't understand what "some turn with the child panel list" means.

Can someone explain this?
I wanted to create buttons,which works as tabs, but I had problems to get it work.

I must say that I hate that there is no english wiki with examples. If there was one it would be a lot easier for me.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #19
Well, that is the index of the panel in panel list starts from 0. E.g.: you have two panels in the panel list then the first will have i=0 and the 2nd will have i=1. You can use this function with if to alternate between panels.
That's what I remember when I half translated (it was raw though) this component readme (I threw the result away though).

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #20
2 Spirit_of_the_ocean
Here is example of excellent work

$showpanel (Album Art,1)  //show Album Art
$showpanel (Album Art,0)  //hide Album Art

Album Art to be on the list Panel Stack Splitter
name must match so that the list

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #21
@grounder: Did you use the wrong function?

EDIT: $showpanel is used with panel index and $showpanel_c is used with panel caption.

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #23
Can anyone here contact a component author? Maybe there are japanese users on HA :-) In any case, I have a few suggestions:
  • reailize support of %isplaying%/%ispaused%/etc events that we can use one imagebutton for play/pause, as example
  • call Per Second code every 1 sec + every seeking event. It's important for the PowerPanels when we need to manualy draw some seeking progress w/o any delays. PanelsUI has no this problem...
  • maybe support tabulation in the editor window? Or code coloring, it would be very nice
Thinking Outside The Box

[Not my release] foo_uie_panel_splitter

Reply #24
call Per Second code every 1 sec + every seeking event. It's important for the PowerPanels when we need to manualy draw some seeking progress w/o any delays. PanelsUI has no this problem...

fixed now! :-)

Panel Stack Splitter v0.3.4a (2008/05/31). Translated by Google:
・Drawstring option to add a glow.
・Not use font was fixed.
・sometimes seek to evaluate the fixes.

download page
Thinking Outside The Box