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Topic: foo_uie_graphical_browser (Read 250321 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #250
Though the component sadly seems to be dead I updated it's wikipage.

Everyone is welcomed to extend information there. It would be also useful if someone could provide a regular download link (not RS).


Reply #251
Download link for latest version with translation. I threw in the code I used with it before abandoning this component in my foobar config.


Reply #253
From the day, I got ngplaylist in CUI and now I use es_playlist in DUI which provides the same features I use in ng and more.


Reply #254
Generally speaking, I like this component but there's one little thing that's slowly driving me insane! I have one or two albums which I've compiled into my own personal "Best Of" for a particular artist and sometimes this browser shows the compilation exactly as I intended but sometimes it doesn't. I cannot figure out why. I made the compilations in exactly the same manner, employing the same forms of tagging for all the sound files yet one album will appear in the list while another is completely ignored. If you look at the screen-shot you'll see I'm highlighting one compilation from Embrace, titled My Collection and using a custom made "Folder.jpg" image for album art. Now, also residing in my library at this point is another such compilation for Godley & Creme also titled My Collection and using a custom made "Folder.jpg" image for album art but it refuses to display. Does anyone have similar experience of this or have any idea what could be causing it? If I can't sort it my only option will be to split up these collections into their individual albums which seems a bit dumb considering I've only taken one track from an album in many cases!

Thanks for any help you can give with this.


Reply #255

I am a beginner at foobar2000. I really like this plugin but, I can't make it display album covers

All of my music are MP3 files with embedded album art. In other words the album art is coded into each song. I have absolutely no idea what file name the album art has inside the ID3 tag's though...

Can anyone please help me?

Thanks so much


Reply #256
i'll make it really easy for you. it doesn't support embedded album art.


Reply #257
Thanks for letting me know at least
Do you know any other plugin that might do the same thing only with embedded album art then?


Reply #258
Would really love a viable DUI alternative to this.... Seriously, dying for it


Reply #259
you can achieve something similar with EsPlaylist (works with DUI and CUI) in "browse library" mode with "side info" turned off.


Reply #260
Sorry don't bother to read I managed to do what I wanted
Decalicatan Decalicatan


Reply #261
Nice to see this plugin is still valuable to some...Been using it for over 3 years without any failure.  Thought I'd share the screenshots making this plugin a major reason I use Foobar.  I've incorporated it into Columns UI as a side scroller for my entire collection along with Lyric Show Panel and Quick Search toolbar. All images appear with a CD case image overlay and reflection overlay.

Hovering over each CD cover pops up the rear CD cover:

Doubling clicking on any CD cover brings up the selectable album track list:

...An awesome Foobar component deserving of greater attention and further development (need to cache cover images!)


Reply #262

can share you config?
I lOVE CD cover View Too!!

Nice to see this plugin is still valuable to some...Been using it for over 3 years without any failure.  Thought I'd share the screenshots making this plugin a major reason I use Foobar.  I've incorporated it into Columns UI as a side scroller for my entire collection along with Lyric Show Panel and Quick Search toolbar. All images appear with a CD case image overlay and reflection overlay.

Hovering over each CD cover pops up the rear CD cover:

Doubling clicking on any CD cover brings up the selectable album track list:

...An awesome Foobar component deserving of greater attention and further development (need to cache cover images!)


Reply #264
Guys, can anyone give a hand? I have GB in my config (well not mine but the one I'm using, one of Br3tt's) and it has been working fine for 7 years but recently I've noticed I can't use it jump navigate my library autoplaylist. Only this one, it works in all other playlists and autoplaylists, that's quite strange.



Reply #265
Is this Artist filter (alphabetic) thing is made is made of using graphical browser popups??
Can someone please let me how to do it??


Reply #266
is it possible to make border flashing with two different colours,
when album is in focus?

I've found this variable %gb_length_seconds%, but hadn't any chance to get it run

that's the code now:




Reply #267
Guys, can anyone give a hand? I have GB in my config (well not mine but the one I'm using, one of Br3tt's) and it has been working fine for 7 years but recently I've noticed I can't use it jump navigate my library autoplaylist. Only this one, it works in all other playlists and autoplaylists, that's quite strange.

could you tell me the name of this skin???please


Reply #268
Is this Artist filter (alphabetic) thing is made is made of using graphical browser popups??
Can someone please let me how to do it??

could you tell me the name of this skin???please

Re: foo_uie_graphical_browser

Reply #269
Is it possible to 'group' only currently playing album? Even though the main playlist is now populated with everything from particular artist...?

Re: foo_uie_graphical_browser

Reply #270
Can anyone help me identify the problem with the script I have? With the help of customdb tag %play_count_cd%, I'm trying to get GB to display play counts by albums.

But for some reason, I do not get correct counts -- in this case on half the albums, usually on those with more plays.

Real counts...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I guess GB probably is not the best element to do this (JScript panel better?), but if it actually can, would greatly appreciate the help.


Re: foo_uie_graphical_browser

Reply #271
It seems this component has for some reason a maximum item with size of 500px. Whatever I do, it doesn't seem to want to go beyond 500px. Can anyone confirm this? For example item width is set at 600, I draw a rectangle with the same size but it cuts off at 500px, same goes for text and images. Everything just gets cut off. Yes I know this is an old component and hasn't been updated in a while but it still works great except for this minor issue.

Re: foo_uie_graphical_browser

Reply #272
Please, help with title formatting:

This line:

artreader compatibility please?

Re: foo_uie_graphical_browser

Reply #273
artreader compatibility please?
Are you referring to the default Artview, configurable via Preferences > Display?
If so, then just replace the colored part with what you have there for the front cover.
