Current Version: 0.19
Download / Source code / Screenshot
30/03/08: I won't do any further release. The source code zip must be unpacked into the SDK directory containing the foobar2000 sub-directory and the columns ui SDK must be installed.
A modified TagLib is included.
- fix: upped max number of characters for titleformat strings from 256 to 2048
- add: quick'n'dirty 2D layout mode similar to foo_graphical_browser, but less configurable
- add: mouse action mappings for right-click
- add: new mouse actions: "Display context menu", "Add to active playlist and play", "Send to active playlist and play"
- chg: ENTER do the same action than the one bound to left click (on central cover).
- chg: if there several monitor used, fullscreen use the same monitor as the one used by foobar window (previously it always used the primary display)
- fix: could not bind a coverflow to the first playlist
- fix: bound playlist changed if entering the config context menu and cancelling
- add: a coverflow can now be bound to any playlist (or the active playlist, as before)
- add: configurable actions for single click, ctrl+click, shift click on covers
- add: context menu is displayed when right clicking on any cover
- chg: if there are several pictures in the id3v2 or flac tag, preferred order is "Front Cover", "Other", "First valid image"
- fix: adding tracks to a playlist refreshes the coverflow
- fix: potential crash when loading embedded art in a playlist entry not bound to a file anymore
- add: support for embedded covert art:
- mp3: ID3V2 tag
- FLAC: FLAC tag or ID3V2 tag
- ogg: image embedded in COVERTART vorbis comment, encoded as base64
- mpc: APEv2 tag
- fix: mipmaps setting remembered but mipmaps not generated on foobar relaunch
- fix: crash when playing, on next track change if playing track was not in the active playlist and "playback follow cursor" was disabled
- fix: hack to make switching to fullscreen with Panel UI work without artifacts
- chg: made the rendering of covers more bright
- fix: bad read of config was causing a "Uncaught exception: Unsupported or corrupted file format" error popup
- fix: click in panel if playlist was empty crashed foobar
- fix attempt: sometimes reflection displayed over text
v 0.12
- add: custom no cover display
- add: flat lighting + reflections, both switchable on/off
- add: visual quality improvments: mipmapping (if not using GL_EXT_rectangle or GL_ARB_rectangle), anisotropic filtering and sync to vblank to avoid artifacts when zooming.
This should looks much better if the panel has a small size
- add: double-clicking on the center cover will pause the track if it is playing
- add: new keyboard shortcuts: HOME/END go to start/end of playlist, PGUP/PGDN move + or - 10 covers, ENTER is equivalent to double-click on central cover (play/pause)
- fix: in standalone window mode clicking on the close icon in the window frame remembers the state on next foobar launch (same if hitting ESC)
- fix: double-click on a cover, if not the front cover, just put it to the front instead of going fullscreen
- fix: now load covers if full cover filename contains characters > 127 (text display still doesn't work with these)
- fix: remove critical and less useful ever error message in the console (thanks foosion)
The plugin can work either as a UI panel or a standalone window (found in the view menu), and a fullscreen mode for both. I'll make it a UI element when the SDK for it is available.
The plugin uses OpenGL for rendering, and if your hardware support it, Full Scene Antialiasing is used to eliminate jaggies.
You configure the cover source in the configuration panel (right click in the window for the configuration). The default is folder.jpg.
The cover flow display is a view of the active playlist, and works much like the itunes component. Acting on the active playlist affects the Cover flow and vice versa.
Double-click : on the window background, toggle fullscreen
left click or ENTER: On the front cover, start/pause the associated album (by default), on other covers bring them to front
SHIFT+left click: add to active playlist (by default)
CTRL+left click: send to active playlist (by default)
right click: display context menu (by default)
SHIFT+right click: add to active playlist and play (by default)
CTRL+right click: send to active playlist and play (by default)
mousewheel or arrow keys: move forward / backward one cover
PGUP/PGDN: move forward / backward +/- 5 covers
HOME/END: go to first/last cover
CTRL + mousewheel or CRTL + UP/DOWN arrow: move backward / forward the camera
SHFT + mousewheel or CRTL + UP/DOWN arrow: increase/descrese the field of view (fov).
Fullscreen and window mode have separate camera/fov which are saved to config (as well as window size/position for the standalone window mode). Experiment with those 2 settings for custom displays
ESC: in fullscreen mode, go back to fullscreen mode. In a standalone window, close the window
Click on a cover to bring it to the front
The playing track's cover is automatically put to the front after 10 seconds. You can change it or disable it in the configuration panel.
By default 5 covers are displayed which is fast and low on memory usage. You can increase this value in the configuration for cool displays. It can slow with high values as it's not very optimized. The default of 5 tracks use about 5Mb of RAM for the whole component.
There is room for plenty of improvment and eye-candy, but more on that later!
Known bugs
- "Playback follow cursor" must be enabled for double ckicking on front cover to play album to work
- fixed in 0.14 mipmaps setting remembered but mipmaps not generated on foobar relaunch
- fixed in 0.14 crash when playing, on next track change if playing track was not in the active playlist and "playback follow cursor" was disabled
- fixed in 0.14, needs more testing When used with Panels UI, problems with fullscreen not restoring properly, keyboard focus an other sort of weird bugs not present with Columns UI
- fixed in 0.12 Standalone window does not store its closed state when closed using the X icon in the window frame
- fixed in 0.12 Sometimes cover not displayed if track title has special characters (é, à, etc)
- crash reported when clicking on the center cover after chaging the active playlist