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Topic: foo_winamp_ipc (Read 83525 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_winamp_ipc create a fake winamp window to handle winamp IPC(Inter-process communication) commands.
Using IPC is a easy way to control foobar or receive information by outer applications.

This component use completely callback object to keep information, event under frequently query wouldn't impact on foobar.
It has also implemented some useful functions, like progress seeking, volume control, song info, etc.

The list of supported command, please see below link.
Download: (41.0 KB)

Changes in v0.1.3:
*USE lookup table for GET/SET volume.
*ADD 9 new commands. (See homepage for details.)
Changes in v0.1.2:
*FIX on_playback_edited would crash.


Reply #1
Thanx Yiting,
Very nicely done. Totally non-intrusive and fully functional


Reply #2
don't think it works with 0.9.5(can't find Winamp IPC title).


Reply #3
doesn't work


Reply #4
don't think it works with 0.9.5(can't find Winamp IPC title).

Sorry i am not yet testing it on 0.9.5 

According to my trying, it could still work currently.
But i also didn't know why foobar didn't show 'Winamp IPC title' in 'Advenced->Display->Legacy title formatting settings'.
maybe that is foobar's bug? or i should consider show that in different way.


Reply #5
But i also didn't know why foobar didn't show 'Winamp IPC title' in 'Advenced->Display->Legacy title formatting settings'.
maybe that is foobar's bug? or i should consider show that in different way.

Not a bug. That branch only shows legacy title formatting strings exposed by foobar2000 itself. You should either create a separate preferences page for your component, or create your own entry on the Advanced preferences page.


Reply #6
Thanks a lot Yiting!!! 
With your plugin, now I can use "Fadeamp 2" to control the crossfading over two seperate foobar instances, just like if'd be using a hardware output mixer.
I had been looking for this ability for a long, long time.
It works flawless with 0.9.5 b1.

Thanks again! 


Reply #7
Thank you for a plugin.
It is full unicode compatibile? I have a problem with names such as "グッドバイ" or "佐藤タイジ" and i don't know if it is a plugin issue or my end-software.


Reply #8
Thank you for a plugin.
It is full unicode compatibile? I have a problem with names such as "?????" or "?????" and i don't know if it is a plugin issue or my end-software.

It partially depends on the application which is fetching the data, but the old standard Winamp API doesn't support Unicode.
As a matter of fact, when I was implementing it for my emulation, I came across some undocumented wide-char commands which should handle this, but I don't know whether they are really used by any plugins. If you will give it a try, you can get it here - you don't have to set up anything, just having the component loaded should do.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #9
As a matter of fact, when I was implementing it for my emulation, I came across some undocumented wide-char commands which should handle this, but I don't know whether they are really used by any plugins. If you will give it a try, you can get it here - you don't have to set up anything, just having the component loaded should do.

No difference but I tested it only by very old/strange pair - (Python Winamp Controller) and BBinterface (which I hardly suppose to understand Unicode)... Hmm, "Now playing" screensaver also shows only "?????".


Reply #10
Now as I think of it, I was saying BS a bit. If what you are after is current track title, then it's just the standard window title of the "main Winamp window", as it is. And this is set by fb2k in unicode (I belive that by both components, though not sure about this one).
So it looks like the problem is on the receiver's side - either it does use only ANSI version of GetWindowText() to get the window title, or it's then trying to display it as ANSI text only. Any way, the special characters are lost during conversion somewhere. If it was a font issue, there would most probably be "the squares", not questionmarks.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #11
Fix the problem with title formatting settings in 0.9.5.
And now, you can Enable/Disable it anytime  .


Reply #12
Thnx for the update.

Any chance getting this to work with mIRC/nbs-script?


Reply #13
Finally a winamp plugin worth its salt! But here's a question: is there any way to get the playlist number to show up instead of the track number? I thought  replacing %tracknumber% with %playlist_number% would work, but no luck there.


Reply #14
The field you want is called %list_index%. You'd know yourself if you'd clicked the item called "Title Formatting Help" in the Help main menu and read that nifty document. If you have a main menu, that is.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #15
I've already tried that, as well as going through all of the related formatting strings, and none have worked. I assume this feature is impossible through the winamp ipc menu, but it was a stupid mistake for me to think that something working through Foobar would also work in Winamp. In other words, I probably went about this the wrong way, but even when going to title formatting in the main menu, it doesn't work properly. Thus, I assume it's simply a problem on my end, and an unimportant one at that, so for now I'm letting it be. Threadjack over, sorry to bother.


Reply #16
Ah, yes, the %list_index% works only when enumerating playlist - it is not available to the component for "currently playing item".

However, if "a problem on my end" means you are creating another interface for this information yourself, you might use IPC_GETLISTPOS. (If this message is supported by foo_winamp_ipc - I don't know.)
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #17
hm.. i know my formatting string isn't very short, or simple.. but this one used to work in winamp_spam just fine.. yet in this one it shits bricks.
any idea why? (it only seems to want to display something like 50 chars anyway.. is that a hard limit imposed?)

Code: [Select]
[$if2(%composer%,%artist%)]$iflonger([$meta(artist,0)],2, '{'%album%'}' - [%tracknumber%. ], - )[%title%[ {%contentgroup%}]][, Performed by: $iflonger([%conductor%],2,%conductor%',' %ensemble%[ - %performer%],$iflonger([%ensemble%],2,%ensemble%[ - [%performer%]],[%performer%]))][ '('%date%')']


Reply #18
Because foobar not just have single playlist, so IPC_GETLISTPOS/IPC_GETLISTLENGTH would always focus on Playing playlist (not Activate playlist).

Those still only use callback object to maintain internal variables, any problem please report here


Reply #19
Sorry for update again.

In v0.1.3 has finished almost all IPC commands, hopes everyone to enjoy it.


Reply #20
This worked for a while with Digsby, but for some reason, it's no longer working.  It just appears that Digsby isn't picking up on the commands for some reason.  Is this a bug with Digsby or with the plugin?

Thanks for your continued development. 


Reply #21
But i also didn't know why foobar didn't show 'Winamp IPC title' in 'Advenced->Display->Legacy title formatting settings'.
maybe that is foobar's bug? or i should consider show that in different way.

Not a bug. That branch only shows legacy title formatting strings exposed by foobar2000 itself. You should either create a separate preferences page for your component, or create your own entry on the Advanced preferences page.

I was wondering how can I do that? Could you please provide a more in depth explanation/example.

I can't get CD Art Display to work with foobar 9.5.3.
Thank you very much.


Reply #22
This worked for a while with Digsby, but for some reason, it's no longer working.  It just appears that Digsby isn't picking up on the commands for some reason.  Is this a bug with Digsby or with the plugin?

Thanks for your continued development. 

Id also like to know.. Digsby + foobar = 


Reply #23

This worked for a while with Digsby, but for some reason, it's no longer working.  It just appears that Digsby isn't picking up on the commands for some reason.  Is this a bug with Digsby or with the plugin?

Thanks for your continued development. 

Id also like to know.. Digsby + foobar = works with Digsby.  I think there's something broken in this component right now.


Reply #24
This worked for a while with Digsby, but for some reason, it's no longer working.  It just appears that Digsby isn't picking up on the commands for some reason.  Is this a bug with Digsby or with the plugin?

Thanks for your continued development. 

I finally have chance to try Digsby
According to my test, Digsby use a special hack IPC_GETPLAYLISTTITLE for get music title, this message should be only used by internal plug-in.
This message not support unicode encoding, so not be implemented and report a null value.
I think Digsby should check the return value to solve this problem, or I may release another version without playlist support.