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Topic: Discussion of "Default UI Gallery" (Read 409899 times) previous topic - next topic
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Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #354
cool, thanks.
I'm going to have a look at that.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #355
I've noticed a bunch of themes in the gallery thread have quite a narrow window. How does one go about constraining the window size like this (so not just individual panels, but the right/bottom 'edges')?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #356
You can resize the main window as you like, if it's not consisting solely of locked splitters.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #359
could you share the script for that? I like it a lot

install the WSH panel mod component -
goto file>preferences>tools>WSH panel mod. uncheck the option labelled "safe mode".
now add a WSH panel to your layout.

download this -

extract the contents into your main foobar directory. now open your new WSH panel mod panel config dialog. use the "Import" button and browse to your

foobar directory\other WSH samples (new)\now playing.txt

it uses to get the background images. you can read more about how it works here...

@nickdc, when adding a panel to your layout, you'll find "tabs" listed under "containers" in the "add new UI element" dialog.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #360
Thanks mark, but where is "add new ui element"? I can't find it...

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #361
oh right, i thought you would know how to use "layout editing mode". this is found on the "view>layout" menu.

but before trying that, i suggest you have a play around with the "create scratchbox" option first. using this, you can experiment with how too add/replace panels. a few minutes messing around with that and you'll be ready to edit your main foobar layout.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #362
Ok i've found some guides on the web that say this:

Go to View -> Layout -> and click Create Scratchbox. You should get a window like the one below. This Scratchbox lets you mess with the interface without it actually applying until you tell it to.

But i have only these options in view menu with foobar 1.0, there isn't "Create Scratchbox":

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #363
seems like you're using columns ui, not default ui.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #364
Well, it works with default iu, thanks

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #366
@ marc2003, could u share your config please? thanks

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #368
^i've already posted instructions above for the panel. and you can't have the whole config because it's default UI.

@nickdc, that config is way old now. i don't have it anymore. it's simple to reproduce though. just mess around with the layout editor as i mentioned above. you'll soon get the hang of it.

the biography panel is in this download -

(follow the included instructions to install WSH panel mod and import the script. you'll then need a API KEY . right click the panel to set this and your username)

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #370
please how you added the star ratings???

it's part of marc2003's script samples for wsh panel mod, check the post above you for the link to the samples.

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #371
^i've already posted instructions above for the panel. and you can't have the whole config because it's default UI.

@nickdc, that config is way old now. i don't have it anymore. it's simple to reproduce though. just mess around with the layout editor as i mentioned above. you'll soon get the hang of it.

the biography panel is in this download -

(follow the included instructions to install WSH panel mod and import the script. you'll then need a API KEY . right click the panel to set this and your username)

Ok i got an api key from lastfm, but know i don't know in which line i need to set username and key in the text scripts...could u help me?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #373
Mmm...but after click on "import", which file i need to load?

Discussion of "Default UI Gallery"

Reply #374
you are joking, right?