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Topic: Nero AAC front-end app (Read 23198 times) previous topic - next topic
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Nero AAC front-end app

I've developed a Windows front-end for Nero's AAC encoder and I wondered if some people could try it out to see if it works okay on their machines:

Nero AAC front-end

Instructions to set it up are on here - basically you just need to download Nero's AAC encoder and decoder files and load them into the application via Options.

It also converts FLAC files to Nero AAC, and you need to load flac.exe via Options for that as well.

It supports tagging AAC files from FLAC files (with the English character set), and this requires neroAacTag.exe needs to be in the same directory as neroAacEnc or neroAacEnc_SSE.exe is in.

Any feedback would be much appreciated - could you say which version of Windows you're using please?

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #1
I was looking for a Nero AAC Encoder Front-End yesterday. Great that you ahve made one. I will try it out and also good that I can encode directly from FLAC.

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #2
I tried your GUI on both my home & work computers and I cannot get it to work. A box pops up saying "Cannot start decoding". I am using Nero and FLAC 1.2.1

EDIT: The program is working ok with WAV files, but not with FLAC.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #3
Thanks for letting me know. I've fixed the bug, so if you want to download the new version it should work okay now.

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #4
I HAVE SOME 320bps mp3 and i just want to convert them to aac at 99kbs to gain some storage space and transfer time

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #5
I was looking for a Nero AAC Encoder Front-End yesterday. Great that you ahve made one. I will try it out and also good that I can encode directly from FLAC.

Okay, nice one. If you have any problems with it could you post them on here please?

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #6
Thanks for letting me know. I've fixed the bug, so if you want to download the new version it should work okay now.

Indeed, the new version is working properly. Nice App, thanks!

Also, any chance to be able to drag & drop a file into the GUI for encoding?


Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #7
Thanks for letting me know. I've fixed the bug, so if you want to download the new version it should work okay now.

Indeed, the new version is working properly. Nice App, thanks!

No problem.

Also, any chance to be able to drag & drop a file into the GUI for encoding?

I'll add it to a to-do/wishlist for the program, but it might be some time before I get round to adding it, to be honest.

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #8
I made one of these for myself a while back, but I lost the source and never got it as good as I might like.
Have a look if you like, it might give you an idea or two...

The first thing I'd suggest is limiting the ranges available on the quality/bitrate slider when a profile is forced. Not all bitrates are supported with forced profiles, and neroAacEnc just aborts if you give it an unsupported value.
I experimented and found the approximate upper and lower limits (+/- 3kbps), so the work is done for you

Other than that, nice work.

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #9
I've developed a Windows front-end for Nero's AAC encoder and I wondered if some people could try it out to see if it works okay on their machines:

Any feedback would be much appreciated - could you say which version of Windows you're using please?

Awesome!  It works great on Windows Vista, so thanks a lot digitalradiotech!

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #10
Thanks for the UI.  I tried and it works really well.  I like the straight from FLAC to .m4a function.  As long as you're taking requests, I'd like to suggest an option to automatically create playlists as well as a way to hide the DOS Boxes.

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #11
For the request list;

- Drag and drop (has been mentioned earlier)

- Support for WavPack and Monkeys Audio as well
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #12
Okay, thanks for the feedback. I've added all of the above requests to my to-do list, but I don't know when I'll be able to get round to implementing them.

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #13
Any news regarding the updates on this nice little program?
//From the barren lands of the Northsmen

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #14
Why can't i choose 128kbps its either 127 or 132 ?

--- edit ---
ups found the "manuel" way now"
Sven Bent - Denmark

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #15
I have this problem too.
Nero AAC never encode accurate bitrate.
But I don't have this problem with Winamp's Coding Tech AAC encoder.

Nero AAC front-end app

Reply #16
I like this program, is it coded in VB? If your not going to develop it any more would you consider releasing the source? Not really any money to be made on something like this...