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Topic: Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split) (Read 192954 times) previous topic - next topic
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Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Now, a question

Is there a way to lock album art to now playing song only?

It's follow cursor only right now. and i don't see any setting anywhere.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #1
Every 2nd row in the playlist is a bit lighter/darker. The difference between them is too small for my taste. Can this be changed?
Yeah the new playlist grouping layout, isn't that exactly what musicmusic started a couple of weeks ago?

What files does the album art element look for, if none is embedded?

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #2
How does the albumart feature work for non-embedded art work? I am assuming that it is set up in Advanced -> Display, but nothing I try shows me the file in the viewer. My file structure is: "E:\My Music\Artist\Album\AlbumName.jpg"

Thanks in advance for the help.

I'm impressed that embedded art works so well with my FLAC, M4A & MP3 files.
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"Columnated Ruins Domino"

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #3
The new default UI is very nice, I'm playing with various things now. Only one drawback -- seems slow at the moment. Takes a second to restore from minimised state, slow when dragging windows over it. (900 Mhz processor here.)

What I found about Album Art Viewer's behaviour is that it works for the currently selected track, and only if cover filename is "cover", "front", "back" etc. I'd like to have more options, at least list of used paths with wildcards. Well, it's beta.

The way layout editing mode works is just great! What you're editing is easily visible, the mode is more intuitive than component tree in Columns UI preferences. Copy/paste is sometimes very useful.

Album List maybe needs an option to automatically create playlist of what's selected in it, like the panel in
Columns UI.
EDIT: okay, I can live with middle mouse-button for that!

Thanks Peter for many updates, like tracks grouping, Restore Playlist, improved Playlist Search, massive File Operations dialogue and, of course, Spectrum! (Which is slow too -- needs 7 sec to open).
stimulating the audio nerve directly

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #4
How does the albumart feature work for non-embedded art work? I am assuming that it is set up in Advanced -> Display, but nothing I try shows me the file in the viewer. My file structure is: "E:\My Music\Artist\Album\AlbumName.jpg"

It doesnt need any setup. It will automatically locate most typical external album-art. If you want to make absolutely sure, then just let your album art filenames end in "cover".
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #5
Every 2nd row in the playlist is a bit lighter/darker. The difference between them is too small for my taste. Can this be changed?
Yeah the new playlist grouping layout, isn't that exactly what musicmusic started a couple of weeks ago?

What files does the album art element look for, if none is embedded?

Rest assured this feature of 0.9.5 has been in development for quite awhile.
In the Advanced options pane, You have a setting for the default album art image.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #6
I'm also curious about what files albumart is looking for.

Embedded covers in APEv2 tags (Mp3Tag syle) doesn't seem to work. Image files are recognised when they have the file names "folder, front, back, disc,..." I guess.

Would be nice to show images which names include these keywords, so we can still have the artist, album, etc in the file names...

In the Advanced options pane, You have a setting for the default album art image.

What does "Album art stub image path" do exactly? Default image file name? Can I use TAGZ here or field names like %artist% and %album% and so on?

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #7
@Fandango: An absolute path to an image file, I believe. Not sure if title-formatting works or not.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #8
What does "Album art stub image path" do exactly? Default image file name? Can I use TAGZ here or field names like %artist% and %album% and so on?
I'd like to know that too. I keep all my covers in one folder and so far I had no luck setting up this feature.

Apart from that, I'm really glad to see custom grouping and all the other improvements that this beta brought: thank you!



Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #9
"Album art stub image path" (Edit: located at Preferences, Advanced, Display) sets an image that is displayed when no album art was found.

In other words, it's intended for pictures like you find in this thread.

The entered value has to be an absolute path to an image file, without any title formatting.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #10
I'm also curious about what files albumart is looking for.

Embedded covers in APEv2 tags (Mp3Tag syle) doesn't seem to work. Image files are recognised when they have the file names "folder, front, back, disc,..." I guess.

Would be nice to show images which names include these keywords, so we can still have the artist, album, etc in the file names...

Works fine with FLAC embedded covers (especially with the correctly added covers, it means --picture flac command-line option with TYPE param).
Thinking Outside The Box

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #11

Embedded covers in APEv2 tags (Mp3Tag syle) doesn't seem to work.

Works fine with FLAC embedded covers (especially with the correctly added covers, it means --picture flac command-line option with TYPE param).

Then I guess this hasn't been added (yet). Although Mp3Tag generally doesn't support editing the type of embedded covers, the default seems to be "Front". So it should work, if fb2k were able to read APEv2 covers.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #12
maybe a (small) bug:

When I add (or rename) a file as folder.jpg or cover.jpg for an album already present in the current playlist, the cover doesn't display even if I double click on any song (of the playlist). I either have to restart fb2k or to use another playlist and then return back to see it.
Minor inconveniance... discovered while trying to check which name I should give to external album art.
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Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #13
As a general observation: people in this thread are too focussed on configuration rather than usage and doing stuff with foobar. A significant amount of minor features... and possibilities to combine new features - havent been discovered yet, because people are more concerned with configuration rather than usage.

People wants to configure it properly before they use it. Doesn't that make sense? 

What does "Album art stub image path" do exactly? Default image file name? Can I use TAGZ here or field names like %artist% and %album% and so on?
I'd like to know that too. I keep all my covers in one folder and so far I had no luck setting up this feature.


Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #14
maybe a (small) bug:

When I add (or rename) a file as folder.jpg or cover.jpg for an album already present in the current playlist, the cover doesn't display even if I double click on any song (of the playlist). I either have to restart fb2k or to use another playlist and then return back to see it.
Minor inconveniance... discovered while trying to check which name I should give to external album art.

Yes. Also when you add another/new album art UI element then it displays the new image whereas the old still won't.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #15
maybe a (small) bug:

When I add (or rename) a file as folder.jpg or cover.jpg for an album already present in the current playlist, the cover doesn't display even if I double click on any song (of the playlist). I either have to restart fb2k or to use another playlist and then return back to see it.
Minor inconveniance... discovered while trying to check which name I should give to external album art.

Images are not reloaded when the old and new path are the same after selecting a different track (or set of tracks). I usually just select a song from a different album and change the selection back to get the new or changed image to load. Of course, you have to have tracks from different directories in one playlist for this.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #16
Would be nice if the covers will change on mouse click or double-click (front-back-disc)
Thinking Outside The Box

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #17
Can we have a technical definition (maybe a perl regular expression) of what files are parsed as album art? All I read was just guessing (like [regex] ".*folder\.jpg$")

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #18
I have embedded cover art in my mp3 (some lame some fhg) files. 0.9.5 works fine with many (most) of these in terms of displaying art work. But with some files, it displays the wrong art work. When I look at these same files within mp3tag or itunes for example, the artwork is correct, there is only one item of artwork embeded in the file (front cover only). Yet in the new foobar configuration, the wrong artwork is displayed (again only in some songs). The wrong artwork is ALWAYS the same picture (which is the correct artwork from another file). I've set the default artwork in preferences/advanced/display to show a particular jpg, and this works just fine.

If I take one of these incorrect files and use mp3tag to change the album art to a new jpg file, the new art file shows up correctly in foobar. I'm thinking that this "incorrect" album art that is showing up inappropriately with the wrong file is somehow sitting in a database, directory, etc. as a cover.jpg type file that foobar is reading by default. I use all embedded art in tags, so not sure where this directory might be and nothing seems out of place in my foobar subdirectories. Any suggestions?

Edit: Followup. I was doing this with one subdirectory of recently ripped files just as a test. I copied to a new subdirectory and reloaded into foobar. Now I don't get the "wrong" artfile on some of these. Instead I get the art file that I've selected for missing art. However, the files in question do in fact have art and I can see it in MP3TAG (these are jpg files and nothing seems odd about them).  Still not sure why this is happening. Many of the other files display correct art work with no problem. Also jpg files.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #19
So there's a stub image for missing album art ([no image]), but then "[multiple items]" needs a stub image too.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #20
New information related to my post yesterday on foobar not reading some of my embedded art files. The album art works fine for only some files (all have embedded art in mostly lame files). Foobar thinks I don't have artwork embedded even though I do (can see in mp3tag and itunes). If I open files in mp3tag, save the existing art file, delete the existing album art from the mp3, then re-add the same exact art back to the mp3, the correct art work shows up fine in foobar 0.9.5.  I've checked and the size of the jpeg file is not different before and after removing and adding back to the mp3 file. Seems quite odd to me that many of the art files are not read properly by foobar when they are shown OK in mp3tag, itunes, and other places. I'm sure it is something simple I'm missing but for the life of me can't determine what could cause this behavior.  Otherwise, I'm quite enjoying the new version and have easily configured the setup I wanted without all the additional add-ins and programing I'd previously done. Very nice!

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #21
Will this component get an option to set source paths with TAGZ?
I have a cover folder in which %artist% - %album%.jpg exist.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #22
I have my cover art named "00 - Cover.jpg" and foobar doesn't see them. It only detects them as cover art when I rename to "cover.jpg". I think it would be great if we could configure cover art filenames or possibly foobar detect wider range of such cover file names.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #23
Can we have a technical definition (maybe a perl regular expression) of what files are parsed as album art? All I read was just guessing (like [regex] ".*folder\.jpg$")

Any updates on this?

For me it worked to rename all album_art.jpg to folder.jpg, but a more detailed description would be nice nevertheless.

Album art support in 0.9.5 (thread split)

Reply #24
The recognized filename patterns for the different kinds of album art that can be selected are as follows:
  • Front cover: folder.*;front.*;cover.*
  • Back cover: back.*
  • Disc picture: medium.*;media.*;disc.*;cd.*;dvd.*