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Topic: Quick Tagger (Read 122935 times) previous topic - next topic
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Quick Tagger

Quick Tagger adds customizable context menu commands for quickly setting tag fields to preconfigured values (for rating and such). Can be used to bind keyboard shortcuts to simple tag modifications.


Quick Tagger is meant to replace bind-keyboard-shortcuts-to-simple-tag-edit functionality of the old Masstagger component. It's not meant to be a complete tag editing solution replacing the Properties dialog or other tag editing related components.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Quick Tagger

Reply #1
The configuration for the Quick Tagger can be found in the foobar2000 preferences on the Tools > Tagging > Quick Tagger page. For example, it can be used to write a rating tag to files. Click the Add New button to add a new preset, and change the name to "Rating" (without the quotation marks) and press Enter. Then press F2 or click on the values column and change the text to "1; 2; 3; 4; 5". This will create a new submenu in the context menu at Tagging / Quick Tagger. The new commands can be invoked directly through the context menu, or they can be bound to keyboard shortcuts as usual.

Quick Tagger

Reply #2
Had a first look: A very sweet and useful tool!
Thanks, Peter!

Quick Tagger

Reply #3
I don't have menu Tool > Tagging.
I suppose we need an other component ?

Quick Tagger

Reply #4
I don't have menu Tool > Tagging.
I suppose we need an other component ?
Not anymore, please redownload the component, sorry for any inconvenience.
The initial version depended on foo_freedb's Tools / Tagging preferences branch. I've already uploaded an update that resolves this problem.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Quick Tagger

Reply #5
I did some testing and it works well. The most important quicktag menus i've already created: rating, releasetype, country, language... It is nice to see how many features provided by the masstagger are now offered in a more userfriendly way (new properties dialog, quicktag) 
The only thing i miss is opportunity to add tags at special multivalue tagfields like mood, situation and so on - hopefully you will implement that someday.

Quick Tagger

Reply #6
The only thing i miss is opportunity to add tags at special multivalue tagfields like mood, situation and so on - hopefully you will implement that someday.

For mood-tagging and similiar stuff, the quicktagger UI is very inefficient, compared to how a dedicated component could work. In other words: this scenario can be more efficiently solved with a seperate component.
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Quick Tagger

Reply #7

To understand what you mean could you describe me in few words how such a component could look like?

Quick Tagger

Reply #8

To understand what you mean could you describe me in few words how such a component could look like?

Not like a submenu but instead a dialog or panel - with all mood-related settings being visible. Its not just UI stuff but also behaviour.... manually tagging every single track/album may be annoying. One could use tricks like that the user doesnt actually tag the files himself and instead just sets his current mood or the mood of the music in a panel - with the component then automatically applying those settings to every fully played track. So, you just tell it the current mood of the music... and it cares itself about the tagging. The reason why such a mode may work, is because if you're a mood-type listener, then mood wont change drastically with every played track :) Also - the same component could be used for autogenerating playlists which fit certain mood criteria. There are many possibly interesting things which could be done, which are not the point of quicktagger.... but i'm getting off-topic here - if you want to discuss this further, it may make sense to start a seperate topic
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Quick Tagger

Reply #9
in what way is the masstagger 'old'? i happened to update foobar today and i am still using masstagger scripts..? 

Quick Tagger

Reply #10
Thanks for this long awaited component.  I posted a request for a replacement of the good old "QuickTag" component (which only works with foobar v0.8) only a few days ago.

A few changes I'd love to see implemented:
- ability to rename submenus (the "Set < > to" stuff seems rather useless to me)
- ability to add/modify more than one tag at once. It comes down to adding MassTagger scripts to the context menu, which was my request I've mentioned above.

Quick Tagger

Reply #11
For mass-tagging of styles, moods, genres... in a panel you can also use the "Tagger Window" panel of the foo_cwb_hooks component.
Works very well in a dockable panel from the same author.

Quick Tagger

Reply #12
in what way is the masstagger 'old'? i happened to update foobar today and i am still using masstagger scripts..?  :unsure:

The "old" possibly refers to the last released version, not to what you do with your internet connection.

- ability to add/modify more than one tag at once. It comes down to adding MassTagger scripts to the context menu, which was my request I've mentioned above.

If you want configurable contextmenu in masstagger, then why do you post this request in Quicktagger-thread instead of in a Masstagger-thread? Are you proposing to "add masstagger to quicktagger" instead of "add  contextmenu-options to masstagger"? If yes, could it be that this doesnt make any sense at all?
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Quick Tagger

Reply #13

- ability to add/modify more than one tag at once. It comes down to adding MassTagger scripts to the context menu, which was my request I've mentioned above.

If you want configurable contextmenu in masstagger, then why do you post this request in Quicktagger-thread instead of in a Masstagger-thread? Are you proposing to "add masstagger to quicktagger" instead of "add  contextmenu-options to masstagger"? If yes, could it be that this doesnt make any sense at all?
I did post my request in the MassTagger thread and you did post in this very thread (just a few posts below mine).

From what I gather, you can't see any relation between adding scripts to a context menu component (QuickTagger) and adding context menus to a tagging component (MassTagger). Well, I'm afraid I cannot help you.

My previous post is only meant as a request to Peter.  If my request doesn't make any sense to him, he'll simply ignore it or, maybe, tell me why he won't implement it. But, please, refrain from interfering just for the sake of it. It's pointless.

Quick Tagger

Reply #14

in what way is the masstagger 'old'? i happened to update foobar today and i am still using masstagger scripts..? 

The "old" possibly refers to the last released version, not to what you do with your internet connection.

i was only confused cuz masstagger is still included in the optional components. but thanks for the sarcasm. possibly. incidentally i just transferred all the overlapping features between masstagger and quick tagger.. it took like three minutes and cleaned up the list masstagger scripts a bit.

Quick Tagger

Reply #15
i was only confused cuz masstagger is still included in the optional components. but thanks for the sarcasm. possibly. incidentally i just transferred all the overlapping features between masstagger and quick tagger.. it took like three minutes and cleaned up the list masstagger scripts a bit.

Well, even though masstagger is currently being bundled in the installer, not much has happened to it for.... whatever really long time.... it is seen as an old/obsolete component by some.... mainly because it isn't up-to-date with current development paradigms.... one out of many examples: it completely lacks any preview.... with the result, that quite a few users experienced mass-destruction of their metadata, because a script didnt work as expected. Sure, you can argue with the "make test-backups first and try it on them before doing the real thing".... right, but the point would be "why is that even necessary? shouldn't i know beforehand, what a component will do to my files?". And this is just one example - masstagger has various other issues.

As for transfering masstagger scripts to quicktagger... that was exactly the point when i conceptualized Quick Tagger..... doing simple things quick and easy, without all the options and complexity bloat of masstagger.... one doesn't even need to care about organization of scripts into groups.... that happens automatically. Its how IMHO good software should work: you just tell it what you want, and the software does all the work for you with predictable results. The predictability-property is also the reason why the menu-structure is like "Quick Tagger ---> Set <Rating> to ---> 1". It acts as a replacement for the lack of a preview: the user is told exactly what will happen and it makes the interface self-explaining.
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Quick Tagger

Reply #16
Thanks Peter for this component.

Its how IMHO good software should work: you just tell it what you want, and the software does all the work for you with predictable results. The predictability-property is also the reason why the menu-structure is like "Quick Tagger ---> Set <Rating> to ---> 1". It acts as a replacement for the lack of a preview: the user is told exactly what will happen and it makes the interface self-explaining.

Agreed. But an [optional] flat menu structure would be helpful and make clicking life way easier:

Code: [Select]
Quick Tagger
  Set field1 to a
  Set field1 to b
  Set field2 to a
  Set field2 to b

Yes I know we can assign keyboard shortcuts.

Quick Tagger

Reply #17
is it possible to disable confirmations when using Quick Tagger scripts?

Quick Tagger

Reply #20
Agreed. But an [optional] flat menu structure would be helpful and make clicking life way easier:

Code: [Select]
Quick Tagger
  Set field1 to a
  Set field1 to b
  Set field2 to a
  Set field2 to b

Yes I know we can assign keyboard shortcuts.

Interesting idea. One could also make this a bit more automatic by turning such an option into "show flat menu-structure if number of actions is below N". I'm just not sure, if its worth the added complexity or if there are possible problem-scenarios. Will need to think about this further, before deciding if it would make sense from my POV.
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Quick Tagger

Reply #21
Interesting idea. One could also make this a bit more automatic by turning such an option into "show flat menu-structure if number of actions is below N". I'm just not sure, if its worth the added complexity or if there are possible problem-scenarios. Will need to think about this further, before deciding if it would make sense from my POV.

After thinking about it a bit, i dont think that this would play out well in practice. Such a menu would not look like as you described it in your example, because quicktagger also allows removal and editing of each field. As soon as you get more than 2 fields, that will get really messy. The result would be, that it would only be useful if one has actions for no more than 2 fields.  Thus, it would be an "exotic" feature which is only useful in a very low amount of cases. Either that, or you add even more options to enable/disable removal and editing. The low benefit (compared to how it is now) doesnt really justify the implementation effort and added complexity.
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Quick Tagger

Reply #22
After thinking about it a bit, i dont think that this would play out well in practice. Such a menu would not look like as you described it in your example, because quicktagger also allows removal and editing of each field.

Yes of course. A flat view cannot include edit and remove, but only all genres and values. This would increase the usability in a way, where a better overview over all possibilities is wanted.
This wouldn't be exotic, but common practise. See the applications like Winzip etc., apps which add menus to the explorer context menu: They often allow a flat menu scheme.

Quick Tagger

Reply #23
Yes of course. A flat view cannot include edit and remove, but only all genres and values. This would increase the usability in a way, where a better overview over all possibilities is wanted.
This wouldn't be exotic, but common practise. See the applications like Winzip etc., apps which add menus to the explorer context menu: They often allow a flat menu scheme.

I would be interested in getting an idea about how many people actually are interested in a flat menu with NO ability to remove or edit fields. I cannot imagine this to be really useful, since i asume that at least the removal of field values is usually wanted - but maybe my intuition is wrong here.
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

Quick Tagger

Reply #24
since i asume that at least the removal of field values is usually wanted - but maybe my intuition is wrong here.

Oh, I was confusing "field removal" with "remove this specific quicktagger entry" which I thought to be unnecessary inside a menu. You are right, field deletion is probably expected, but I don't think it's too messy if we had "delete field xy" in a flat structure (when there are seperators below any field).

Honestly I'm not too crazy about this. I'm rather looking forward to a new autoplaylist... I hope there'll be one  Autoplaylist is deprecated and someone told about a successor... and peter is busy