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Topic: Foobar2000 - CarPC (Read 5895 times) previous topic - next topic
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Foobar2000 - CarPC


I love foobar on my desktop-computer
and i want to use it on my CarPC (a computer in my Car with 7 inch touchscreen), too.

But the buttons in the Default interface are to small, what is the easiest way to scale em up?
(I woult like to have em 32x32px (like desktopicons) )
Is there a possibility to show the volume-control directly in the GUI?

I hope you can help me...



This is the screen with foobar and changed colors

Foobar2000 - CarPC

Reply #2
with panelsUI you can make buttons as big or small as you want them to be

Hmm, thanks..
I tried to make my own skin serveral hours, but it seems like i am to stupid for this :-D

I did a layout in Photoshop:

If someone could do this design in foobar for me i and i am happy with it i will pay him 30€ via PayPal
(or banktransfer(Überweisung) if he is german)

Here is the explanaition:

(I hope this is the right section for that)

PS: here is the screenshot from above on the TFT:

Foobar2000 - CarPC

Reply #3
It might be easier if you tried Columns UI, there should be some large (32X32 or larger) buttons in the buttons thread in Uploads. It will also give you a multicolumn playlist. It's easier to customise than a panels layout but can't be make as "flashy" with images. ( I know "flashy" is a subjective term, it depends on the modder.)

Foobar2000 - CarPC

Reply #4
Please don't offer money. It's not good taste on this forum. We're all trying to help each other, almost everything you see on this forum was made by enthusiasts, people who want to learn in the process and teach others.

I'm sure someone is willing to help you out just because it's a challenge. Bringing money into the mix, i somehow don't like to see that here.

Foobar2000 - CarPC

Reply #5
Please don't offer money. It's not good taste on this forum. We're all trying to help each other, almost everything you see on this forum was made by enthusiasts, people who want to learn in the process and teach others.

I'm sure someone is willing to help you out just because it's a challenge. Bringing money into the mix, i somehow don't like to see that here.

i found someone who help me, thanks :-)

CiTay: Maybe money is not good, but i dont like it when people work for me and dont earn anything for that.
The hours i save if i dont create my this skin i can work and earn money for myself. Its a pleasure for me
to give some of that money to another person that save my time...

Thank you all :-)

Foobar2000 - CarPC

Reply #6
IMO It does look quite easy to produce. The only thing that won't work is the scroll bar, unless you made your own visual style but you'd be stuck with that on all windows. Also the buttons overlapping the playlist.
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