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Topic: Rockbox art converter script (Read 24124 times) previous topic - next topic
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Rockbox art converter script


Being a foobar user, i use it to download album arts. But i am also a rockbox user and rockbox uses cover.bmp for arts and they are of much smaller size. All the software to download art doesnt have a feature to automatically create those cover.bmp. So i decided to create a script to do so.

either you launch this script without argument and it asks you to choose a directory. Then it will look in this directory and subdirectories  for album arts, if the cover.bmp already exists it will do nothing, if it doesnt it will create it.

By default, the script looks for folder.jpg and create cover.bmp 100x100
But you can choose differently by using args artname and size (/size:75 for example)

Because of the arguments this script could be add to any application if the dev desires it

There is progress bar to let you know of the progress.

This script uses LEAD converter(in the archive) so it must be installed.

The only limitation of this script is that you need to have JSProgBr installed for it to work(in the archive, see the readme file of JSProgBr  for installation)

Hope you ll like it

File removed by moderation because of multi-gigabyte bandwidth usage - please don't include installers of software that can be easily downloaded elsewhere.

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #1

100% useful.

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #2
This works awesomely!


Rockbox art converter script

Reply #3
This is a very useful plugin for rockbox users thanks
:Foobar 2000:
:MPC --standard:
:iRiver H320 Rockboxed:

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #4
verrry cool ty

*ack not letting me download ;(

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #6
this is exactly what ive been looking for. Only prob is im getting an error:

Script: ......RockboxArtsUpdate.vbs
Line: 33
Error: The system cannot find the path specified
Code: 80070003
Source: (null)

Could it be becuase my windows xp drive is mapped to "I:\"?

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #7
this is exactly what ive been looking for. Only prob is im getting an error:

Script: ......RockboxArtsUpdate.vbs
Line: 33
Error: The system cannot find the path specified
Code: 80070003
Source: (null)

Could it be becuase my windows xp drive is mapped to "I:\"?

you have to adjust the path to the JSProgBr.exe in the progbar.reg file - then run the reg and it should work

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #8
hi carmenm

thanks for this fine script! i hope this gets implemented in rbutil...

now i miss one thing... the ability to adjust the output filename (i would like to create bmps of different size, e.g. cover.100x100.bmp and cover.140x140.bmp). could you add this maybe? 

have a nice day!

EDIT: I modified the script myself and it seems to work. I more or less randomly changed things in the script 'til it worked 

In line 54 I replaced
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
cover." & strSize & "x" & strSize & ".bmp

the output filename then is dependent on the size parameter. Output filenames will be e.g.

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #9
What you had could work but it could fail so i made a clean version with an outputname option.

Rockbox art converter script

Reply #11
What you had could work but it could fail so i made a clean version with an outputname option.

Thank you. it is better than the last  I tried it and it's really a very great and helpful plugin. Works well.