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Topic: Mp3 decoding (Read 4018 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mp3 decoding

Obviously there are differences in mp3 encoders - the algorithms and settings used to produce a file.  But for a given mp3 file, should it decode to exactly one WAV file, or can there also be differences in the decoding?


Mp3 decoding

Reply #1
Some decoders are not written properly and some don't implement the entire standard, thus not all will not give the same results with all mp3 files. There has particularly been a lack in many portable mp3 players. Many are restricted to a limited range of bitrates and sometimes will only handle CBR files.

Mp3 decoding

Reply #2
Even in "compliant" decoders, there is different rounding at the least significant bit level, and sometimes dither.


Mp3 decoding

Reply #3
Also, some decoders might sacrifice accuracy for a gain of speed by using less precision during the synthesis filterbank.

Mp3 decoding

Reply #4
How is the ipod's decoding? better than other players, about even??? what bitrates and filetypes does it decode best?