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Topic: foo_input_tak (Read 261043 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #150
Obvious bug: Typo in version. Says it's 0.4. not 0.4.4. If using the new components system and check for updates, it is stuck in an endless loop trying to upgrade to version 0.4.4


Reply #151
mine reports 0.4.4 on the components page. if i check for updates, none are found.


Reply #152
I can't be the only one:

My foobar is portable if that makes a difference.


Reply #153
download it manually?

has to be less effort than posting and uploading screenshots. maybe you have an old version where the version string wasn't so important because the update system didn't exist at the time?


Reply #154
New foobar version, problem seems to be gone (v1.1.1 to v1.1.6). Don't know what that was about :S


Reply #155
i just had foobar crash on me as i manually changed tracks. unfortunately there was no proper crash log for me to submit. i only have this from the windows event viewer:

Code: [Select]
Log Name:      Application
Source:        Application Error
Date:          23/08/2011 14:35:15
Event ID:      1000
Task Category: (100)
Level:        Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Faulting application name: foobar2000.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e3e382d
Faulting module name: foo_input_tak.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4b48c6e9
Exception code: 0x40000015
Fault offset: 0x0001c326
Faulting process id: 0x6f0
Faulting application start time: 0x01cc618c20bbcda9
Faulting application path: E:\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe
Faulting module path: E:\foobar2000\user-components\foo_input_tak\foo_input_tak.dll
Report Id: bb28e102-cd8c-11e0-b018-80ee730b9bb7
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2011-08-23T13:35:15.000000000Z" />
    <Security />

it's my first ever problem in months of usage so it's probably a one off but i thought i'd report it anyway.


Reply #156
The last couple of days I've been fooling around with "Myths and Legends", a 2cd new-age David Arkenstone album.
Both discs contain the same tracks, whereas the first disc contains the two front channels and the second disc the two rear channels. They’re are meant to be played back simultaneously on two different cd players.
Of course this is not really practical, so I combined all four channels into one wav-file and also encoded it to DTS for my DTS receiver, for easier listening.
As I hadn’t experimented with WV and TAK on surround audio files yet, I did some testing:

Across the River_sample.wav (25,5sec 8.57MB 44.1Khz 4ch 2822kbps)
Across the River_sample.wv (25,5sec 4.75MB 44.1Khz 4ch 1564kbps)
Across the River_sample.tak (25,5sec 4.65MB 44.1Khz 4ch 1530kbps)
Across the River_sample(DTS).wav (25,5sec 4.29MB 44.1Khz 5ch 1411kbps)
Across the River_sample(DTS).wv (25,5sec 3.81MB 44.1Khz 5ch 1254kbps)
Across the River_sample(DTS).tak (25,5sec 3.82MB 44.1Khz 5ch 1257kbps)

While all 6 audio files play fine with DirectShow…

(you have to enable Uncompressed all supported, or at least 16-bit within FFDShow, for the DTS stream to be decoded, or it’s just noise you’ll hear)

…in Foobar the TAK Decoder can’t decode the DTS stream within “Across the River_sample(DTS).tak”. Again, it’s just noise you’ll hear.

DTS in TAK is not such a big issue, but since DTS in WV plays fine, I though I’d mention.


Reply #157
While all 6 audio files play fine with DirectShow…

…in Foobar the TAK Decoder can’t decode the DTS stream within “Across the River_sample(DTS).tak”. Again, it’s just noise you’ll hear.

I could reproduce this with foobar and Winamp, therefore it's surely not a foobar issue.

When i decoded your dts file and played the wave i got noise too.

And the decoded file contains only 2 channels.

I am not really sure, if i understand, what you did. Does the file (respectively stream) sent as input to the TAK encoder contain DTS encoded or uncompressed PCM data?


Reply #158
foo_input_dts decodes such lossless files, but only if the corresponding input plugin supports decode_postprocessor API (see SDK 2011-03-11).
And foo_input_tak doesn't have such support (yet).


Reply #159
The source files here are:
Across the River_sample.wav (Uncompressed 4ch (lf,rf,ls,rs) PCM) and
Across the River_sample(DTS).wav (5ch (lf,rf,ls,rs and a dummy center channel) DTS)
So Across the River_sample(DTS).tak contains a TAK compressed DTS encoded audio stream.

At first sight, without a DTS decoder, you would indeed think it contains just a 2ch audio stream.
Opening Across the River_sample(DTS).wav in Audacity also reveals just that.
To properly decode the DTS audio stream, one should tick "Enable decode postprocessing - for decoding DTS, HDCD, etc." in Foobar's Converter Setup.

Spot-on, lvqcl. I already thought one of these two would have to be the culprit.


Reply #160
foo_input_dts decodes such lossless files, but only if the corresponding input plugin supports decode_postprocessor API (see SDK 2011-03-11).
And foo_input_tak doesn't have such support (yet).

Across the River_sample(DTS).wav (5ch (lf,rf,ls,rs and a dummy center channel) DTS)
So Across the River_sample(DTS).tak contains a TAK compressed DTS encoded audio stream.
At first sight, without a DTS decoder, you would indeed think it contains just a 2ch audio stream.

I am surprised, because i would have thought such a file would contain another format tag than PCM. How can a player detect that it has to deal with DTS data? Well, i am a complete noob here...


Reply #161
As far as I know there is a magic header or preamble hidden inside the audio data itself that a decoder has to recognize.

Peter has told me about a service in the foobar2000 SDK that foo_input_tak could use, but I am chronically lacking time to work on my components.


Reply #162
Yeah, you'll want to use the input_postprocessed template.


Reply #163
Would anyone be able to update this component so that it uses the latest TAK decoder? Also, displaying the MD5 checksum inside of foobar2000 (just like with FLAC and the other lossless codecs) would be awesome. I don't know if TAK's SDK allows the retrieval of it, though.


Reply #164
1. Hold shift, File -> Browse configuration folder. Go to user-components\foo_input_tak folder.
Close foobar2000 and replace tak_deco_lib.dll manually.

2. IIRC the function to get MD5 checksum exists but isn't documented so it's of no use for the plugin (the other undocumented function is to get cnannel map).


Reply #165
Version 0.4.5 was released (see component page)
now bundled with tak_deco_lib 2.2.0
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.


Reply #167
A much appreciated update! Thank you, foosion!


Reply #169
Sorry I forgot to post about that here. I pushed that update, and structured the download such that automatic updates will work. The modification was only one line for the decode postprocessing and another line for the version number string, and is available from a repository on my GitHub page.


Reply #170
Thanks foosion! The TAK decoder finally can recognize the HDCD bit in TAK files!!
Hong Kong - International Joke Center (after 1997-06-30)


Reply #172
Hi, I was wondering if one of you devs could let the plugin detect channel positions (6: FL FR FC LFE BL BR, for example), like FLAC and WavPack.


Reply #173
Assuming it even supports that.


Reply #174
At the time when I originally wrote the plugin, the TAK decoder did not support this feature. I do not know whether it does now.