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Topic: From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly? (Read 6951 times) previous topic - next topic
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From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly?


I stumbled upon foobar about two weeks ago and I never looked back. So thanks.

Okay, back to my real issue.

I have several cue+ape files that I want to transcode or re-encode it to FLAC as I just got a new hardware that support  FLAC.

Now I know that I can use the "convert to" option in foobar. My question is that Should I transcode from APE straight to FLAC of do I need to use the Monkey's Audio program to decode the cue+ape file back to wav then use FLAC to encode the Wave file.

Help is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly?

Reply #1
You can (and should) convert directly from .ape to .flac in foobar! 

You're probably already aware of these, but if not...

1. foobar doesn't have Monkey's Audio decoding support out of the box, so you need to install the optional component available here.

2. you need to have flac.exe on you system, and configure the Converter to point to this file (along with any other command line options you see fit).


From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly?

Reply #2
Thanks a lot RS,

That saved me a lot of time and effort.

Thanks again.


I've already have APE component and I'm downloading the new FLAC 1.1.4.

From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly?

Reply #3
Technically speaking, it's not a direct conversion, in that fb2k still expands the ape to wav and feeds it to the flac encoder.  It just never hits the hard drive as wav.

A direct conversion would be feeding the ape directly to flac encoder without wav in between.

You probably knew that, and the result is the same.

From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly?

Reply #4
I have several cue+ape files that I want to transcode or re-encode it to FLAC as I just got a new hardware that support FLAC.

FYI... dBpowerAMP also converts .ape to .flac. Quick and painless.

From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly?

Reply #5
@ scthom

Thank for the info..Now I can finally uninstall that Monkeys Audio converter....never really liked it...with the monkeys and all...


I never tried dbpoweramp....don't really have the 'dough' to spend...

Thank you very much for the info guys.... I'm really learning a lot from this forum...

Thank you.

From APE to FLAC, can I do it directly?

Reply #7
And what about Easy CD-DA Extractor. Is it the same as in Foobar?