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Topic: foo_playcount_mod (Read 194551 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
Darn, now I'm getting what seems to be random pop-ups.    I can't detect a pattern.

It doesn't happen often enough to discontinue use of the plugin. I hope someone figures out a way to stop them, though.
That's so plausible, I can't believe it.


Reply #26
Works for me


Reply #27
I've been using it for about an hour (18 songs or so) and received a popup for all of them (when on the foobar screen) except 2. No popups when not on the screen tho. Which was the behavior of the old one for me anyways .

So it doesn't work for me for some reason . Unless those other songs that received the popup were the few exceptions this upgrade seems to see . I hope not... lets hope you (or someone) can figure out how to stop the popups for good !
Song List:



Reply #28
Still getting popup sometimes.

+ for the idea - this popup really sucks


Reply #29
I'm getting a lot of failed tag update alerts (sharing violation) with this mod. No pattern visible.


Reply #30
I'm getting a lot of failed tag update alerts (sharing violation) with this mod. No pattern visible.

Could you enable the debug mode in the options and tell me what errors it writes to the console.

BTW, I'm currently working on an update. No idea if it will solve the random popups though, I still haven't found out whats causing them. 


Reply #31
Also my sugesstion is convert official tags (last_played_timestamp, first_played_timestamp, play_count) if it present to last_played, first_played and play_counter.

Hm, where exactly do I find the plugin using those tag standards?


Reply #32 - official Playback Statistics by Peter.

Collects playback statistics for your Media Library content. Statistics can be displayed in the Properties dialog or using %first_played% / %last_played% / %play_count%.


Reply #34
Just wanted to tell that this is the ONLY playcount that works for me... thnx

official playcount - does write the tags, but with wrong dates..
unoffical playcount - doenst write anything at all...


Reply #35
When playing from cd i'm getting: "Could not write info (Access denied) to:" (in five copies  ) which is quite understandable, but an some kind of option to write cout of files on cd would be a nice thing


Reply #36
"Could not write info (Sharing violation) to:"

Could be caused by the file being used by some other program (e.g. filesharing tools). Only a guess though. Dont know why this happens.

When playing from cd i'm getting: "Could not write info (Access denied) to:" (in five copies  ) which is quite understandable, but an some kind of option to write cout of files on cd would be a nice thing

Hm, that would require a local file on the HD and a lot of new code which is probably too difficult for me. Im sorry.


Reply #37
New version 1.0.2 released.
Check the first post for updates.

I tried something to prevent the remaining popups. Please give me feedback on whether this version fixes them for you.


Reply #38
Thanks! This plugin fixed my problem. When using ProjectM visualization full screen older plugin stole focus to foobar main window. Now i don't have to use mouse all the time to get the focus back.


Reply #39
New version very nive!

I have only one suggestion - if I use official  tags scheme  with datestamp I want use %last_played% an %first_played% values as in official plugun. Now this values not available.


Reply #40
For prevent popups "Could not write info (Sharing violation) to:" I delete foo_sic.
That plugin modify file also after 1min of playing and can not share music file when modified it.


Reply #41
I dont think ull be pleased to hear it, but v1.0.2 does give me the popup screen.. and the previous version doesnt.

So ill stick to the previous version 


Reply #42


Reply #43
still won't load for me.  Using latest foobar, columns ui, panels ui


Reply #44
For prevent popups "Could not write info (Sharing violation) to:" I delete foo_sic.
That plugin modify file also after 1min of playing and can not share music file when modified it.

Hmm... That makes sense, but I'd really like to have some workaround instead of just dropping a component.


Reply #45

I got a problem with this mod ...

like the "normal" unofficial playcount  also this doesn`t work ...


Failed to load DLL: foo_playcount_mod.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

(The Reason is printed in german)

I know that other users have the same problem...


Reply #46

For prevent popups "Could not write info (Sharing violation) to:" I delete foo_sic.
That plugin modify file also after 1min of playing and can not share music file when modified it.

Hmm... That makes sense, but I'd really like to have some workaround instead of just dropping a component.

I haven't seen these popups since I've unchecked the option ''Include FooID audio fingerprint (currently always computed on demand)" in the foosic options.


Reply #47
Would be nice if you could do this for rating quick keys, also. Great work, though.


Reply #49
like the "normal" unofficial playcount  also this doesn`t work ...


Failed to load DLL: foo_playcount_mod.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Try to delete the playcount_mod.dll, then reinstall all the other playcount components, start foobar, exit again, delete the components and reinstall the playcount_mod. On next startup up choose to delete the settings of all the old components. No idea if this helps but I had a similar error while testing.

Would be nice if you could do this for rating quick keys, also. Great work, though.

What do you mean with "quick keys"? Like hotkeys to set a song rating tag? If yes where would you define that hotkey.

Is it possible to use this so that ONLY First Played is added to the mp3 tags?

Er, never tested it but try to uncheck the first two fields under "tag writing" in the preferences. It should work.