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Topic: foo_playcount_mod (Read 193504 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hey guys,

This release is based on the unofficial playcount component:

I've always been annoyed by the popup window in foo_playcount so I modded it to supress the popups (thanks to terrestrial for sharing his code).
Unfortunately the windows still popup on some files (I can't figure out why, maybe somebody with more coding experience can take a look at the source, it's included) but it works for most.

I changed the name of the plugin because there are quite a few versions around and they are often messed up.

1.0.2 (updated March 4th 2007)

-added option to exclude files from being processed based on file format and on whether its part of the media library or not
-added option to choose between classical playcount tags (PLAY_COUNTER, FIRST_PLAYED, LAST_PLAYED) and the official playback statistics component version (PLAY_COUNT, FIRST_PLAYED_TIMESTAMP, LAST_PLAYED_TIMESTAMP)
note: if you change the tag type the old tags will be converted into the new format on next playback. If both tag types are present in a file the current tag style will be used and the old one will be deleted.
-removed the "remove old tags" option (guess all files should be cleaned by now if necessary)



Reply #1

Unfortunately I get the following error message when it tries to load:

Failed to load DLL: foo_playcount_mod.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Any ideas what is wrong?


Reply #2
use 0.9. my guess is that you're using 0.8


Reply #3
I confirm Kiteroa post.
Version of Foobar is

Also my sugesstion is convert official tags (last_played_timestamp, first_played_timestamp, play_count) if it present to last_played, first_played and play_counter.


Reply #4
My version of Foobar is


Reply #5
I'm getting the same error. As for the official/unofficial tags, an option to choose which ones to use would be nice.


Reply #6
I'm getting this error:
Code: [Select]
Failed to load DLL: foo_playcount_mod.dll, reason: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail.

Code: [Select]
Activation context generation failed for "D:\Apps\PortableApps\foobar2000\components\foo_playcount_mod.dll". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b",type="win32",version="8.0.50608.0" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.

I think I need VC8 runtime, I'll try install it.

Edit: Same thing. Are you compiling with debug?
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #7
This release is based on the unofficial playcount component

This component is known as problematic due to repeated crash reports.

Since you mentioned that you have only "modded it to supress the popups", I suppose your version doesn't improve anything in this regard. That said, if you don't want to immediately end up on that list as well, may I suggest to delay any further releases until those problems have been sorted out?



Reply #8
This component is known as problematic due to repeated crash reports.

There is an update available for some time:
I haven't heard of any problems with meta_db leaks since that version. The thread doesn't mention any bigger crash issues either afaik. Can't be 100% sure though of course. My version is based on that one.

As for the other problems: I'll look into it.

What OS are you using?


Reply #10
There is an update available for some time

This update (August 2006) by far predates the crash reports that lead to the addition to our list in January 2007.

The problematic version was 1.9.2, which matches the version string of the linked version.

Examples of error reports:

2006-10-10 : Crash when closing
2006-10-13 : "Application error" / Metadb_handle leak on shutdown
2006-11-05 : FB2K + foo_playcount (unofficial) Crash
2006-12-14 : Play_count Fehlermeldung (German)
2007-01-03 : foo_playcount (unofficial) crash log


Reply #11
Deutsch is jetzt nicht das Problem. ;-)

Unfortunately terrestrial didn't change the version string when updating the component. 1.9.2 could aswell be this version (April 12 2006) which was known for the metadb_handle leaks.
But for now I think I have added enough bugs myself to be listed as problematic component. 
I didn't encounter any crashes yet, I'll wait for some user feedback.


Reply #12
Everyone who encountered problems with the first release please try this version an give me feedback whether it works. Thanks.


Reply #13
The plugin loads now, thanks.

But the "updating" dialog still pops up.
The file is a 192 kbps VBR Mp3.

Edit: It's random, sometimes it shows.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #14
plugin works for me after the update, thanks
update dialog hasnt appeared at all after a quick test
always used the unofficial playcount without any crashes or problems


Reply #15
Since the feedback on the test version was good so far I released the bugfix as version 1.01 (see the first post).

Sometimes the windows still pop up although I can't figure out a pattern when.
Would be really cool if any more advanced coder could take a look at the source (included in the archive) and tell me what I missed.

I'll try to work on feature requests in about a week. Haven't got any time atm.


Reply #16
The plugin loads now, thanks.

But the "updating" dialog still pops up.
The file is a .m4a .


Reply #17

I had given up on the playcount plugins, but this is great. I don't think I've seen a pop-up yet.
That's so plausible, I can't believe it.


Reply #18
I'm so happy play count is working finally (had a different version...)
Great Pug-in, is there any way to exclude .cue files? Thanks


Reply #19
Not that I know of.
Put it on the to-do list...


Reply #20
Works perfect on my foo (0.9.4), without popups! - Many thanks. 

((((( Strictly4me )))))


Reply #21
works good in my case


Reply #22
Does this plugin write in the files or somewhere else?



Reply #23
It writes all infos directly to the file tags.


Reply #24
This plugin seems great ! For what version of foobar is it conceived ?
I tried with the 0.9.4 I have, and the popup appeared.

Thx for you help.