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Topic: audio test file (Read 3420 times) previous topic - next topic
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audio test file

Does anyone know if the right way to make sure your setup will not clip is to play back whitenoise at 0db? 
Does anyone have a test file they wouldn't mind attaching of such?  I am having a hard time finding one, and my matlab code has expired this year gr.

audio test file

Reply #1
I don't know if white noise would be a good way to check for clipping because I'm not sure how you would hear it (maybe you're using a scope). Anyway, I do have a sample that I've created for doing WavPack tests and I've uploaded it here.

Be careful with the volume first time you play it! 

Oops, I didn't realize that we can attach uploads to any thread. Sorry!


audio test file

Reply #2
Awsome thanks so much bryant! Gosh with wavpack, you have been quite a help to me =) thanks for all the good work you do, hard to find developers such as you!

I am actually using bruteFIR and using its peak measuring output, although I don't know how accurate this is.  I am attenuating the filters I am using, perhaps I should just be attenuating the final output and letting all of the values go over full scale and only bring them down after processing?  I can't see the difference since its all done in 64 bit =)

Thanks for the file and have a good week!

audio test file

Reply #3
I am actually using bruteFIR and using its peak measuring output, although I don't know how accurate this is.  I am attenuating the filters I am using, perhaps I should just be attenuating the final output and letting all of the values go over full scale and only bring them down after processing?  I can't see the difference since its all done in 64 bit =)

Ah! For some reason I thought you wanted to test for clipping in your soundcard...

Yeah, if you're doing everything in 64-bit then just attenuating the final output seems the easiest to me. Glad you could use the file!

audio test file

Reply #4
Well I am testing my soundcard I believe... because if I send it anything over 0 I believe it always clips.  So I am using brutefir's peak output to make sure its below, I just don't want to loose quality in the files because of my own paranoia ... =)

*Off Topic* Can anyone recommend a high quality audio card that is compatible with linux very well?? Good dac being the primary objective.

At the moment, with the file you gave me I need to attenuate each of my 4 filters 8 decibels.  I am having the left stereo channel filtered twice and the right filtered twice, and output to two channels.  Does 10 decibels sound right?  For some reason I have some music files that my 0404 says don't clip, only reach 0 but that whitenoise for example is always about 2 decibels shy of zero when I attenuate to that music.  Turns out around 10. 

Thanks for the help!