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Topic: Third-party plugins (Read 371583 times) previous topic - next topic
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Third-party plugins

Reply #325
text writer updated to 1.3.5

- Moved formatting strings to separate config page, now lots of space to type strings ;)
- Many other config related changes
- Added special fields from History component (requires foo_history installed) in the format %_history_x% (where x is relative to current history index and has +/- sign), and they will be formatted according to the history string set in prefs (you set how may +/-x are available)
- Fixed obscure bug where append separator not written at end of 3-byte ANSI file (in append mode)..
- Fixed no quit string written on system shutdown
- added %_playlists_total% (total playlists)
- added event for some changes to playlist contents, for %_playlist_number% & %_playlist_total%
- also expanded events playlist switch event responds to, now keeps track of %_playlist_index%, %_playlists_total% and %_playlist_name% properly


Third-party plugins

Reply #326
foo_tradersfriend 0.4.3
  • fixed "Edit..." button in "Show text file" dialog on WinXP
  • option to view parsed data in "Show text file" dialog

Third-party plugins

Reply #327
HTTP Writer

Component name - foo_write_http
Component type (appropriate section) -  General
Which foobar2000 version the component works with - 0.7
Description of the component - Sends user formatted information about current track playing through HTTP. It's also possible to execute Playback/ commands remotely.
Compile date - 22 November 2003
Download link - foo_write_http.dll
Screenshot - Screenshot link
Plugin home page - HTTP Writer

Author - Erik Nylund

Third-party plugins

Reply #328
I realeased a simple plugins for viewing lyrics
tell me what do you think of 


Foo Shot.png

I will post the sourcecode later.
Sorry for any mistakes i am french

Third-party plugins

Reply #329
foo_id3v2 v1.08
  • Fixed URL writing... standard URL fields do not support encoding. Encoding only applies to WWWUSER's description.*
* To set description for fields which support it, namely COMMENT, USERTEXT, and WWWUSER, format the value like "Description: Text." Note that the separator is exactly colon-space, no more and no less. Text will be formatted exactly like this on load.

This miscoding is all my fault, because I did not read the entire ID3v2 standard/draft before attempting to use an overly complicated and quirky library for reading/writing it. Not to mention that I have to "read" (observe) how other applications break the standard in their own unique ways.

... this standard sucks.

Third-party plugins

Reply #330
foo_tradersfriend 0.4.4
  • Fixed treatment of non-ASCII characters in "Show text file" dialog.
  • Added font configuration to "Show text file" dialog.

Third-party plugins

Reply #331

  • added support for GENRE and COMMENT tags
  • it's now possible to remove tags from cue's
Hope you'll find it useful
B KaCKe.

Third-party plugins

Reply #332
The plugin is designated specifically for headphone users.

4Front Headphones model a real room echo response and thus avoid direct ear pressure. Listening is very natural and possible discomfort is vanished.

Algorithm is based on a reverbaration, taken from OSS/3D plugin.

Plugin page:

Direct download link:

Instructions: run installer, then activate through Foobar2000's DSP Manager


Third-party plugins

Reply #333
Commercial OSS/3D R7 plugin for foobar2000 announced.

Here is a brief list of what OSS/3D plugin can do:

    * 10-band high quality equalizer
    * Sound fattener
    * 3D stereo expansion
    * Bass enhancement
    * Fidelity control
    * Psychoacoustical delocalization
    * Virtual Subwoofer
    * Ambience/Reverberation control
    * Environment simulation
    * High frequency restoration
    * Speaker response correction
    * Preset pack included
    * Relaxation helper included

Plugin page:

Direct download link:

Instructions: run installer, then activate through Foobar2000's DSP Manager


Third-party plugins

Reply #335
foo_dbsearch 1.1.0
  • replaced "Search" and "Formatlist entries" formatting strings with true presets
  • formatting strings are stored as config_var_string with names like "Database search/titleformat:Name"
  • colors are stored as config_var_int with names like "Database search/color:Name"
  • fonts are stored as config_var_struct<uLOGFONT> with names like "Database search/font:Name"
  • fixed problems with jump to letter in resultlist (color codes were not ignored completely)
  • added =, ~, <, and > predicates to "match all" and "match one" mode
The way settings are stored has changed in this version. You will lose most of your settings, when you install this version over an old one. Affected settings are: display and sorting strings, resultlist font, resultlist colors, contents of format list.

See the foo_dbsearch thread for description of the new features.

Third-party plugins

Reply #336
foo_history 0.6.0
  • added option to save history
  • added option to limit history size
  • formatting strings are stored as config_var_string with names like "History/titleformat:Name"
  • colors are stored as config_var_int with names like "History/color:Name"
      (there aren't any configurable colors in this plugin, but if there were...)
  • fonts are stored as config_var_struct<uLOGFONT> with names like "History/font:Name"
  • fixed status bar bug (that nobody complained about)
  • minor internal changes
As with the latest release of foo_dbsearch, you lose your formatting string and font settings, but then again, it seems like nobody is using the history UI...

The history is saved by default ("Remember history across sessions") and is limited to 1000 songs. For an average song length of 2:50 this gives about 2 days of continuous playback.


Third-party plugins

Reply #337 should now unofficially be considered the official foobar 3rd party page. I hope authors will take the time to support this and add their components.

Third-party plugins

Reply #338
Just a suggestion.

Maybe one of the mods could make a sticky right on top of the 3rd party plugins forum only containing a link to the new plugins site.

Might help making it bit more well known and more people migrate their plugins to said site.

Sorry for posting in this thread, but I did not know a more appropriate place.

Third-party plugins

Reply #339
Bluetooth Remote Control

Component name - foo_bluetooth_ctrl
Component type (appropriate section) - General
Which foobar2000 version the component works with - 0.7
Description of the component - Enables remote control of foobar2000 from Symbian based mobile phones through the Bemused client
Compile date - February 15, 2004
Download link -
Plugin home page - foo_bluetooth_ctrl

Third-party plugins

Reply #340

I want to announce foo_scheduler plugin for scheduling actions (like play, stop,
system shutdown) at selected time.

Because the foo_timer plugin by Radoslaw "AstralStrom" Szkodzinski is no longer developed, and I needed some more features and flexibility I have written the foo_scheduler plugin.

Main differences from foo_timer:
- support for standby / hibernating
- choosing shutdown type
- creating multiple user-defined presets to once and then endable / disable them
- you can run multiple timers at time

You can download version 0.5 (first public release) together with source code from

Missing features:
- warning window making possible to cancel pending shutdown
- what more do you need? please tell me :-)

Third-party plugins

Reply #341

I want to announce foo_lirc plugin for controlling the FooBar2000 from a remote control. It is in the alpha stage of the development, but it already has the support for this features:

- configurable LIRC/WinLIRC server address and port
- supported player controls: play, pause, stop, prev.track, next track, track position and volume.

The plugin and its source code is available at SourceForge page, you may download binaries from here:
foo_lirc binary and sources

I'm waiting for comments and list of missing actions 


Third-party plugins

Reply #342


Delete (context menu add-on) (foo_Delete)

for Foobar 0.8

Adds a "Delete file" option to your right-click menu in the playlist. Only lets you delete one song at a time. Warns before deletion.

This is useful, for instance, if the searcher pulls up a bunch of copies of the same song and you only want to keep the best version, or for removing partially downloaded songs.

NOTE: Apparently there is an old implementation of this kicking around known as "foo_delete" (no capital D). This is not that. This is a completely new version; I was totally unaware of the other one until now.

I think this one is less buggy, judging by the forums anyway.

Third-party plugins

Reply #344
Announcing a new plugin, woot
'Wombat Share'
This plugin will allow you and your friend's to enjoy each other's eclectic tastes in music across your LAN with next to no configuration.  This plugin requires that you use the database component (if you want others to see your music, otherwise its fine). 

Wombatshare is a concept that I'm working with to allow arbritary media players on multiple platforms to share music between themselves without the individual users having to worry about what the other users may be using to listen to music

So far the winamp plugin is pretty mature, and this is the first *very* alpha release of the foobar2000 plugin, I'd appreciate any comments you may have.  a website will be coming soon, direct link to the foobar2000 plugin below:

Foobar2000 Plugin
N.B. This is buggy as hell and possibly doesn't work wonderfully <g>

(For completeness I've also provided a link to the latest winamp plugin, this will give a better idea of where this plugin is going. PLEASE PLEASE Scroll to the bottom of the winamp thread for the latest version!) :
Winamp Plugin

Third-party plugins

Reply #345
Component name - foo_modplug
Component type (appropriate section) - Input
Which foobar2000 version the component works with¹ - 0.7 and above
Author name and e-mail address (and tell me if you want your e-mail address to be published) - KarLKoX -
Description of the component -Another module decoder using the excellent ModPlug Sound Library. Feel free to play up to 23 differents module format with a kick ass sound reproduction.
You have to delete (or make a backup) of foo_mod before using this plugin.
Compile date - 04/01/04
Download link² -
Author website link -
Screenshot link or send me screenshot - N/A

Third-party plugins

Reply #346
New version of WombatShare  on the website, manual IPs now implemented (initial stab at in anyway)  A host of new improvements to the foobar plugin, now all nicely multi-threaded and generally groovy

Third-party plugins

Reply #347
New version: foo_cue_ex 1.2.1
Now supports and stores *ALL* meta information in CUE sheets. Compiled against 0.8 SDK.

Version 1.2.1
- Fixed bug which occured when saving metafield that contained spaces
- Fixed bug with ALBUM ARTIST field in various artist compilations

B KaCKe.

Third-party plugins

Reply #349
foo_cue_ex updated to version 1.3.2
Added playlist->CUE export/saving feature
B KaCKe.