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Topic: WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's (Read 24699 times) previous topic - next topic
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WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Everytime I play a tune in WMP 11, I can count to 10 then check the folder the tune was in and the folder.jpg disappears.Then I find the album art again rename it to folder.jpg and copy it back and gives me an error that I can't copy cause its already there.I even went as far as to uncheck hide hidden files and folders and wasn't there either.But when I use Winamp the folder.jpg stays intact.WTF is going on?It's just taking away the folder.jpg's not other artwork.And to top it all off I got thumbnail view on for all my album folders and the front cover still displays like the folder.jpg was still there.Windows says its there but I don't see it.Anyone have this problem?

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #1
looks like you have let WMP to search for track info on the internet and update your music. WMP by default will look up track info from and download album art from and updates tags (very annoying  ). Also the artwork added by WMP is usally stored as a system hidden file (like Config.sys or Autoexec.bat).
"I never thought I'd see this much candy in one mission!"

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #2
Nope. I just looked and that option is not ticked.I remember unchecking it when I installed wmp11, just double checked to make sure.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #3
I think the folder.jpg is more than just flagged hidden... it's flagged as a "system" file, too.  This is by design.  Try setting "don't hide system files" from the shell, too.  If Explorer is telling you there is already a file, it's obviously still there!

/mnt, WMP's "default" is to add missing data from online data, not replace existing metadata.  To flush data, you'd need to do manual updates ("Find Info") or set it to automatically replace.  Folder.jpg would get added, not removed.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #4
Ok I just took an AC/DC - Flick of The Switch from one of my backup DVD's(was one of the albums wmp11 ate the folder.jpg).I copied it to the same directory that the other AC/DC album is in hit replace all and my folder.jpg reappeared.Then I played a tune from it using Winamp,which went fine.Tried WMP11 again at 15 seconds later the folder.jpg disappeared again.I kept a watch on it via the thumbnail view and the cover blinked then came back.The folder said it was modified on the time it did this.The folder.jpg was gone again.So I went to just copy the folder.jpg from the backup DVD it says can't replace.But it will replace it if I overwrite the whole folder.I think its time to stop using WMP.I only used it cause my mp3's have embedded album art in them so I could look at the cover.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #5
Ok I just took an AC/DC - Flick of The Switch from one of my backup DVD's(was one of the albums wmp11 ate the folder.jpg).I copied it to the same directory that the other AC/DC album is in hit replace all and my folder.jpg reappeared.Then I played a tune from it using Winamp,which went fine.Tried WMP11 again at 15 seconds later the folder.jpg disappeared again.I kept a watch on it via the thumbnail view and the cover blinked then came back.The folder said it was modified on the time it did this.The folder.jpg was gone again.So I went to just copy the folder.jpg from the backup DVD it says can't replace.But it will replace it if I overwrite the whole folder.I think its time to stop using WMP.I only used it cause my mp3's have embedded album art in them so I could look at the cover.
As I asked before, did you check to see if if the Folder.jpg is marked as a "system" file... those are hidden by Explorer, too.  That's different than the hidden flag.  If you like command lines better, from a "DOS" shell... go to the directory and type ATTRIB and you'll see the flags.  If this is it, set Explorer to unhide system files.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #6
how do I check?I hate command lines.I don't have this problem on my other PC using WMP10.This one here has some kinda RAID stuff in it I thought it might have been that.Using XP on both PC's

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #7
how do I check?I hate command lines.I don't have this problem on my other PC using WMP10.This one here has some kinda RAID stuff in it I thought it might have been that.Using XP on both PC's
From Explorer, select Tools... Folder Options... "View" tab... and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files"...

Like it or not, I verified... and Folder.jpg is intended to be a system hidden file since the shell uses it, as well as other applications.  So this is most likely what you are seeing.

So, if you must see the file... keep that item unchecked and you'll see all the ugly files users aren't supposed to see.  That's "by design."

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #8
how do I check?I hate command lines.I don't have this problem on my other PC using WMP10.

You wouldn't have that problem with WMP10 because it's not an annoying f'r like WMP11 is! 

To answer the folder.jpg attrib issue this is what you do:

If all files are in the My Music folder on WinXP:
1. Start a command prompt and copy+paste the blue text below into the command prompt window:
attrib /s -h -s +a "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music\folder.jpg"
2. That should do it.

If your using some other version of Windows you'd just modify the path that's listed above as "%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music" to that actual path, e.g.; C:\Music\

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #9
I did what you said.and it look liked it did something but returned to the prompt.played a tune in wmp11 and 15 secs later the folder.jpg disappeared.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #10
I want to follow up on a couple of comments posted above to be absolutely sure I am safe in upgrading to WMP11. I have spent a great deal of time getting the metadata right for the CDs I have ripped (about 1000 so far).  I've standardized on capitalization and have gone to the trouble to get the correct year of release for each track.  The last thing I want is for WMP to replace any of my metadata.

So here's my question: Have there been any reports of WMP 11 doing anything other than adding missing metadata?

I will be backing my media library up before installing, but I don't want to go there if there are known issues.


WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #11
So here's my question: Have there been any reports of WMP 11 doing anything other than adding missing metadata?

I don't recall exactly what the default settings are, but here's how to make sure. If you're already using WMP10 for library management, don't worry - the settings will carry over into WMP11. If you'd rather WMP11 do nothing to your actual library structure, do this:
  • Now Playing -> More Options -> Library
  • Specify your music folder under "Monitor Folders..."
  • Uncheck everything else in the library options pane
  • Click "Apply" and "OK"
WMP11 will now add your library while leaving the files untouched. I wouldn't deny the folder.jpg issue that Drunk*'s been having but, since I use WMP11 exclusively for library management and playback, it's not a problem to me.
EAC>1)fb2k>LAME3.99 -V 0 --vbr-new>WMP12 2)MAC-Extra High

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #12
I did what you said.and it look liked it did something but returned to the prompt.played a tune in wmp11 and 15 secs later the folder.jpg disappeared.
Did you read my reply?  Set Explorer to view system files.  They are hidden by default.  Folder.jpg is a system file.  (That command you executed will only temporarily change the files to non-hidden.)

From Explorer, select Tools... Folder Options... "View" tab... and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files"...

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #13

I did what you said.and it look liked it did something but returned to the prompt.played a tune in wmp11 and 15 secs later the folder.jpg disappeared.
Did you read my reply?  Set Explorer to view system files.  They are hidden by default.  Folder.jpg is a system file.  (That command you executed will only temporarily change the files to non-hidden.)

From Explorer, select Tools... Folder Options... "View" tab... and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files"...

I just did so and it still didn't bring back the folder.jpg

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #14

I did what you said.and it look liked it did something but returned to the prompt.played a tune in wmp11 and 15 secs later the folder.jpg disappeared.
Did you read my reply?  Set Explorer to view system files.  They are hidden by default.  Folder.jpg is a system file.  (That command you executed will only temporarily change the files to non-hidden.)

From Explorer, select Tools... Folder Options... "View" tab... and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files"...

I just did so and it still didn't bring back the folder.jpg
That's really strange.  Verify you have "Show hidden files and folders" selected, too.  (I assumed you already had that enabled based on earlier comments, but just check.)  I can see any file from the shell, hidden/system or not.

If it tells you the file is already there if you try to save a Folder.jpg, it's obviously still there!  If you are still not seeing system/hidden files, something is just wrong with your Explorer shell/OS. 

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #15
I have a similar issue I'm trying to resolve.  No one has posted here in a month so I guess the OP figured out the problem...

I'm trying to rename all the album art I have in each album folder to "folder" so that Windows will display the album art automatically.  I'm getting an odd error though on about 10% of the albums:

Problem is, there are no other files with that name in those folders.  I've even been checking the hidden files and folders to verify that.

After reading this thread though, I unchecked "Hide protected operating system files" and indeed I see another "folder" file.

What gives?  How did it get there?  Was it a third party piece of software I tried using a few years ago?

Is there any negative side to deleting these old "folder" images?

What's the best course to action here to reach my goal?

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #16
I have a similar issue I'm trying to resolve.  No one has posted here in a month so I guess the OP figured out the problem...

I'm trying to rename all the album art I have in each album folder to "folder" so that Windows will display the album art automatically.  I'm getting an odd error though on about 10% of the albums:

Problem is, there are no other files with that name in those folders.  I've even been checking the hidden files and folders to verify that.

After reading this thread though, I unchecked "Hide protected operating system files" and indeed I see another "folder" file.

What gives?  How did it get there?  Was it a third party piece of software I tried using a few years ago?

Is there any negative side to deleting these old "folder" images?

What's the best course to action here to reach my goal?

I think that if you reread this thread carefully you will find your answer.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #17
I think that if you reread this thread carefully you will find your answer.

I've read the thread twice now and see no definitive answer or even discussion regarding the necessity of those files or any side effects from deleting them.  Care to enlighten me? 

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #18
Told this to Lolita:

I know how annoying that little bastard code in WMP11 replaces even Read-Only Folder.jpg!!

Here is a workaround:

Create a Read-Only Network folder e.g. \\LOLITA-PC\Music

In WMP11, go to Monitor Folders...


Now DON'T choose \\LOLITA-PC\Music  directly from My Network Places.

Go to Entire Network

Choose Microsoft Windows Network

Choose your domain

Choose your Computer. Select \\LOLITA-PC\Music

Press OK.

You might like it that way too.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #19
Did you read my reply?  Set Explorer to view system files.  They are hidden by default.  Folder.jpg is a system file.  (That command you executed will only temporarily change the files to non-hidden.)

It's possible that Explorer treats folder.jpg files specially even if the "show hidden and system files" option is enabled, there are other things that it completely hides from you like CONTENT.IE5 folders.

Even if you turn all the "get metadata from internet" options off when in WMP11 it will still do stupid things like resize your album art to 200x200 and hide it and set system attributes whenever you play a file.

I'd advise you to throw WMP in the bin and use a media player than doesn't do stupid things behind your back.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #20
Told this to Lolita:

I know how annoying that little bastard code in WMP11 replaces even Read-Only Folder.jpg!!

Here is a workaround:

Create a Read-Only Network folder e.g. \\LOLITA-PC\Music

In WMP11, go to Monitor Folders...


Now DON'T choose \\LOLITA-PC\Music  directly from My Network Places.

Go to Entire Network

Choose Microsoft Windows Network

Choose your domain

Choose your Computer. Select \\LOLITA-PC\Music

Press OK.

You might like it that way too.

I don't use WMP. 

Usually Foobar2K and sometimes Winamp for a bit if I like a skin.

My basic question is - Can I edit or delete the album art images that are shown as system files without negative repercussions?

EDIT:  Issue sorted - desktop.ini and thumb.db are to keep the settings of that folder.  Ditch them, change the settings and another is automatically created.  Ditch those two along with the old "folder" image and you start back at square one and able to edit as you like.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #21
What ticks me off isn't that it scans for information and makes it's albumart small.jpg file, BUT that it actually changes the folder.jpg to it's crappy own format.  I've been ripping mp3s and luckily embedding them with a 500x500 or 600x600 itunes jpg so that still shows up in WMP, but the same 600x600 files that were stored as folder.jpg in the album folder, are now 200x200 wmp system files....


Anyone know how to bring the originals back?

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #23
My results were really never solved so I switched to Linux and that worked.

WMP Eating All My Folder.jpg's

Reply #24
I've just fallen into this horrible trap as I scanned my library with WMP so I could stream music to my Xbox 360. I've now got to re-download all the large images again and make them non hidden

EDIT: The "access to folder.jpg is denied" error is also beginning to piss me off now.