What's the simplest way to re-encode FLAC files with 1.1.3? I'm a windows user, and FLAC Frontend will not take FLAC as input to be encoded to FLAC. I want to keep all tags, etc, just encode with newer FLAC. (also, i'm not a command line master, so..)
Cut and paste the following script (author unknown to me) into a text editor and name it something like "convert.cmd". Put in in the root of your flac directory. Doubleclick. And do something great of your day while reencoding.
@echo off
set encoder="C:\Program\Sound\Coding\Flac\flac.exe"
for /r "." %%d in (.) do (cd %%d & for %%f in (*.flac) do %encoder% -8 -V -f -A "tukey(0,5)" "%%f")
Note: Of course you change the directory path of flac.exe to your specific.
Script takes care of the dot/comma bug.
EDIT: And it preserves the old tags.
Tested that script, works like a charm. Many thanks. Now I only have to run that script once for every new version of FLAC. However, sometimes I get this error:
"ERROR: Input file <insert filename here> has an ID3v2 tag."
What do I do about this? I've tried foobar's "Rewrite file tags", but to no avail.
I'm using FLAC 1.2.1, if it matters.