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Topic: FLAC 1.1.3 released (Read 233932 times) previous topic - next topic
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FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #75
John33, does your compile of flac 1.1.3 over at Rarewares take care of the dot/comma bug?

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #76
John33, does your compile of flac 1.1.3 over at Rarewares take care of the dot/comma bug?

I've just uploaded a fresh compile which includes Josh's fix (I think!  ). Can you try it and let me know, please?

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #77
Hi John33

I had just finished testing your first compile, as i suspected that it included the comma bug-fix, since it was compiled on the 8th January and the comma bug-fix submitted to CVS on the 5th January, but as you posted previously(and my test showed) it didn't. Anyway, i have just finished testing this new compile and it works perfectly and i got 0.5% better compression ratio on the default -5 setting. Also, could you please tell me if you have just included the single fix for the comma bug to the v1.1.3 release sources, or if you have done a compile of the newest CVS snapshot, so that the bug that would truncate output files after the first error when doing FLAC to FLAC transcoding of corrupt FLAC's also would be gone ?

Note: to others that want's to use this compile, then you will need to also download the libmmd.dll file, which also can be downloaded from rarewares.

Many thank's John33 for your continued efforts of making compiles available to us, it's much appreciated 

Thank's in advance.

CU, Martin.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #78
Hi John33

I had just finished testing your first compile, as i suspected that it included the comma bug-fix, since it was compiled on the 8th January and the comma bug-fix submitted to CVS on the 5th January, but as you posted previously(and my test showed) it didn't. Anyway, i have just finished testing this new compile and it works perfectly and i got 0.5% better compression ratio on the default -5 setting. Also, could you please tell me if you have just included the single fix for the comma bug to the v1.1.3 release sources, or if you have done a compile of the newest CVS snapshot, so that the bug that would truncate output files after the first error when doing FLAC to FLAC transcoding of corrupt FLAC's also would be gone ?

Note: to others that want's to use this compile, then you will need to also download the libmmd.dll file, which also can be downloaded from rarewares.

Many thank's John33 for your continued efforts of making compiles available to us, it's much appreciated 

Thank's in advance.

CU, Martin.

I included the single fix. However, if the consensus is that I should use the current CVS, I can do that easily enough. Is that safe, Josh?

BTW, thanks for the feedback on the compile.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #79
I included the single fix. However, if the consensus is that I should use the current CVS, I can do that easily enough. Is that safe, Josh?

BTW, thanks for the feedback on the compile.

Confirming that it works like a charm. Many thanks John, really appreciated! Speaking for myself, I see no use for a compile from the current CVS so no arm in the air here

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #80
I included the single fix. However, if the consensus is that I should use the current CVS, I can do that easily enough. Is that safe, Josh?

I think so, I have not checked in anything but small bug fixes since the release.  best to alter the vendor string in src/libFLAC/format.c though (like make the end say 20070113-john33 or something unique)


FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #81
excuse me? can i make a feature request, i need messages of flac to be marked with colours. errors - red, ok's - green.

can you make this possible? it would be very suitable!

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #82

I don't think that you have to make a CVS release of flac either(unless you want to ), and i just asked, since i wanted to know what code i was using.

Btw, the bug-fixes that i know about from CVS is :

Fix bug where FLAC-to-FLAC transcoding of a corrupted FLAC file would truncate the transcoded file at the first error (SF#1615019:;atid=113478)

Fix bug where using -F with FLAC-to-FLAC transcoding of a corrupted FLAC would have no effect (SF#1615391:;atid=113478)

From the CVS repository of flac/src/flac/encode.c :

And then of course the comma fix already included from the stream_encoder.c source.

CU, Martin.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #83
OK, guys, thanks for the feedback. I'll not bother with the current CVS for now, but if it becomes appropriate at a later date just ask and all shall be provided!!

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #84
@Josh Coalson

Do you know why the optimized(ICL9.1-SSE2) flac.exe builds gives different filesizes ? There's no problem though, as i have verified that the decoded WAVs are bit-identical to the source files, but i was just currious about the exact reason for this.

PS. Many thank's for this new release which IMHO is just downright awesome and actually made me switch from WavPack to FLAC 

Thank's again, mate 

CU, Martin.

Edit: Of course i have remembered to add -A "tukey(0,5)" to the command-line of the stock compile when i compared the output filesizes of the stock compile VS the ICL9.1-SSE2 optimized compile, as the ICL9.1-SSE2 optimized compile's sources was taken from CVS after the 5th December 2005, so that it would include the comma decimal seperator bug-fix.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #85
Do you know why the optimized(ICL9.1-SSE2) flac.exe builds gives different filesizes ?

The answer from another topic ([a href='index.php?showtopic=48978']LAME 3.97: different binaries produce differente results![/a]):
It's because of different floating point calculations reordering dony by compilers, which are producing slightly different results. Floating point only has a limited precision, and there is often some approximations in the result compared to the theorical formal result.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #86
Yes, i know that this is the explenation for lossy codecs, but i would just think that introducing rounding errors into the calculations for lossless PCM samples would make the output lossy ?

Thank's for your reply, mate

CU, Martin.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #87
libFLAC still uses floating point for the LPC analysis stage, so rounding errors can affect the filter creation.  losslessness is achieved by substracting the filtered signal from the original and storing that, which is why it will always be lossless.  i.e. if x is original signal, f() is filter, e is error, encoder computes e=x-f(x), and sends e and f only.


FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #88

Thank you very much for the explanation

Also have you any plans of adding wild-card support to flac.exe and metaflac.exe ?


Sorry, mate - you where absolutely right

CU, Martin.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #89
Many thank's for this new release which IMHO is just downright awesome and actually made me switch from WavPack to FLAC

Just curious : what FLAC features made you switch ? What does FLAC currently have that WavPack doesn't ?


FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #90
What does FLAC currently have that WavPack doesn't ?

FLAC decodes faster and compresses better than WavPack's fastest decoding mode. FLAC has a CUESHEET metadata block which can decode single tracks out from the command line. FLAC has a PICTURE metadata block. FLAC can take FLAC files as input and transcode from FLAC to FLAC and also transfer tags. FLAC has a verify-while-encoding(-V) option. FLAC has better software support. FLAC has better hardware support.
what FLAC features made you switch ?

I'm only interested in very fast decoding and not in lossy or hybrid mode or getting better compression in trade of lower decoding speed and then i saw that the new FLAC version both decoded faster while also compressing better than WavPack's fastest decoding mode. Then other features of the new FLAC version really impressed me like with it's added FLAC to FLAC transcoding while transfering all tags and a switch for embedding a cuesheet into a Vorbis comment(like WavPack) + even better than before error correction + giving better compression without decoding penalty.

CU, Martin.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #91
Sorry, for repeating my question, but just in case that it was missed the first time around

@Josh Coalson

Would you please consider being so kind as to add wildcard support to flac.exe and metaflac.exe in a new version sometime ? Some days ago i wanted to test my FLAC archive before i re-encoded them again with the added -A "tukey(0,5)" switch, as i had forgotten to use that switch the first time around and had a comma as decimal seperator. Then i first rightclicked on my FLAC folder and selected "Open Command Window Here" and then i just typed "flac -t *.flac", but recieved an error message and so i understood that flac.exe didn't expanded wildcards unfortunetly. This then means that instead of being able to do this : "flac -t *.flac", then we have to do this instead : for %G in (*.flac) do flac -t "%G". Luckilly then Tycho has compiled a globbing utility which code is listed on the net and which i now use instead, but IMHO, then i really think that wildcard support for the command-line tools of FLAC, is a really important feature missing.

Anyway, i just wanted to fill this feature request to you, and also say many thank's for all your great work on the FLAC format.

CU, Martin.


FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #92
I feel your pain Martin!  this has come up before, have you seen the other discussions on it?  I'm hesitant to add non-portable stuff to fix a bug in the windows shell that has been there for like 20+ years.  some of the easy workarounds are too dangerous to be acceptable:

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #93
Sorry, for repeating my question, but just in case that it was missed the first time around

@Josh Coalson

Would you please consider being so kind as to add wildcard support to flac.exe and metaflac.exe in a new version sometime ?

Martin, that's not a FLAC thing:  it's a Windows thing.  Wildcards work fine in Linux.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #94
Wow ! A 20-year old bug ! Amazing !  Thanks Bill ! 

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #95
I feel your pain Martin!  this has come up before, have you seen the other discussions on it?  I'm hesitant to add non-portable stuff to fix a bug in the windows shell that has been there for like 20+ years.  some of the easy workarounds are too dangerous to be acceptable:

Thank's for your reply Josh  No, i actually haden't seen any previous discussions about this before, but i perfectly understand your reasoning for not implementing it

Thank you anyways

CU, Martin.


Yes, i know that, mate

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #96

What's the simplest way to re-encode FLAC files with 1.1.3? I'm a windows user, and FLAC Frontend will not take FLAC as input to be encoded to FLAC. I want to keep all tags, etc, just encode with newer FLAC. (also, i'm not a command line master, so..)

Cut and paste the following script (author unknown to me) into a text editor and name it something like "convert.cmd". Put in in the root of your flac directory. Doubleclick. And do something great of your day while reencoding.
Code: [Select]
@echo off
set encoder="C:\Program\Sound\Coding\Flac\flac.exe"
for /r "." %%d in (.) do (cd %%d & for %%f in (*.flac) do %encoder% -8 -V -f -A "tukey(0,5)" "%%f")

Note: Of course you change the directory path of flac.exe to your specific.
Script takes care of the dot/comma bug.

EDIT: And it preserves the old tags.

Tested that script, works like a charm. Many thanks.  Now I only have to run that script once for every new version of FLAC. However, sometimes I get this error:

"ERROR: Input file <insert filename here> has an ID3v2 tag."

What do I do about this? I've tried foobar's "Rewrite file tags", but to no avail.

I'm using FLAC 1.2.1, if it matters.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #97
Tested that script, works like a charm. Many thanks.  Now I only have to run that script once for every new version of FLAC. However, sometimes I get this error:

"ERROR: Input file <insert filename here> has an ID3v2 tag."

What do I do about this? I've tried foobar's "Rewrite file tags", but to no avail.

I'm using FLAC 1.2.1, if it matters.

Try the Mp3tag program, it may be possible to remove the felonious ID3 tag with it.

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #98
Try the Mp3tag program, it may be possible to remove the felonious ID3 tag with it.

Thanks, I'll try.  Is there no other way around this, to make it automatic? Preferably by including something in the script?

FLAC 1.1.3 released

Reply #99

Sorry, for repeating my question, but just in case that it was missed the first time around

@Josh Coalson

Would you please consider being so kind as to add wildcard support to flac.exe and metaflac.exe in a new version sometime ?

Martin, that's not a FLAC thing:  it's a Windows thing.  Wildcards work fine in Linux.

Guys, wildcards are done by your shell. It is a shell thing. It is not a Linux thing or a Windows thing. It is a shell thing.

If you write *.flac shell finds all the files ending with flac and passes these filenames to flac.

Putting a functionality like this into FLAC would be very bad idea. Possibly will cause problems. For example if the filename passed onto FLAC has these metacharacters, then we have a problem. Frankly escaping them would be awfully unusual and probably difficult, too for anyone used to how command line applications should work.

