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Topic: appearance (Read 10140 times) previous topic - next topic
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Piotrek Pawlowski siemka. Tak sobie przegladalem gdy nagle natrafilem na artykul o tym iż byles zamieszany w tworzenei winampa. Troche mnie to zaciekawilo. W artykule tym dali linka do Twoego projektu jakim jest Foobar. Sluchaj podoba mi sie sama idea stworzenia czegos nowego, czegoś co moze konkurowac z winampem. To co mnei jednak martwi to wyglad i ogólna funkcjonalnosc. Wiem, ze mozna to naprawic. Jestem grafikiem i moge zaprojektowac wyglad foobara. Jezeli Cie to zainteresuje to napisz icq: 174123943; GG: 538664.

Hi all. I come from Poland like Peter Pawlowski  I was searching something in the internet when i saw article about Foobar. It really interested me this project so i want to help you. I would create appearance our Foobar. Everybody knows that currently foobar isn't clear, functional. We have only main window with song's list and this unnecessary menu...ble. I would create something easier with buttons, slides etc.  Please contact me. My icq:  174123943. 

Sorry for my English...ech
i am still learning


Reply #1
Hey balu?!?!?

What are You doing here??? Better start learning for "matura" exam
Hehehe. You have it this year right? Are You shaking already

And FYI, I (and yes - Peter also) don't want to hear about gfx in foobar. Go away!! (especially with that "siemka" oh boy...)

Sorry for being so rude, but we don't want another Winamp like player. Skinning is for motherf******. Look on Windows Media Player. Yeah maybe it looks better than previous "gray" version but hey? What about it's speed?? Crappy.

Better read another topics in this forum. You'll see that foobar is made for professional, fast and low memory playing. *NOT* for looking. Get it? Why don't You use your skills in Winamp3 (grrr) skinnig?



Reply #2
I don't think there's much to do concerning Foobar's UI. Only some basic buttons and a position bar should be added in my opinion, so there's not much to do...


Reply #3
foobar developers' attitudes are enough to stop people from using it.  Why on earth would anyone act this way?  Are you 13?  The least you could do is attempt to act civil.


Reply #4
foobar developers' attitudes are enough to stop people from using it.  Why on earth would anyone act this way?  Are you 13?  The least you could do is attempt to act civil.



Peter is the only foobar developer atm... perhaps you should get your facts straight before making sweeping generalizations like this.

Also, just because the player's author disagrees with you about some of your feature ideas (*ahem*... "diskwriter" support), especially when he has given valid reasons not to support it, does not necessarily constitute a "bad attitude".

Also, AFAIK, foobar was never marketed as the "user friendly" player.  I don't think it's even Peter's goal to get a whole bunch of people to use it.  Rather, it's something he's developing for his own purposes and is just happening to share it with some of the interested folks on the board here.


Reply #5
My observations of zzzzzz's behaviour have absolutely nothing to do with any desire for adding features to any product.  Would you like me to go through and show you just how often he is horribly rude for no reason?  Examples are incredibly easy to find.

<edit> and yes, now I notice that in this thread it was Geeck, but it sounded like Geeck was also working on the project from his comment and same rudeness "And FYI, I (and yes - Peter also) don't want to hear about gfx in foobar. Go away!! (especially with that "siemka" oh boy...)


Reply #6
My observations of zzzzzz's behaviour have absolutely nothing to do with any desire for adding features to any product.  Would you like me to go through and show you just how often he is horribly rude for no reason?   Examples are incredibly easy to find.

If you feel you have genuine concerns with someones attitude, you should take it up with them first or with one of the admins.  Bringing other threads off-topic with complaints is only going to make things worse.

<edit> and yes, now I notice that in this thread it was Geeck, but it sounded like Geeck was also working on the project from his comment and same rudeness "And FYI, I (and yes - Peter also) don't want to hear about gfx in foobar. Go away!! (especially with that "siemka" oh boy...)

This is no excuse.  I think you need to calm down a bit.  Getting ahead of yourself and making condemning judgements and sweeping generalizations like this (especially when they are absolutely invalid and unrelated) rather shows that you're taking things personally here and are not thinking rationally.


Reply #7
<edit> and yes, now I notice that in this thread it was Geeck, but it sounded like Geeck was also working on the project from his comment and same rudeness "And FYI, I (and yes - Peter also) don't want to hear about gfx in foobar. Go away!! (especially with that "siemka" oh boy...)

This is no excuse.  I think you need to calm down a bit.  Getting ahead of yourself and making condemning judgements and sweeping generalizations like this (especially when they are absolutely invalid and unrelated) rather shows that you're taking things personally here and are not thinking rationally.

Well thanks Dibrom. It shows us again that people like *LOOK* more rather than quality. Foobar2000 is perfect the way it is (due to fantastic simplicity). It's my opinion only but I think others will agree with me.

And yes _Shorty I'm not a developer. Peter works alone. But I know him and (what's more important) I READ post on this forum okey?

BTW, do You really need skinned UI?? Fb2k is more often minimized than visible on my desktop. Well probably not only on mine hehehe


Reply #8
Geeck, I don't care much about the appearance at all actually.  About the only thing I'd change as far as appearance goes is some form of seek bar and some simple buttons.  The tone of your post made it appear that you were also a developer, as you seemed to talk about yourself and Peter as though you worked together on it.  And what prompted me to post earlier was the rudeness I'm seeing so constantly concerning this player.  Either that will change, or it won't, I believe I've spouted off about it enough now.


Reply #9
'key - the best thing to do now is to calm down. No war between us = Respect.

You want simple buttons and seekbar - OK.
I'm only saying that I don't want Fb2k to be skinned like WA2 or WA3. Actually I can be sure that such INCIDENT won't happen.


Reply #10
Geeck "matura" exam will be easy

"Sorry for being so rude, but we don't want another Winamp like player."

Ok, ok but the main functions should be visible by means of buttons, aiii?
I don't want to create graphic similar to winamp. Just look Foobar2000 graphic edition ver 1.0  lol File has about 270kb.


Reply #11
screenshot looks decent.  I surely wouldn't mind a few buttons in fb2k, but if Peter doesn't want them thats understandable for sure.


Reply #12
if fb2k ever becomes skinnable, it will happen by moving user interface code from main exe into a separate (opensourced) DLL people can replace, and that will have to wait a few major version number changes since i have more important things to do right now.
i most likely won't write "skinnable user interface" myself (because i wouldn't even use it), but it sounds like fun to make it possible for others to write such thing. when i have time that is.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Reply #13
I personally cant believe that such division amongst users here is caused by an audio player.
Despite what people may or may not want its just that, a tool to play audio files which it does well, any further bells and whistles will no doubt come with time. I sometimes wonder if Peter ever regrets letting us d/l and use his player. 


Reply #14
i see nothing wrong with decently-implemented optional skinnable UI (well, as long as support for skinnable UI doesn't have any noticeable impact on "classic" default UI), i guess it's safe to say "yes this can be done".
some other requested features (*cough* diskwriter) would have certain slight problems due to the way fb2k works, i prefer to state the problem instead of simply letting people run code which doesn't do what they would expect of it.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Reply #15
some other requested features (*cough* diskwriter) would have certain slight problems due to the way fb2k works, i prefer to state the problem instead of simply letting people run code which doesn't do what they would expect of it.

no offence, please, but why not saying it this way the very first time? your first posts on the subject sound really different, you know.


Reply #16
because i was flaming the idea of having "all in one" player ?
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Reply #17
some other requested features (*cough* diskwriter) would have certain slight problems due to the way fb2k works, i prefer to state the problem instead of simply letting people run code which doesn't do what they would expect of it.

Not that I want to beat a dead horse, but what would be wrong in implementing a diskwriter if you made a warning notice appear anytime one wants to use it (with a "don't display this message again" checkbox)? Just a short warning that this feature is not meant for transcoding between lossless formats and that doing so will not yield bit-identical results would do the trick, as far as I'm concerned.


Reply #18
ok, noted that, thanks for the suggestion.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.