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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1556126 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3250
but I do agree that it deserves being registered in the foobar2000 repository
Nope. At least until mess with upper/lowercase letters will be fixed.
PS. When i ask to Remove all pre-existing tags - foo_discogger does not.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3251
but I do agree that it deserves being registered in the foobar2000 repository
Nope. At least until mess with upper/lowercase letters will be fixed.

You asked why you can't see updates for the component:
I know that. I have both of them installed. But foo_discogger does not indicate possible updates. Question is why so.
That's why - because it's not registered for foobar2000 to automatically find updates.

At least until mess with upper/lowercase letters will be fixed.
What is this referring to? 🤔

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3253
I agree with most late comments and feel a bit frustrated not being able to provide
straightforward answers to some questions. I also have to admit a bit of jealousy.
It is enviable the know-how of most collaborators.
I can never thank you enough for the love and care you showered on me and the project and I feel glad that at some point when someone will replace me, he/she will feel the same way.

I believe the project could reach a milestone soon...

Some issues that still need to be addressed, though:

- Polish lowercase/uppercase misuse
- Resolve Beta/experimental features
- Hidden track parsing
- Documentation
- Disk cache management
- Milestone testing

Hopefully, then IMHO, will be fine to apply for inclusion in the official repository.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3254
You've done an amazing job and in a number of ways it's better than the old component was (albeit building on the excellent previous work).

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3255
Amazing previous work... totally agree with you  :)

... for those wondering the difference between foo_discogs v2.2 and foo_discogger latest release... TLDR

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Error loading release

Reply #3256
HI. I'm trying to write tags from discogs on some releases but the below error occurs. Any ideas?

(FATAL) Error: Error loading release 2165: JSON Parser ExceptionArray assertion failed.

[ESCAPE to close]

Re: Error loading release

Reply #3258
I use foo_discogs 2.15

Re: Error loading release

Reply #3259
then I guess you know why it doesn't work.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3260
RE: foo_discogger why is release_ID disabled, while master_release_ID, artist_ID, label_ID are mandatory?
I'd like exactly the opposite of that.

Re: Error loading release

Reply #3261
Thank you!

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3262
RE: foo_discogger why is release_ID disabled, while master_release_ID, artist_ID, label_ID are mandatory?
I'd like exactly the opposite of that.

I've always found that weird too. It is standardly disabled for some reason, but it's been brought up a few times, and at some point @da yuyu made it possible to change:
... for those wondering the difference between foo_discogs v2.2 and foo_discogger latest release... TLDR
Tag mapping panel:
- Shift + click enables RELEASE_ID Write & Update menu options

That will allow you to change RELEASE_ID to write+update or your preference.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3264
Hi everyone,

Someone knows what this means? It appears every time i try to do tags, skipped and works by the way.
It popups on every step forward on the task, and yes i did clear the cache.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3265

The component is unable to open <profile>\configuration\foo_discogger.dll.db.

Posible solution:
Replace it with a fresh copy extracted from the distribution file (foo_discogger.fb2k-component).

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3266
Why foo_discogger does not Remove any pre-existing tags? foo_discogs did it, but foo_discogger does not.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3267
Not sure what is going on here. Every single time I try to get the release info for digital release eg WAV, MP3 etc I get this message in Foobar2000. Release# being the id# for said album etc.

(FATAL) Error: Error loading release 29992246: JSON Parser ExceptionArray assertion failed.

However if it's a physical release eg vinyl or CD, everything works like it should.

I can use MP3Tag and I can get the release info and tag everything as it should but not in Foobar which is very much preferred.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3269
Same problem with that too, which adds to my frustration. I followed the discussion link which sent me here.

I redownloaded and installed, which I had done before and now it works.

Don't care why and how but it's fixed. Many thanks.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3270
It's possible you had both components installed at once - I did for a while.
But no worries, glad it's working OK now.


Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3271
Why foo_discogger does not Remove any pre-existing tags? foo_discogs did it, but foo_discogger does not.

It was reported before, by bassstorm at Github. I failed to swing around it by adding the 'excl. those defined in Tag mapping'; the original option label was 'Remove any pre-existing tags'.
So to be fair, it does remove some, but not as many as it used to.
I can´t think of a justification right now so it should be fixed soon, in one of the next releases.
Thanks for your feedback.

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3272

It was reported before, by bassstorm at Github. I failed to swing around it by adding the 'excl. those defined in Tag mapping'; the original option label was 'Remove any pre-existing tags'.
So to be fair, it does remove some, but not as many as it used to.
Possibly bypass:  Tag mapping... - Action - Write+Update instead of Write (by default) ;)

Re: foo_discogs

Reply #3273
I'm trying to write tags with Discogger but it does not overwrite for example artist name on particular tracks, track titles etc., however all discogs tags are in place in Properties after writing.