Hi zoomorph,
I'd like to request a new Object/Field for the Master, not Release, Avg. Rating and Vote Counts.
Certain, usually lesser known, releases within the same master have very few votes or none at all.
From what I can see, the Master Avg. Rating and Vote Counts shown on Discogs are averages of all the Avg. Rating and Vote Counts of all the releases within that master. While this would mean that using the Master Release Avg. Rating and Vote Counts for a specific release would not account for the differences in that release, I think the differences are usually not significant to defeat the advantages.
Thank you for developing this great plug-in, please let me know what you think.
Unfortunately that information is not available from the Discogs API.
As of version 2.07, this can be done manually using the following formatting string:
Note that this could be very slow for large master releases, as it requires loading each sub release and then calculating the overall average.
I have the same question as from the above discussion from 2016. Has the master release rating been added to the API since this was originally posted? I'd love to have this data, but am concerned about using the potentially slow workaround code.