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Topic: EAC command line tool (Read 9946 times) previous topic - next topic
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EAC command line tool

Command line tool for ripping CD's with EAC:
No need to have EAC installed, just unzip and run

If you get an error the says "The system cannot execute the specified program." then you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (~2MB, no WGA)

Code: [Select]
eaccmd /d 0 /rip
eaccmd /d 0 /rip /cue
eaccmd /d 0 /rip 1 2 3 /secure
eaccmd /d 0 /toc

Usage: eaccmd [options]
/help                  : display this screen
/list                  : display available drives
/drive [#], /d [#]     : use drive # (see /list)
/toc                   : display TOC
/discid                : show FreeDB discid
/interface [interface] : use native|external ASPI (default=native)
/secure                : use secure mode (default=burst)
/rip [# # # ...]       : rip cd. specify tracks, no args = rip full cd
/offset [#]            : set read offset
/cue                   : rip as CUE. w/o /rip generates cue sheet only
/noskip                : do not skip track when suspicious position found
/nullcrc               : use null samples in CRC calc (default=skip nulls)
Secure mode options:
/noaccstream           : do not use accurate stream (default=use)
/nodisablecache        : do not force disable cache (default=force disable)
/c2                    : use C2 information (default=no)

Sorry to announce this is shareware.  I know, I know, but I have agreements with Andre.  Good news is it does share a license with CD-Tag, if you have that software this one will not expire.

I hope some find this useful  Let me know if you have any feedback, always welcome to improve

EAC command line tool

Reply #1

some questions:
a. so for only $19 i can have this ? (or what is the price?)
b. what stage is this in? (alpha, beta, stable?)
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

EAC command line tool

Reply #2
Support for both image and track ripping?  Logging?  AccurateRip?  Etc...


EAC command line tool

Reply #3

some questions:
a. so for only $19 i can have this ? (or what is the price?)
b. what stage is this in? (alpha, beta, stable?)

The EAC SDK is in stable stage, I've been using it for a little over a year.  The command line tool I threw together over the past couple days.  It's $19 and includes a license for CD-Tag.  Upgrades are always free.

Support for both image and track ripping?  Logging?  AccurateRip?  Etc...


It does support both image and track ripping.  No AccurateRip at the moment.  Logging, it displays CRC, track quality, peak levels, and suspicious position marks to the screen but does not write to a log file.  I'll add this feature soon.

Thanks guys!

edit: typo

EAC command line tool

Reply #4
Awesome.  FYI, I didn't mean to come across as whining, I should have written my comment slightly differently.

One more thing: for scripting simplicity, any chance of adding automatic mapping of drive letter to the drive number so that callers won't have to know about EAC's odd drive numbering scheme?  That's one annoying issue I'm dealing with already.


EAC command line tool

Reply #5
"/log" option added to v1.1 to output extraction log

I'll bug Andre again about the drive letter thing.  StarBurn SDK gets same Adapter and ID values as EAC SDK, so it should be possible.

EAC command line tool

Reply #6
"/log" option added to v1.1 to output extraction log

I'll bug Andre again about the drive letter thing.  StarBurn SDK gets same Adapter and ID values as EAC SDK, so it should be possible.

Excellent.  Is the tool capable of running more than one instance at a time?  With EAC, you can do so, but there are some slightly odd things you have to do in order to ensure that registry-stored preferences are correct whenever each one starts.

EDIT: it appears so.  $19 sent!


EAC command line tool

Reply #7
I have an experimental version here that works with drive letters (at least on my system).  It has two additional DLL's.  I'm calling out to starburn and their external ASPI layer just to get the Adapter/ID pair mapped to the drive letter. LMK if this works for you


EAC command line tool

Reply #8
Nice tool
It works on my machine (WinXP SP2), id are mapped to drive letters.
Is it possible to retrieve Freedb informations as parameters or environment variables ?
WavPack 4.3 -mfx5
LAME 3.97 -V5 --vbr-new --athaa-sensitivity 1

EAC command line tool

Reply #9
Yup - it appears to map "D:" to Adapter 0 Drive 0 and "E:" to Adapter 0 Drive 1, for my two virtual Daemon-Tools v3.x drives.  Cool.

Some additional freedb lookup support would be swell, though I think there may already exist (still looking...) other command line tools that can take the freedbid being generated and perform the lookup.


EAC command line tool

Reply #10
Is it possible to change the location that it saves the files to? or the name of the file that it saves it with? Or could this bea a future development?