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Topic: foo_scheduler (Read 457777 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #175
Hi -  I'm trying to figure out if this plug-in can do what I'm seeking - I'd like to perform an action when I reach the end of the queue.  For instance, I'd like to trigger an action to close a dockable panel (foo_dockable_panels) containing the queue (foo_queuemanager) when I reach the end of the queue.

I'm not really clear how to add an event like this (if it exists)?  The only player event I see in "player event config" is "on playback end".  I'm also not completely clear on how to get an ID for a menu item (in the menu item event config)?

Did I miss some documentation somewhere?  Maybe I'm looking for a slightly different est of functionality? (maybe not so much a time-based scheduler, but more something that allows setting up event triggers and responses?)



Reply #176
Hi -  I'm trying to figure out if this plug-in can do what I'm seeking - I'd like to perform an action when I reach the end of the queue.  For instance, I'd like to trigger an action to close a dockable panel (foo_dockable_panels) containing the queue (foo_queuemanager) when I reach the end of the queue.

I'm not really clear how to add an event like this (if it exists)?  The only player event I see in "player event config" is "on playback end".

You can only use the built-in events. You could use the 'on playback end' event, set foobar to stop playback when it reaches the end of the queue, and use an action that restarts playback. But of course this approach has its disadvantages ...

Unfortunately you can only used built-in actions. But if an action to run external programs was implemented, it would be possible to execute arbitrary foobar commands.

I'm also not completely clear on how to get an ID for a menu item (in the menu item event config)?

The text that you type for the ID of the menu item event will appear under the File -> Trigger scheduler event menu. The event can be triggered by selecting this menu entry. (I.e. this is not for executing arbitrary menu commands)



Reply #177
If anyone else is experiencing the bug mentioned here, I found a workaround:
  • If you set foobar to hibernate at the end of placback, schedule a few minutes of delay before hibernation.


Reply #178
Feature request:

Would it be possible to allow any menu command to be used in scheduler? Either by choosing from a drop-down list  or by entering the text?

It would make this component so much more powerful and flexible.


Reply #179
I have a small feature request, and it should be pretty small to implement.  Can you please have an indicator that says if the task is running or not?  At the moment, when a task is running I can't tell if it is working or not (i.e. delays).  Thanks.


Reply #180
Yea I requested that before, read whole thread
For now I use the volume as an indicator, I let it fade a bit so I know it's working. But it's a great component, using it  all day, when going to sleep and when I wake up =)
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #181
For me its useless in the actual State... Theres only one Player Action in the moment. Nothing about "on playback start, on track end" and so on. Ive posted some Feature wishes already, but no one seems to be interested. I have to use the old Foobar 0.8 with the old scheduler


Reply #182
I just started using fade and it's slightly problematic.  Foobar does volume from -100dB to 0dB, but since decibels are logarithmic half way on the slider is -15dB.  That meant on my two minute fade from -100 to 0 most of the sound change was in the last half minute.  I know I could modify this by starting at -40 and going to 0 or something similar but it still doesn't be as even.  Do you think it'd be possible to make fade function as the volume slider and have the units of change be uniform in terms of sound rather than logarithmic?  It would only take finding what the function was.  I'd find it useful, otherwise any fade will be really choppy where sound increases exponentially.


Reply #183
Despite reading the whole thread, I'm sure someone has already asked for this!  So please forgive me if I'm already repeating a request in the off chance it hasn't been asked for!

Would it be possible to allow the user to map a action to a shortcut?  That way you could map virtually any function of the player that can be accessed through the gui.  It defenetly make scheduler a more powerful tool.  Or more complicated (I assume) would be to implement the same type of gui access that the shortcut component configuration menu allows the user.

If any of that is too difficult or time consuming, a shorter request would be a pause button!  'Cause I'd like to be able to continue the same song if I hit my "snooze spacebar" in the morning!


Reply #184
i'd like to get another event, not directly related to foobar itself. if you could implement something similar to 'on system-idle' combined with 'once daily',.. that would make my day.
this way, i could finally get an automated media library updater


Reply #185
Hmm, wheres the action "Launch Application!" ? :/ Missing it ....


Reply #186
There are a lot of Features missing... A Status Indicator, more Actions, more Triggers (on Playback start for example)... But this Project seems to be dead. Ive given up to believe these Features will be implemented


Reply #187
There are a lot of Features missing... A Status Indicator, more Actions, more Triggers (on Playback start for example)... But this Project seems to be dead. Ive given up to believe these Features will be implemented

If the source was made available, the chance that someone adds these features would be much higher ... it is easier to modify an already existing (and very useful) plug-in than to write another, equally capable one from scratch.

Andrew, if you do not plan to maintain this plug-in further, would you please consider making the source code available?


Reply #188
Andrew, if you do not plan to maintain this plug-in further, would you please consider making the source code available?

Sure. See the first page, there is the link to the source code. To compile you need MSVS 2005, WTL and boost libraries.
Hope someone will continue developing
The only thing - please, notify in source code and in a binary distribution that the initial author of this plugin is me - Andrew Smolko.


Reply #190
Mirror for version 3.53 is not available anymore (bandwidth limitation) and I must admit I failed to register on a chinese forum with a mirror on it. Could someone please make it available again?


Reply #194
I would just like to thank the author of this plugin; it fucking rock! XD


Reply #195
Did anyone manage to compile this plugin using Visual Studio Express (i.e. not the Standard editon)?


Reply #196
Awesome plugin indeed!


Set output device


Reply #197
what am i doing wrong? select track doesn't work

i have a playlist that i want to play as a wake-up alarm. it consists of four tracks.
current actionlist is:
1. set active playlist "wake up"
2. select track #1
3. set playback order "default"
4. start playback

but it always starts playback on whatever track was last played from that playlist. so usually, i get only the fourth track as my wake-up alarm, which is kind of bad.


Reply #198

but it always starts playback on whatever track was last played from that playlist. so usually, i get only the fourth track as my wake-up alarm, which is kind of bad.

You must set Playback -> Playback follows cursor in the menu.  Unfortunately this setting can be somewhat annoying, but I keep it on because of foo_scheduler.


Reply #199
Just want to say thank you for this wonderfull plugin!