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Topic: foo_dockable_panels (Read 162469 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_dockable_panels is a component that lets you create windows from columns ui panels and be able to float or dock them to the main app window. It works in both columns ui interface and the default interface, but requires the columns_ui.dll to be installed.


Select View->Dockable Panels->New to create a new dockable panel window. Then right click on the created window to select which columns ui panel should be in that window. The windows can be floated or attached to any side of the main foobar2000 window or each other.

More information here.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #1
Redundant quote removed by moderation.

Great!Does it have hide\show option?Nevermind i'll check the wiki.

Checked it,looks very promising,however two things are absolutely essential:saving config between resets and
activate/hide option.If it's implemented it will be possible to stay on mini mode and to turn playlist on/off
(w$&*mp style).
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB


Reply #2
this is a really good idea! you have just made my day.

a few complaints/suggestions:
* when i select the album art panel, there's no menu when i right click the album art - i can't change any settings for it.
* the menu of plug-ins disappears once i choose one - this means if i change my mind i have to close the panel and open a new one. no big deal, but it'd just be nice if the initial menu options were added to the context menu of whatever panel i choose.
* the dockable panel could support more plug-ins, but im sure more will be added in future updates.
* it'd be fantastic if the dockable panel had the option to stay on screen while foobar is minimized. an example would be having the track info mod float on screen while foobar is minimized, kind of like a permanent pretty popup.
* i wonder if you could implement an auto-hide feature. if i were to dock a panel on the side of foobar, the panel could shrink to just a few pixels wide along the side of foobar and be activated with a mouse over (like how a panel in columns_ui can auto-hide but still have a little area for you to put the mouse over).


Reply #3
Nice component cwbowron, I really like the idea.
The only thing I noticed that hasn't been already said is that once you've put Track info mod into a window, you can't resize the window anymore.
That's all so far.


Reply #4
I was just thinking of something like this :| are you bugging me?
My Name is Sean and I'm here to leech off your genius.


Reply #5
Meh I just reacted and didnt really have anything to say at the time....

First of all i love this to the wishlist

1)docked panels to move independantly from the rest of foobar and also be selectable by alt-tab
2)auto-snap to functions when moving panel
3)the option to remove the title bar or at least have it on autohide
4)an "always on top" function for each individual panel

I really like the idea of this and look forward to seeing where it ends up
My Name is Sean and I'm here to leech off your genius.


Reply #6
Really nice!!!
I always wanted this, very useful for queumanager!
-foobar2000 + Burrrn + EAC
-HD 80Gb using High QualityVBR MP3s


Reply #7
Another idea:

Could you give click-through function as a toggled option?
My Name is Sean and I'm here to leech off your genius.


Reply #8
I updated the online version to 0.0.2.

I fixed some sizing issues with the hosted panel, and i added the abiltiy to collapse a panel by double clicking the title bar.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #9
Maybe I'm being ignorant here but isn't this almost the same as auto hiding a splitter?
Whats the diff because I have some things on autohide and I am interested in this plugin?........maybe


Reply #10
Three questions :
  • Is column_ui needed to use this plugin? Edit:Yes
  • I'd be curious to have a look at the source code ... Is is feasible?
  • Can "Playlist views", "Toolbars" and "Visualization" be easily added to the list of available panels?


Reply #11
I played around with this component for a few minutes. One feature that would be nice would be the ability to give panels a custom name (displayed in the title bar). However, I have a feeling you already have this in mind once you implement the ability for panels to save states.


Reply #12
Three questions :
  • Is column_ui needed to use this plugin? Edit:Yes
  • I'd be curious to have a look at the source code ... Is is feasible?
  • Can "Playlist views", "Toolbars" and "Visualization" be easily added to the list of available panels?

columns ui might be needed to use it, but i have had success in using it with the default interface, but I did have the columns ui dll still installed.

if you email me at chris AT, I will email you the current source.

I have added playlists to the mix in the dev version and toolbars and visualizations might be easy too.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #13
Very interesting plug-in, there's a lot of room for this to get better, as lots of people are pointing out. Anyway, one problem I just had was then I accidently clicked into a window behind foobar and then when I click on foobar in the taskbar again it would just show my (rolled-up) album art dock, which I had to close before clicking on foobar (in the taskbar) would restore properly.


Reply #14
Great idea for a plugin! Too bad it dosen't support lyrics panel at the moment.


Reply #15
I just updated the version on the website to 0.0.3, which allows you to select playlists and panels.  It will also store and load your layout when you exit and start foobar2000.

There are still some issues with panels not painting correctly, and I have seeen a couple odd layout issues when starting.

Please backup your configuration before using, in case something happens.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #16
Hello cwbowron, recentlly i discover yours plugins, and i very enjoy and benfit to use them.

I found something wierd in foo_docable_panles, the shadow style of the title font is differance between the regular style of other windows.


Reply #17
Hello cwbowron, recentlly i discover yours plugins, and i very enjoy and benfit to use them.

I found something wierd in foo_docable_panles, the shadow style of the title font is differance between the regular style of other windows.

AFAIK, that's a visual style 'problem'. The dockable windows aren't painted as normal windows, they are painted as 'tool' windows, and so they draw differently to what the normal windows are draw (this all depends on the visual style, though..)


Reply #18
i dun understand how to show the dockable panels.
i dled teh plugin n put it in the components folder.. n restarted my fb2k..
but nuth happens? i did check the display/playlist if theres any dockable panels that i could add ..but nothing
do i need other progs other than fb2k?


Reply #19
i dun understand how to show the dockable panels.
i dled teh plugin n put it in the components folder.. n restarted my fb2k..
but nuth happens? i did check the display/playlist if theres any dockable panels that i could add ..but nothing
do i need other progs other than fb2k?

Did you not read...? It's accessible from the main menu...

I'm developing a new component called foo_dockable_panels.  It allows you to create windows that host columns ui panels as floating windows that can be attached to the side of the main foobar2000 window or each other. 

A preview release is available.  This should be considered beta software.

I'm not sure how useful its going to be in its current state, but some people may find a use or enjoying trying it out.  Currently, the layout is not saved between foobar2000 instances, but I plan to implement that soon.

I have tested with a number of columns ui panels, but if you find one that breaks this, please let me know and I will try to fix the problem.


Select View->Dockable Panels->New to create a new dockable panel window. Then right click on the created window to select which columns ui panel should be in that window. The windows can be floated or attached to any side of the main foobar2000 window or each other.

More information available on my website:


Reply #20
yea but i didnt see any view>dockable panels ;(
tis plugin cant be used for single playlist column?

nyz.. i'll try the thing again when i got home
hope itll work tis time :S


Reply #21
= Release 0.0.4 =
* collapsed window always shows title bar for double click restoring
* fixed z-order issue in moving
* fixed painting issue
* active panel submenu (View->Dockable Panels->Active Panel) (also available by ctl-right clicking on title bar)
** toggle titlebar
** toggle close box (also removes system menu)
** collapse / expand

Please check the wiki before requesting features to see if it has already been requested or planned, thanks.
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #22
this is great. my foobar is now taking over my desktop with all these handy panels. i really appreciate the work you put into this cwbowron.


Reply #23
Release Candidate 1

    * fixed minor moving issues
    * if the panels configuration say the panels are off screen move them into the screen dimensions
    * avoid recursive moves ( panel a connected to panel b which is connected to panel c which is connected to panel a )
    * hook children for context menu with control pressed
    * auto collapse
    * horizontal collapsing
    * if you hide the title bar from a panel, you can move it by using clicking on the top pixel and dragging
    * horizontally collapsed panels can be moved by clicking and dragging
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #24
Really liking where this is going and I agree with all of the suggestions given so far.

Just one to add myself, any chance of being able to remove the 'bevel' around the box so that it can blend with the edge of my foobar?

Good work :]