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Whoa.. slow down!
[ 26 ] (8.5%)
Quite speedy.
[ 179 ] (58.3%)
About average.
[ 75 ] (24.4%)
Could be better.
[ 22 ] (7.2%)
You're kidding right?
[ 5 ] (1.6%)

Total Members Voted: 339

Topic: How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit? (Read 23504 times) previous topic - next topic
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How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #25
Most of these types of modifications require significant amounts of work.  I would have to go through and completely overhaul the system templates to do these sort of thing (remove all whitespaces, modify the stylesheet system, etc).  I just can't see the possible small benefit as being worth the massive effort it would take.  These sorts of things would also create quite a problem when attempting to update any of the forum software here as I would basically have to make the changes all over again every time.


How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #26
Runs a bit slow some of the time on my 56K, but i guess thats just the image's which i could disable if i was really that bothered!

On the topic of the spaces et cetera in the code,  wouldn't that all be negligble when using mod_gzip as it would compress it anyway??



How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #27
Working smooth as silk over my dial-up connection! Good work compressing the amount of information needed to be sent over the net to my computer. Why don't all website use that GZip server plugin (I think that what it was called) save bandwidth and speed up connections.

-=MusePack... Living Audio Compression=-

Honda - The Power of Dreams

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #28
Most of these types of modifications require significant amounts of work.  I would have to go through and completely overhaul the system templates to do these sort of thing (remove all whitespaces, modify the stylesheet system, etc).  I just can't see the possible small benefit as being worth the massive effort it would take.  These sorts of things would also create quite a problem when attempting to update any of the forum software here as I would basically have to make the changes all over again every time.

A few quick tests to see how I could reduce the HTML-output filesize...

Original full-length thread: 105k
Disabling session ID in links: -5k
Removing excess whitespace: -14k
Removing styles (i.e. externalizing them): -4k
Removing javascript (i.e. moving to separate .js): -0.5k

Some of these techniques have very little effect on the output filesize, but others could be fixed by Invision in five minutes. Throwing out all the spaces and tabs in front of each table cell tag, and moving all the stylesheet code to a .css file, would reduce the total board bandwidth by 15-30% (depending on the length of the threads).

I will check out their support forums and see if this lack of optimization has been discussed before...

EDIT: Ohhh is this site using gzip? That would explain why the modem users are so happy, and make most of this whitespace discussion moot. I played around with my "Enable HTTP 1.1" option in Internet Explorer, but my connection is so fast that I can't tell the difference.
EDIT2: Okay, the issue of external CSS has been discussed on their support forum before. Apparently it becomes both a compatibility and a flexibility problem if you put all that stuff in a .css file.

Gzipped the original page: 12.5k. Gzipped the "stripped down" page: 10.6k. Whoopie.

Sorry for making a fuss about something that really doesn't matter. 

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #29
I'm curious about how much web design is original to this site. I've been checking out the Invision software (specifically because of this site) and to be honest, I see very little more here than what comes out of their box. It sounds like most of the optimizations are on the back end (mod_gzip, Zend) instead of in the actual site design.

Speaking of, where can I go to learn more about this mod_gzip thing that seems to make all of the dial-up users so happy? (I'm about to Google "Zend", too.) I think I'm about to start some serious development on a community site and want to have a solid basis first.
[span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']I wouldn't know a subtle hint if it stood on my desk in a purple dress dancing and singing, "Subtle hints are here again!"[/span]

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #30
I'm curious about how much web design is original to this site. I've been checking out the Invision software (specifically because of this site) and to be honest, I see very little more here than what comes out of their box. It sounds like most of the optimizations are on the back end (mod_gzip, Zend) instead of in the actual site design.

Of course most of the stuff on this site is based on the invision software + hacks.  To do otherwise would require a significant amount of reinventing the wheel.  HA could always do with another skin or something, but that's another story.  However, there are a handful of customized hacks that I've installed in the software to make things behave a little different (a little better IMO).

Speaking of, where can I go to learn more about this mod_gzip thing that seems to make all of the dial-up users so happy? (I'm about to Google "Zend", too.) I think I'm about to start some serious development on a community site and want to have a solid basis first.

A google search should bring up the homepage for mod_gzip, which is an addon module for Apache 1.  If you're using Apache 2, you don't need mod_gzip (there isn't one for it actually).  With Apache 2, you just use the built in filter system to compress the output or something like that.  I forget the details.. I'd tell you exactly how to do it if I had my Apache book in front of me

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #31
The site is very speedy for me and doesn't hang at all and since most users have a Cable/DSL connection anyway I don't really see the point in crippling...  ehh... optimizing the HTML code.
If there really is a need for more speed Dibrom should think about integrating a minimal skin for those on slow connections.

"To understand me, you'll have to swallow a world." Or maybe your words.

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #32
If there really is a need for more speed Dibrom should think about integrating a minimal skin for those on slow connections.

I saw a really cool text-only skin once for the iBF software.  I really would like to have something like that as an alternative at some point, but there are so many other things on the to-do list also.  In the end, I can't imagine that the text-only skin would benefit users as much as some of the other things we have planned.  Maybe someday though...

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #33
HA is typically very speedy, however in the last three weeks I've noticed a drastic slow down, such as some pages taking 60 to 90 seconds to load -- this I've noticed at various hours such as after 12AM (U.S. CST) and after 6AM (U.S. CST).

I realize the problem could be with my ISP since I do have a slow 56k connection.

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #34
Actually, I would revise my vote if I could. Having been watching the site's speed closely in the past few weeks, I can quite safely say that HA is the fastest site I visit regularly. Even on my crappy 56K modem, threads are loaded *very* fast.

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #35
Whoa slow down pls!

I have 56K dialup here and I'm feeling the speed 

The forum pages at load very fast, but this one sure is faster!

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #36
This forum never timed out or refused connection even once, and speed is very good. Great job

Oh, I'm on 768/128 ADSL.

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #37
For 56k users, it is an absolute godsend

How is the speed of this site compared to others you visit?

Reply #38
HA is typically very speedy, however in the last three weeks I've noticed a drastic slow down, such as some pages taking 60 to 90 seconds to load -- this I've noticed at various hours such as after 12AM (U.S. CST) and after 6AM (U.S. CST).

I realize the problem could be with my ISP since I do have a slow 56k connection.

Same for me, but (at work) I have ISDN connection...
