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Topic: What are the real benefits of Foobar? (Read 17878 times) previous topic - next topic
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What are the real benefits of Foobar?

Reply #25

i don't give rat's ass what other people think

I love what it takes to get a forum here!!!  Especially compared to being a mod for example...

Gee, now if that isn't twisting what someone said i don't know what is.
i really can't stand using a player being made by someone else anymore. i am making fb2k in order to use it, i don't give rat's ass what other people think about it.

THAT's what he REALLY said, and anyone who can think clearly can understand it clearly.

What are the real benefits of Foobar?

Reply #26
after all, everything i expect from a music player is to play music. i kept my Winamp minimized most of the time, and used to navigate its playlist using cursor keys and enter key; apparently i copied my Winamp habits to foobar2000.

With every single function od fb2k being associated to key shortcuts it should be easy to control your player using windows messages.

Think about handling some additional messages, like FOOBAR_STATE (playing, paused, stopped, ...). FOOBAR_SEEK, FOOBAR_TELL_POSITION etc. and anyone with basic programming skills could make frontend to foobar2000 with all bells and whistles, without bothering you

What are the real benefits of Foobar?

Reply #27
i really can't stand using a player being made by someone else anymore. i am making fb2k in order to use it, i don't give rat's ass what other people think about it.

THAT's what he REALLY said, and anyone who can think clearly can understand it clearly.

My unclear thought takes it to mean this player is designed for one persons taste and preferences.  Which is fair enough, but it's now pimped as being for the public in that it has a forum hosted for it

Could I get a forum hosted for my great program, DnBfix.m?  It's a bit like deglitch, but only works on 30 songs, anything else it might mess up    And no I'm not willing to develop it for those who want luxuries like more compatibility    U catching me now Sk1?
< w o g o n e . c o m / l o l >

What are the real benefits of Foobar?

Reply #28
Quote from: Mac,Dec 18 2002 - 04:01 AM
THAT's what he REALLY said, and anyone who can think clearly can understand it clearly.

My unclear thought takes it to mean this player is designed for one persons taste and preferences.  Which is fair enough, but it's now pimped as being for the public in that it has a forum hosted for it

Could I get a forum hosted for my great program, DnBfix.m?  It's a bit like deglitch, but only works on 30 songs, anything else it might mess up    And no I'm not willing to develop it for those who want luxuries like more compatibility    U catching me now Sk1?[/quote]
I don't know what's your point.. Yes, Peter has a strong vision what foobar2000 should be, but he is clearly also open to suggestions (as you can see by reading the forum) as long as the suggestions dont remarkably contradict his visions.
Juha Laaksonheimo