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Topic: foo_uie_single_column_playlist (Read 764391 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #750


Reply #751
hi. a newbe here
can somebody help me make the images in my single column playlist a bit smaller? let's say around 60x60 px
I have this code (cepiperez's), and I have tried everything but I can't figure out what all those values mean. I thought (82,82 specifies the size of the bounding box of the image, but if I change it it just disappears. I've played around with some of the values but I just seem to move the image inside that bounding box..

Code: [Select]
$font(calibri,8,boldshadow glowalpha-50,)
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,boldshadow glowalpha-50,100-100-100)
$if(%_selected%,$drawrect(246,0,0,0,brushcolor-207-216-215 pencolor-null))
$if(%_isplaying%,$drawrect(246,0,0,0,brushcolor-40-40-40 pencolor-null))
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,shadow glowalpha-50,82-115-115)
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,shadow glowalpha-50,0-0-0)
$if($strcmp(%play_count%,?),No plays,%play_count% Plays)
$drawrect(246,0,0,0,brushcolor-40-40-40 pencolor-null)
$alignabs(250,-2,900,200,,)$font(Wingdings 3,17,bold glow-100-100-100,250-250-250)m
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,boldshadow glow-100-100-100,250-250-250)
$alignabs(272,10,120,110,,)$font(calibri,7,boldshadow glow-70-70-70,180-180-180)
$if($strcmp(%play_count%,?),No plays,%play_count% Plays)
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,126),13,120,20,right,)$font(wingdings,6,boldshadow glow-70-70-70,180-180-180)$repeat(,%rating%)

Also, if someone could point me to some page that explains in detail this $imageabs2 function, I'd appreciate it, cause I've searched the wiki and the forum and I couldn't find anything..

thanks in advance


Reply #752
hi. a newbe here
can somebody help me make the images in my single column playlist a bit smaller? let's say around 60x60 px
I have this code (cepiperez's), and I have tried everything but I can't figure out what all those values mean. I thought (82,82 specifies the size of the bounding box of the image, but if I change it it just disappears. I've played around with some of the values but I just seem to move the image inside that bounding box..

Code: [Select]
$font(calibri,8,boldshadow glowalpha-50,)
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,boldshadow glowalpha-50,100-100-100)
$if(%_selected%,$drawrect(246,0,0,0,brushcolor-207-216-215 pencolor-null))
$if(%_isplaying%,$drawrect(246,0,0,0,brushcolor-40-40-40 pencolor-null))
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,shadow glowalpha-50,82-115-115)
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,shadow glowalpha-50,0-0-0)
$if($strcmp(%play_count%,?),No plays,%play_count% Plays)
$drawrect(246,0,0,0,brushcolor-40-40-40 pencolor-null)
$alignabs(250,-2,900,200,,)$font(Wingdings 3,17,bold glow-100-100-100,250-250-250)m
$font(AvantGarde LT Medium,7,boldshadow glow-100-100-100,250-250-250)
$alignabs(272,10,120,110,,)$font(calibri,7,boldshadow glow-70-70-70,180-180-180)
$if($strcmp(%play_count%,?),No plays,%play_count% Plays)
$alignabs($sub(%_width%,126),13,120,20,right,)$font(wingdings,6,boldshadow glow-70-70-70,180-180-180)$repeat(?,%rating%)

Also, if someone could point me to some page that explains in detail this $imageabs2 function, I'd appreciate it, cause I've searched the wiki and the forum and I couldn't find anything..

thanks in advance

Here is an imageabs2 explaination I got from somewhere + added some a bit of my own:
Look at this code (example):

Actual string: $imageabs2(50,50,,,40,40,10,1,$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,folder.jpg),)
What it means: $imageabs2(1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,path name,)

The 1st and 2nd values (50,50) are for the size you want to show the image (resizes the original)
The 3rd and 4th values (empty values) are for the left and top of the image (usually not used in group display), usually when it is used it would be in item display (and you'd multiple the track height by track number to split the images&offset the layer in the consecutive rows)
The 5th and 6th values (40,40) are for the size of the showed image (you can resize an original 150x150 image to 100x100 with the 1st and 2nd values, but with these values you can show only a part of the resized image)
The 7th and 8th values (10,1) are for set the left and top of the showed image.


Reply #753
Think it would be possible to add the F2 renaming feature of ColumnsUI to quickly change an ID3 tag field?  This is the only feature of ColumnsUI that I miss.

Kudos for a great program!


Reply #754
Sorry, could anybody take a look at this piece of code cuz I'm going nuts already 
Here I'm trying to calculate the average rating of the album by adding up all the rating fields of its tracks and then divide by number of tracks...
Code: [Select]



Reply #755


Reply #756
One quick request, the ability to resize images out of ratio(non square images could be made into squares etc)
I don't know if its possible or even smart(in regards to performance) but I thought I'd throw it out there.

edit: actually what I really need is the ability to align the resized object, something other than having it centered in the panel


Reply #757
How to do $hsl in this plugin? Question has been asked in thread before but I dont see an answer. A conversion from hsl to rgb can be found here:;p=80111&#

But how to get the weird X-Y-Z format out of this??



Reply #758
but if I change it it just disappears.

This confused the hell out of me to. Restart foobar once you've changed it as it has to reload the images.


Reply #759
Is there a site for single_column_playlist and/or trackinfomod configs?

It's called the appearance thread. I'm starting to grow on the disorganized approach of that thread - see, it makes people get inspiration instead of just going and straight copying someone's code in there, then they can merge their ideas and the code when they find it.
err... i'm not using windows any more ;)


Reply #760

Silly mistake...but it didn't help, probably the bug is somewhere in the logic...thx anyway - i'm one step closer


Reply #761
Here I'm trying to calculate the average rating of the album by adding up all the rating fields of its tracks and then divide by number of tracks...
Nice idea, El Nino.  I also tried to set up a code based on your idea but failed, too.
As far as i know it is not possible, because all foobar components just read the tags of one song (selected or playing).
If i am wrong about this, please correct me!


Reply #762
Here I'm trying to calculate the average rating of the album by adding up all the rating fields of its tracks and then divide by number of tracks...
Nice idea, El Nino.  I also tried to set up a code based on your idea but failed, too.
As far as i know it is not possible, because all foobar components just read the tags of one song (selected or playing).
If i am wrong about this, please correct me!
I sincerely wish you were wrong cuz i don't appreciate any other album rating idea, but it looks like you're not...therefore either it is me who needs some improvement or foobar scripting language 


Reply #763
Every line in playlist gets it's data from single track only,and cannot interact with other track's data,so for now it's impossible to sum up the values of many tracks from the playlist,however foo_browser has an ability to calculate average values of a group.
Favourite artist:CD-R
Favourite album:700MB


Reply #764
...however foo_browser has an ability to calculate average values of a group.

hmmm....ok....some weeks ago i decided not to use foo_browser coz it made a very ressource-intensive & lagging impression to me....(though it is a great plugin!)
but maybe collecting tag-infro from defined tracks is worth a request at cwbowron's other component foo_cwb_hooks?!

anyway, to get stick to this threads topic again, a more single_column_playlist related question:

i am using parts of Snowsfall's group display code for my scpl-view:
Code: [Select]

some covers did not show up as soon as there was a vertical scrollbar in my playlist. i edited the code to:
Code: [Select]

first this seemed to fix my prob, but later i recognized there are still larger album-covers refusing to show up.
is this some kind of a bug?! is it my stupidity?! right now i have no idea....
(maybe i should go to bed and get rid of my headache  )

any help is appreciated!


Reply #765
terrestrial, could you please fix support for columns ui's globals? it works well in your track info panel mod, but still not here.


Reply #766
i am using parts of Snowsfall's group display code for my scpl-view:
Code: [Select]

some covers did not show up as soon as there was a vertical scrollbar in my playlist. i edited the code to:
Code: [Select]

first this seemed to fix my prob, but later i recognized there are still larger album-covers refusing to show up.
is this some kind of a bug?! is it my stupidity?! right now i have no idea....
(maybe i should go to bed and get rid of my headache  )

any help is appreciated!

The only problem I ever ran into was that any cover that was smaller than the width would be just that, smaller, since scpl only shrinks images. But other than that I never had any problem with covers not showing.



Reply #767
The only problem I ever ran into was that any cover that was smaller than the width would be just that, smaller, since scpl only shrinks images. But other than that I never had any problem with covers not showing.

hey, i know what you mean. though i do not think it is a problem.
of course a full width cover looks better than a not "resized" one. but NO COVER definitely looks worse than any cover  .

nevertheless, thanx for your beautiful and inspiring code!!! 


Reply #768

latest foo_input_matroska says that attachment can be accessed for example with matroska://%path%|cover.jpg.

I tried in foo_uie_albumart and it's working, but when I try:

$imageabs2(85,85,,,,,16,4,'matroska://'%path%'|front.jpg',) in single_column_playlist it doesn't show the file. Is my syntax right or foo_ui_single_column_playlist just won't work for some reason with that new feature ?


Reply #769
The big downside to an otherwise great plugin is that you cant simply select some tracks like in colums_ui. No simple order changing.
I would really like to use this single comlumn playlist, but i need that simple functionality. How do you cope with that problem? Or do you guys never switch the order?

So will this be possible in the future?
And what about single track mode? Now all track get grouped by some tag.
Inter Deum et Diabolum semper Musica est", Tanzwut


Reply #770
I have the exact same concerns with using this plug-in. I know it's possible to remove the headers on certain playlists using cwb_hooks, but I can't figure exactly how.

The big downside to an otherwise great plugin is that you cant simply select some tracks like in colums_ui. No simple order changing.
I would really like to use this single comlumn playlist, but i need that simple functionality. How do you cope with that problem? Or do you guys never switch the order?

So will this be possible in the future?
And what about single track mode? Now all track get grouped by some tag.


Reply #771
I do miss changing the order of my songs but its just so beautiful so I make sure I'm happy with the playlist order when I'm adding the files
My Name is Sean and I'm here to leech off your genius.


Reply #772
I"ve uploaded a new verison. Please let me know if it makes the glitches better. also, pressing enter should start playback now.

Thank you for fixing this. However, now keyboard shortcuts that involve enter, e.g. Alt-Enter, do not function.


Reply #774

Is there a site for single_column_playlist and/or trackinfomod configs?

It's called the appearance thread. I'm starting to grow on the disorganized approach of that thread - see, it makes people get inspiration instead of just going and straight copying someone's code in there, then they can merge their ideas and the code when they find it.

I totally agree.  I post my configs for other people to change so I get more ideas, not just because I'm generous. =]