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Topic: foo_uie_queuemanager (Read 474041 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
Is there a way to insert some colours in the title formatting ? How do we align text to the right ? It would be nice to open files in the queue with a double-click (on queue manager panel). And is it possible to keep the queue when a track is played with double-click in the playlist ? Is it a foobar2000 feature that empty the queue

Developement is currently stopped, as It works they way I want it to and I don't have that much time at the moment.

So: no colors, no alignment, no single-click, double-click or whatsoever actions.

The queue is emptied by foobar, there's no way to stop this from within a component.


Reply #51
this is my favorite component. id like to thank you for making it, and my foobar experience! but please kind sir, is there absolutely no hope of your to-do list being implemented?

more specifically:-

# Ability to reoder Tracks via drag'n'drop
# Ability to add tracks to the queue via drag'n'drop

please guvnor, my knees are raw with groveling?


Reply #52
is there a way to make the panel adjust its size by the number of queued items? would be just perfect...


Reply #53
Version 2.2 is out - there is actually nothing new, but I removed the "play after current" stuff from this component.

This feature does not actually have anything to do with this component, so I decided to split it in a separate, non-NET component foo_trackpos.

Get Version 2.2 and foo_trackpos here.


Reply #54
Hey while you're at it can you make this component non-NET too? :)


Reply #55
Hehe, no - sry.
I actually don't use it anymore and the place after current part was non-net from the start.
This separation was nothing but a bit of cut and paste


Reply #57

Hehe, no - sry.
I actually don't use it anymore

Does it mean you stopped development of your plugin? 

Yes - I think it's in a state that's enough for a final.
It does all I wanted from the beginning - show the queue and allow you to undo a minor mistake you did while enqueueing from within a collumns_ui panel. If you want to reorder your tracks or do other complicated stuff, just use the playlist and foo_trackpos (I can see no advantages of the queue over that solution).


Reply #58
I see! 

There is just small thing wich would make me happy if you could add it:  the delete function inside the context menu of the panel as a alternative to the delete button. Why is that so important? The queuemanager panel has a big role in my layout used for parties. So foobar is used by other people who are used to call the context menu.

By the way: As you requested a while ago the feature that the queue won't be flushed if playback is started from playlist  i was sceptical and didn't see any usage for that. But after creating my party layout it suddenly came into my mind: If we would have that feature the queue would also mean a selection of songs wich will be played with guarentee even if a party hooligan starts clicking around in playlists to hear his songs and there would never be a stop of playback as lon as you fill the queue by time. Hopefully somedays that woul be possible!


Reply #59
There is just small thing wich would make me happy if you could add it:  the delete function inside the context menu of the panel as a alternative to the delete button. Why is that so important? The queuemanager panel has a big role in my layout used for parties. So foobar is used by other people who are used to call the context menu.

I have to admit that this is really something the component lacks . But I don't have any experience with contextmenus and I don't plan to go into .Net development any further, cause it sucks ^^.

By the way: As you requested a while ago the feature that the queue won't be flushed if playback is started from playlist  i was sceptical and didn't see any usage for that. But after creating my party layout it suddenly came into my mind: If we would have that feature the queue would also mean a selection of songs wich will be played with guarentee even if a party hooligan starts clicking around in playlists to hear his songs and there would never be a stop of playback as lon as you fill the queue by time. Hopefully somedays that woul be possible!

Rule Nr. 1: Never let any party hooligan touch your sacred PC hardware

I would not use the queue for parties (inflexible, can't be reordered, no undo functionality available) - the same is possible with foo_trackpos - except of the availability of all the power of a playlist.
But I have good news for ya - I'm planning to create a party interface for foobar2000 with all the features you need to party (especially _very_ restricted access ).


Reply #60
OMG that sounds very very compromising!


Reply #61
*edit* ah.. sorry.. didn't see that it's not allow to request.


Reply #62
*Forget that


Reply #63
Well, I did it ^^
Version 0.2.3 is out.

Implemented "Stop after queue"

Get it at my foobar components homepage


Reply #64
I would not use the queue for parties (inflexible, can't be reordered, no undo functionality available) - the same is possible with foo_trackpos - except of the availability of all the power of a playlist.
But I have good news for ya - I'm planning to create a party interface for foobar2000 with all the features you need to party (especially _very_ restricted access wink.gif).

Can you tell more? I am eager to hear!



Reply #65
Well, I can give you a little excerpt of the concept:

Completely locked playlist (no remove, no reorder etc.)
Only two possibilities to add songs to the playlist - adding songs to the very end or adding songs at a random position after the current one

You can't add a song that's already in the playlist (having been played within the last x minutes or in playlist after the currently playing song)
Maybe more settings here - like only allow x songs per artist per y minutes etc.

Randomize functionality - shuffles all songs in the playlist after the current playing one.

"Backup playlist" - if the playing list only has one song left, 5 songs are taken from this backup playlist (that you have created before the party begun) - so music never stops playing

Database search panel - just like database search, but as a columns ui panel

Password field panel - as long as a set password is written in this field, all restrictions are removed

Combine this with a correctly set up UI (no menu panel, no context menu, only very few hotkeys only you know) and you are ready to party.


Reply #68
Looking forward to this party plugin! My computer has the 160gb of music and is plugged into the receiver at our apartment so it is always being used by (drunk) guests. Now, if only I could get a party plugin to keep them from breaking shit in my room...


Reply #69
looks great, untill i read .net requirement.. 


Reply #70
how is that foo_party mod comming?

sounds nice


Reply #71
I'm having a huge problem withe this module which I otherwise love. As I add more tracks to the queue and it then advances to play the next song in queue, the name of (what then becomes) the top track in the queue becomes incorrect. (The problem isn't limited to just the next track although it appears mostly there.) Is it just me?      My problem is one that you couldn't miss.


Reply #73
What version are you using?
If it's 0.2.3, try 0.2.2 (

I was using 0.2.3.  Thanks for providing me with 0.2.2. I'm sfraid that the issue remains. To clarify: If I just create a queu and start playing it there is no problem. But let's say two songs into the queue I then add a song. The problem emerges immediately. The fist noticable symptom is that the top song in the queue is renamed as the song that is currently playing. The problem cascades from there as the queue continues to play.  Note that the actual order of the queue is not being affected, only what is displayed in the Queue Manager panel.
I would love it if this gets resolved as your Queue Manager panel is front row andc centre in my favourite config: .  (In fact, this is a good example of it. Note that Sting Me is currently playing and also at the top of the queue. In fact, Sting Me was not at the top of the queue; it was a different song renamed by the panel.)