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Topic: foo_dsp_centercut (Read 96048 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_dsp_centercut v1.0.1 [link is dead and was foobar2000 v 0.9–only anyway—Ed.]

The classic "vocal cut" filter, except that the output is stereo instead of mono. This is accomplished through FFT phase analysis.

This version includes recently discovered algorithm improvements to reduce echo and eliminate clicking.

foobar2000 v 1.x–compatible compile, by mudlord, reuploaded by db1989:

Information on the algorithm, as implemented in VirtualDub:
the center-cut algorithm

Old threads:
• Original Winamp version: ‘Winamp "Center Cut" DSP Plugin released
• First release by Chun-Yu: ‘Center Cut DSP


Reply #1
What does this do? Does it play just vocals from a track, thus making it acapella? Does it cut it out and save it as a seperate file?


Reply #2
Yay! Thank you.

With this DSP, you can play the "center" in mono or the "sides" in stereo. If you use it together with the converter component, you can save it to a separate file.


Reply #3
Cool! Continued development and improvement, please.


Reply #4
1.0.1 released, minor changes (renamed to foo_dsp_centercut instead of foo_centercut, doesn't request track change mark anymore, samples are scaled differently).  Be sure to delete foo_centercut.dll from your components directory if you downloaded the first version.


Reply #5
THANK you, REALLY been waiting for this one.


Reply #6

Would it be possible to add a lowpass filter so that the drums aren't cut when taking out the center channel?  Or does that just not really work in practice?



Reply #7
Actually it works pretty well.  I can't make a preference section so I would have to add 2 more items in the Available DSP list, and the crossover frequency wouldn't be configurable.  I'll see about it when I get time.


Reply #8
Actually it works pretty well.  I can't make a preference section so I would have to add 2 more items in the Available DSP list, and the crossover frequency wouldn't be configurable.  I'll see about it when I get time.

Why can't you create a preferences page?


Reply #10
This plugin is really good. If you could figure out how to add more options or configurability - hopefully making a GUI won't be too hard or you could get help! - it could be even better. Best of luck


Reply #11
First off, Thank you so much for this great plugin. I use it everyday.

My dream would be to have high-pass and low pass sliders as well as a center mix knob. That way I could mix the center-mids (vocals) back into the mix to my liking.

A narrow-band pass filter to let the (center) snare information through would be good too. (now I'm sounding greedy!)

Great, great plugin! The winamp version with low-pass especially.



Reply #12
ta muchly for this!


Reply #13

Thanks a lot.
And having this in foobar is really cool! =)


Reply #14

I was wondering if you had any plans on updating this terrific dsp component?
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #15
I recompiled this plugin for foobar 0.9.6, don't know if anybody still wants this, so feedback is appreciated, especially from moitah, if he doesn't want this


Reply #16
It doesn't work in windows 7 build 7068 64-bit:
Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_centercut.dll
Reason: This component is not compatible with this version of Windows and needs to be recompiled with a newer version of the foobar2000 SDK; please contact the author of this component to obtain an updated version of this component.


Reply #17
Sure, it would be great to have an updated version. Moitah, never responded to my October 2008 request, so I am guessing that moitah is no longer interested in keeping the plugin up to date.

If you run foobar2000.exe in XP compatibity mode, foo_dsp_centercut will work, at least on a Vista x64 machine, and most probably on your Windows 7 x64 build too.
The version posted above is moitah's last version, not McFrog's latest.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #18
As a temporary solution you can download my build here! It's essentially the same source as the original but newer sdk.

let me know if it doesn't work.


Reply #19
Thanks, McFrog! It is working well on my XP machine at work. I will try it on Vista this evening.

The forum is still having issues with links. With IE7 it downloads as "download.php". Once downloaded, I opened it with 7-Zip. Alternately, the extension can be renamed to .rar and opened.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #20
The forum is still having issues with links. With IE7 it downloads as "download.php". Once downloaded, I opened it with 7-Zip. Alternately, the extension can be renamed to .rar and opened.
Please explain how specifically is clicking on an external link http://? connected to this forum.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #21
It's not a rar, its 7z. i used the php wrapper to monitor the traffic, it's not my own server, so i wouldn't want to cause too much traffic... firefox seems to work fine with that.


Reply #22
Fine with me.  I just don't use foobar2000 that often so I lost interest in keeping the plugin up to date.  I'm glad someone recompiled it.


Reply #23

Because, this .php extension thing has popped up a few times since the upgrade, and I don't recall ever seeing it before. For that reason, I thought it was a forum issue. My apologies for the incorrect assumption.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #24
can anyone have foo_entercut for foobar v1.? its error