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Topic: foo_dsp_skip_silence (Read 62797 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
I want to add my "Thank you" to this list. I'll try it out.

You are doing a great job on porting those left plugins!


Reply #26
Nice. Thanks for the effort. It will be perfect if you can port gap killer as well but maybe i'm asking too much heh.


Reply #27
Nice. Thanks for the effort. It will be perfect if you can port gap killer as well but maybe i'm asking too much heh.

why not just use foo_dsp_continuator? I think it's an advanced gap killer.


Reply #28
with the new foobar2000 v0.9.3 beta 1 everything works fine regarding the seekbar and displayed playback time problem -- as expected


Reply #29
Works with 0.9.3 beta 1, thank you Acropolis


Reply #30
I seem to be having some problem. Sometimes (maybe when the silence is too long perhaps) foob locks up with almost 99% CPU usage, while it's skipping.
This happend a lot with beta2, now it's disabled but i can put it back.

Anyone else notice?


Reply #31
ok i may just be a complete moron but how do i download this? is this some wacky encryption method or what? there's no dl at all on your page, just pictures


Reply #32
-foobar2000 + Burrrn + EAC
-HD 80Gb using High QualityVBR MP3s


Reply #33
download link broken~


Reply #35
BTW, I can't get this DSP to properly process short periods of silence at the beginning of a track. It just keeps jumping forward, screwing the first tones.


Reply #36
site down.. redirects to funds site.. what is with that anyway?



Reply #38
I reinstalled my windows and then tried to get foobar the same as it was before the reinstall. I copied all my files from the old installation over a fresh installation and everything workes except for skip_silence. I get the following message when i start foobar:

Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

How should i fix this?
Inter Deum et Diabolum semper Musica est", Tanzwut


Reply #39
I reinstalled my windows and then tried to get foobar the same as it was before the reinstall. I copied all my files from the old installation over a fresh installation and everything workes except for skip_silence. I get the following message when i start foobar:

Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

How should i fix this?

either install the vc8 runtime libraries or net framework, all my components need it.


Reply #40
yeah i noticed. It works now. Thx
Inter Deum et Diabolum semper Musica est", Tanzwut


Reply #41
now i remember why i stopped using this component, it creates short periods of loud static. so far i've noticed it with monkeys audio files. it happens right in the middle of the music as well, not just quiet or silent parts.


Reply #42

Umm... excuse the n00bness, but what exactly does this do?

It skips silent parts in a music file, f. e. those last tracks on an album where you have to wait for like 10 minutes of silence and get 2 minutes of music. You can adjust the threshold (below which it is defined as "silence") and the minimum silence duration to be skipped.

Nothing against this, but some artists do that on purpose, don't they?


Reply #43
[edit]whoops, wrong tab...
delete me.


Reply #44
Nothing against this, but some artists do that on purpose, don't they?

I think all artists do that on purpose.
Nothing is impossible if you don't need to do it yourself.


Reply #45
Hi Acropolis,

I have quite a few tracks which weren't encoded gaplessly, i.e. there's some milliseconds of silence. I had a look into the files: there's 1024 samples in the beginning and more than 1500 in the end.

The winamp people have gapless playback, but we've lost the gap-killer.
With your plugin, you're close to give us the old gapkiller. We just additionally need a slider "maximum length ogf silence to skip" and the guarantee of your plugin to skip only gaps at the beginning and end of tracks.

Also, it should maybe preread a bit? If I set the threashold to 100 and the minimum length to 0, there's still a noticible crackle on track change.

EDIT: BTW, it seems the foo_dsp_continuator used the foo_dsp_nogaps code...


Reply #46
where's the link for skip silence? no one is working...