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Topic: foo_dsp_skip_silence (Read 62804 times) previous topic - next topic
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Version 0.1



Reply #1


Reply #3
Code: [Select]
Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

Will I need a VB runtime?


Reply #4
Code: [Select]
Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

Will I need a VB runtime?

no, VC8 runtimes


Reply #5
On my system with fb2k 0.9.2, I get:
Code: [Select]
Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I have copied msvcr80.dll and msvcp80.dll into c:\windows\system32. Any other suggestions?


Reply #6
This plugin is very good!

Thanx Acropolis. 
I'm Korean.
My english is poor. : (


Reply #7
On my system with fb2k 0.9.2, I get:
Code: [Select]
Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I have copied msvcr80.dll and msvcp80.dll into c:\windows\system32. Any other suggestions?

I never have this message before, try to remove the foobar2000.cfg (save this first) to see if it can be loaded?
and I'm not sure if just put the dll is ok, maybe require a full runtime libraries installation?
seems annoying, but last step to try maybe .NET framework (I didn't use it, weird)


Reply #8
Yes, thanks Acropolis. I've been waiting for this too.


Reply #9
On my system with fb2k 0.9.2, I get:
Code: [Select]
Failed to load DLL: foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll
Reason: This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

I have copied msvcr80.dll and msvcp80.dll into c:\windows\system32. Any other suggestions?

Don't place those DLLs manually on to your system. That is not the way they are intended to be installed (and it will likely mess stuff up). Try removing the DLLs you placed and use the proper VC8 redist (as always, make sure it's still signed by Microsoft before running... I don't know if it's on Microsoft's site if you prefer to get it that way).


Reply #10
..use the proper VC8 redist (as always, make sure it's still signed ..

Thanks FrozenSpoon, that helped again (just like with foo_dts).

You're a real hero to me in porting some of those realy usefull plugins to fb 0.9. 
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.


Reply #11
Very big thanks


Reply #12
Don't place those DLLs manually on to your system. That is not the way they are intended to be installed (and it will likely mess stuff up). Try removing the DLLs you placed and use the proper VC8 redist

Anyway, thx Acropolis.


Reply #13
Acropolis, thank you.
a little bug;wronk  seek bar and time displayed in status bar after skipping silence ( 4 mintues) mpc file on winxp sp2
Music is my first love.


Reply #14
Great work.

But indeed the seek bar and displayed time aren't updated when time is skipped. I tested this using various mp3 files. Nothing to serious though.
Inter Deum et Diabolum semper Musica est", Tanzwut


Reply #15
I'm aware of the bug, finding solution now.
why in 0.8.3 there's no need to worry about the timing after skipping / adding samples, but now it needs to?
anybody knows how to sort this out?


Reply #16
Umm... excuse the n00bness, but what exactly does this do?



Reply #17
Umm... excuse the n00bness, but what exactly does this do?

It skips silent parts in a music file, f. e. those last tracks on an album where you have to wait for like 10 minutes of silence and get 2 minutes of music. You can adjust the threshold (below which it is defined as "silence") and the minimum silence duration to be skipped.
Nothing is impossible if you don't need to do it yourself.


Reply #18
I'm aware of the bug, finding solution now.
why in 0.8.3 there's no need to worry about the timing after skipping / adding samples, but now it needs to?
anybody knows how to sort this out?

foobar developpers?
if they are time for
Music is my first love.


Reply #19

I'm aware of the bug, finding solution now.
why in 0.8.3 there's no need to worry about the timing after skipping / adding samples, but now it needs to?
anybody knows how to sort this out?

foobar developpers?
if they are time for

I have post the question in the developer forum for a few days already and asked in the irc channel as well, yet no body ever gave me a response.
I've also ported the foo_dsp_soundtouch, but I've decided not to release it until I get this little bug fixed....


Reply #20
wohoo! i waited so long for a 0.9 version


Reply #21
I finally have the displayed playback time and seekbar problem answered by peter, just wait for the new version of foobar2000 comes out to get it fixed. it's not a bug of the plugin.


Reply #22
ok, thank you for information.
Music is my first love.


Reply #23
gr8! thanks


Reply #24
Thanks, for porting this component, Acropolis.
I've been waiting for it, so now I'm thanking you before even trying it.