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Topic: foo_run (Read 631172 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #500
thanks , but is there a way to automize this if the picture is always in the same folder and has the name "artist - track.jpeg", for example, so that you don't have to specify the folder & filename each time?

Edit: I've got about 20k songs which don't have any artwork and album tags embedded so I want to optimize this process as much as possible.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #501
look at the end of my post - the bit in brackets. 

you'd probably want something like %artist% - %title%.jpeg

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #502
hey guys, is it possible to make foobar change file/folder attributes via foo_run?

Code: [Select]
attrib -r %_path% /d

something like this...
Right now I have a batch file for removing r/o attrib from the files in one of my folders, but being able to do so from within the player for specific files would be even better.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #503
just guessing but you might need to use cmd /c like this...
Code: [Select]
cmd /c attrib...

edit: maybe stick double quotes around the path as well because it will most likely have spaces in it.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #504
just guessing but you might need to use cmd /c like this...
Code: [Select]
cmd /c attrib...

edit: maybe stick double quotes around the path as well because it will most likely have spaces in it.

thanks, marc, it works! Well, sort of

Code: [Select]
cmd /c attrib -r "%_path%" /s

Works for single files, but not for selections.

iirc attrib also has /d key which is supposed to make it apply attributes to folder, but it doesn't work for me for some reason.

for reference

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #505
it looks like using /d means you have to supply the path to the directory...

Code: [Select]

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #506
Is it possible to have foo_run run a script at the beginning of a selected list, script for each item in list, and then a script for the end of the list?  Here's my problem:

I wrote a python script that takes in a bunch of metadata from foobar.  It clusters the data into albums and then spits out some playlists based on some logic like duplicate albums, albums with track dupes, etc.  Right now I have it working by using foobar's text tools to copy all the metadata into a list and then the script takes that full list and performs the logic to create the playlists.  Is there anyway I can streamline this process to work with foo_run?

process is basically:  create a metadata list, run python script on complete metadata list to generate some smart playlists.

alternatively, i could read in the foobar database directly, though i'm not sure how that is formatted...

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #507
Yeah, lower is not needed, its just to make it look more tidy, no function at all...

Well, the code works, cause if i do start => run => c:\mp3\mymp3folder\00-path etc, it opens the nfo in the standard nfo viewer (damn nfo viewer) so it works, but just on a couple of dirs cause not all nfo's are exactly in the same format... so i just want it to open the first nfo it can find in the directory.

Good thinking though, maybe the program opening it can find it, or maybe a bat file or something... I'll try later


i got the solution:

make a batfile, called opennfo.bat and put it in c:\windows\ , put this in it: FOR %%A in (%1*.nfo) DO %%A

then in foo_run, use this command: opennfo.bat "$directory_path(%path%)\"

that simple actually....

Bolded command opens all nfo files in the directory.

Does anybody know how to write a command in the bat file that will open just one nfo file? I guess it's even more simple than the one above, but I'm not an expert for bat commands.


foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #508
I used to run tag&rename with this plug in. Lately I changed my PC and re-installed foobar2000 and the plug-in, but in a portable version and the tag&rename command does not work anymore.
This is what I wrote in the path field:
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files (x86)\TagRename\TagRename.exe "%path%"

What's wrong with it?
I'm late

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #509
I used to run tag&rename with this plug in. Lately I changed my PC and re-installed foobar2000 and the plug-in, but in a portable version and the tag&rename command does not work anymore.
This is what I wrote in the path field:
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files (x86)\TagRename\TagRename.exe "%path%"

What's wrong with it?

The answer is already in this thread.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #510
I used to run tag&rename with this plug in. Lately I changed my PC and re-installed foobar2000 and the plug-in, but in a portable version and the tag&rename command does not work anymore.
This is what I wrote in the path field:
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files (x86)\TagRename\TagRename.exe "%path%"

What's wrong with it?

The answer is already in this thread.

You're right. I jumped to the end of the thread after failing with the double quotes. Now I saw the brackets problem. Thanks, I'll be more patient next time.
I'm late

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #511
how can i run spotify with the highlighted artist/song in the searchbox? someone in this topic has suggested something like
Code: [Select]
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe search:$replace(%title%, ,+,+)

Code: [Select]
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe spotify:search:$replace(%title%, ,+,+)

but neither of these work for me - spotify opens but my query is ignored.


foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #512
IIRC, you don't specify a path to spotify. it should open automatically using just

Code: [Select]
spotify:search:$replace(%title%, ,+)

and you may want to check the documentation for it because things might have changed??

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #513
This may have been asked already but I couldn't find an answer, so is it possible to chain commands somehow instead of running them manually step by step?

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #514
no. if such an option existed, where do you think it would be hidden?  surely it would go in the preferences with everything else...

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #515
True... Well, it is still an awesome component!

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #516
you could of course have a batch file that runs multiple commands. call it something like this...

Code: [Select]
path\to\file.cmd "%artist%" "%album%"

then from inside the batch file, you can access the first argument passed to it with %1, the second argument is %2 and so on.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #517
Can we use path like this: "fb.ProfilePath\streamripper\streamripper.exe" %path%
Does foobar have some titleformating that point to profile folder?

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #518

How to run "step by step" 2 commands in one service:
Code: [Select]
foobar2000.exe /runcmd-playlist="Playback Statistics/Rating/1"
foobar2000.exe /runcmd="Playback/Next"


foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #519
put your 2 commands in a batch file and then run the batch file.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #521
I have another question, but i do not know where can i ask.

It is possible to create button with RUN SERVICE in Windows Taskbar or Tray?

For example, i want to run service from taskbar even when FB2K is hidden.

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #522
Use a global keyboard shortcut but make sure it's a combination of keys not used in Windows/other programs.

File>Preferences>Keyboard shortcuts

foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #523
I created button in Windows Taskbar

1) Assigned CTRL+ALT+P shortcut in FB2K for RUN SERVICE

2) Created two files .BAT and .VBS:

Code: [Select]
wscript "d:\soft\Foobar2000\program.vbs"

Code: [Select]
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.AppActivate "foobar2000.exe"
WshShell.SendKeys "^%P"

"^%P" - it's CTRL+ALT+P

3) Create shortcut for .BAT in windows taskbar

It's work fine for me

Re: foo_run 0.3.7

Reply #524
Can anyone help me figure out how to open more than one file in musicbrainz picard with this? I've tried various combinations of everything I found and the closest I can get is opening one file at a time in seperate windows of picard using...

Code: [Select]
"C:\Program Files '('x86')'\MusicBrainz Picard\picard.exe" "%_path%"