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Topic: foo_uie_quicksearch (Read 680041 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #550
Is it possible to make the quicksearch for... function customizable, cause I like to search for the same label etc and my tags are written correctly so. Is this already possible or not? It shouldn't be that hard to implement or am I wrong?


Reply #551
Im using this plugins for a while, and still have some questions.

Can someone please help me with this.


How can i find ALL mp3's in my library with ReplayGain applied with this plugin?

I tried something like

Code: [Select]
%__replaygain_track_gain% GREATER 0

But im obviously doing something wrong..


How can i assign a shortcut for placing the mouse cursor in the search bar?


Sometimes i want to use the extended search, like:
Code: [Select]

Then it will search every, but also in the filename and or directory. Is there any simple way i can use the extended search and NOT search in the directory and/or filename?


Reply #552
Im using this plugins for a while, and still have some questions.

Can someone please help me with this.


How can i find ALL mp3's in my library with ReplayGain applied with this plugin?

I tried something like

Code: [Select]
%__replaygain_track_gain% GREATER 0

But im obviously doing something wrong..


How can i assign a shortcut for placing the mouse cursor in the search bar?


Sometimes i want to use the extended search, like:
Code: [Select]

Then it will search every, but also in the filename and or directory. Is there any simple way i can use the extended search and NOT search in the directory and/or filename?

1) I think you should use something like:
Code: [Select]
NOT %__replaygain_track_gain% IS "?"

2) In the keyboard shortcuts editor, look for "Library\Quicksearch toolbar" under the [main] commands section and then assign a key to it

3) In the QS preferences page, you can set your own tagz strings. Create one "everywhere but fn and dir" and list all the fields you want to search into.


Reply #553
Thnx man! Some notes:

1) Ur code works... But im just wondering why this doesnt work:
Code: [Select]
NOT %__replaygain_track_gain% MISSING

2) This one worked fine  Thnx

3) When i go this way, it wont be the same. Cause the extended mode can search in EVERY tag, but i cant name ALL tags, isnt it? Maybe ive created a tag named 'blah' and so on. Did u get my point?


Reply #554
Thnx man! Some notes:

1) Ur code works... But im just wondering why this doesnt work:
Code: [Select]
NOT %__replaygain_track_gain% MISSING

Sorry I'm no programmer so, for me it's enough it works. I think you could also use "." instead of "?" because every value in RG has a dot (not sure though).

3) When i go this way, it wont be the same. Cause the extended mode can search in EVERY tag, but i cant name ALL tags, isnt it? Maybe ive created a tag named 'blah' and so on. Did u get my point?

Not sure I got it but let's try.
Are you saying you can't remember all the field names you used in your tracks?
Then you can easily create a playlist with all your tracks, select them all and open the context menu properties window to see and write down all the field names.
If you are saying you are just too lazy to write them all down well, sorry I can't help.
If you say you have fields you didn't put there and don't care about, just wipe them out.
A tag is for carring info: if you're not interested in that info, kill it.


Reply #555
Its not that in to lazy, but my music collection is a old one, and i could idd look with foobar which tags ive used.

But the other way just would give me more satisfaction  But its good how its now.


Reply #556

I'm currently encountering problems using the plugin.
How can I prevent foobar2000 from playing search results directly from the results-playlist?

In my opinion it's more reasonable when a song is appended to the currently playing playlist when double-clicking on it. Instead of this the currently playing playlist is interrupted.

Does anybody have a suitable solution for this?

Many thanks in advance.


Reply #557
Would be great if you could change font size of the panel...


Reply #558
You mean like using the $font() command??


Reply #559

I'm currently encountering problems using the plugin.
How can I prevent foobar2000 from playing search results directly from the results-playlist?

In my opinion it's more reasonable when a song is appended to the currently playing playlist when double-clicking on it. Instead of this the currently playing playlist is interrupted.

Does anybody have a suitable solution for this?

Many thanks in advance.

use drag & drop to add it to your preferred playlist


Reply #561
is there anyway to use quicksearch without having an library?
I dont like to manege (to update etc.) one and use foo_uie_explorer, but quicksearch dont find anything anymore.


Reply #562
Hi NEMO7538,

I got a question: is it possible for quicksearch to return back to the main playlist after you've chosen a song from the search?

Thanks in advance,



Reply #563
Is it possible to add a sort function to this plugin? Maybe to sort the date or length. I know this is possible on some other ways, but id like to see it in this plugin is possible 

Something like:
Code: [Select]


Reply #564
when selecting the old string and then paste text into the edit field it is not found. I have to manually remove the old text first.



Reply #565
Could a popup be implemented (or ported to another component) to display the results and make actions for the selected items to be added/enqeued in the active playlist, similar to the Winamp "Jump to" function?

It's nice to generate playlists this way, but for me it defeats the purpose of a continual play when i want to add a specific song.
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P


Reply #566
um. F3.


Reply #567
Can't wait for a HD-AAC encoder :P


Reply #568
you might also like this.


Reply #569
Would it be possible to recover the good old foo_uie_search for ?



Reply #570
Would it be possible to recover the good old foo_uie_search for ?

foo_uie_search was only developped for Foobar 0.8 (... development was in a very primitive stage) and never existed for
The first post contains more info on versions history and here for authoring history.


Reply #571
Can't get 2 instances of this component working at the same time. I have more then 1 display in panels UI and I need 2 instances, but i can only use it once.

How do I fix this?


Reply #574
Sorry if this question was asked already, but is there anyway to reset the search once it's completed? I have inline playlist search enabled, and the reset function just gets rid of the search once the enter button is pressed. I would like to go back to the original playlist when I'm done searching (like how iTunes or Windows Media Player handles it).

Edit: The problem seems to lie when the new playlist is put into focus. For instance, when I search for something and clear the query, I can get back to my library. Yet, whenever I search for something and click on a song in Foobar, I can't go back to my main library if I clear the search.

Is this a bug or by design?