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Topic: foo_asap for version 0.9 (Read 25433 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_asap for version 0.9

Because someone asked for it, here is foo_asap v0.2.1.
It is designed to work with foobar2000 0.9x.
Whilst I was upgrading the plugin, I fixed the multi-instance issues that was plaguing the underlying playback engine (you can now play and encode at the same time). Unfortunately, as a result of this update, I believe I have introduced some playback issues (songs missing some notes, badly formed music, poor samplerate conversion).
Sorry, I haven't yet written a manual yet, but hopefully, the plugin should be quite straightforward to use.
You can get sample tunes at


foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #1
Excellent, thank you for this.

A shame that foo_asap seems in many ways more limited than the closed-source foo_sap. I might be incorrect, seeing as I've been using foobar2000 0.9 for a while now, but I do believe that foo_sap allowed for seeking, as well as playing files containing samples (ASAP's homepage acknowledges that the latter doesn't work yet).

I'd suggest informing ASAP's author about your port along with your bug fixes etc. if you haven't already done so: it might benefit him and he might place this on the homepage.

Ideally, you'd collaborate to complete ASAP's most important pending features and I'd have my perfect SAP-player in foobar2000.  Unfortunately it seems that ASAP is a somewhat abandoned project, or then the web site just doesn't see much updating. I tried to check the CVS to see if anything's been happening, but it keeps timing out.

But never mind, I'm extremely happy with what I've got. Thanks again.

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #2
Any chances see this component working with foobar2000 v. 1.2 ?

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #4
Confirmed, the MSI for Windows contains a foo_asap.dll dated 2012-12-04.

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #5
Thanks a lot db1989!! I was looking at that site, but descriptions for installers doesn't contain info about foobar plugins, so I thought that none of them is useful... My mistake.

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #6
I can only take half the credit for the detective work: 7-Zip is extremely handy for peeking inside MSI and (some) *.exe installers without having to run them.

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #7
The download just gives a 404, could we get a reup on the file?

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #8
the sourceforge link a few posts up still works.

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #11
I sent him a PM on Saturday, but no answer yet.

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #12
Patience, good sir. foobar2000 is not his only project!

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #13
Some say he has a life too...

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #14
I got my account and added foo_asap to the components page.

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #15
I have just released ASAP 3.1.6. Changed in the foobar2000 plugin:
* fixed parallel conversion (previously the results were corrupted if you converted more than one file at once or converted during playback)
* added support for MyDOS ATR disk images larger than 256k
* fixed playback of blank CMS patterns

foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #16
In today's 3.2.0 release:
  • Reduced amplitude by half to avoid clipping on loud tunes.
  • Silence detection regarded GTIA and COVOX sounds as silence.
  • Added File Information window - includes STIL information and SAP/XEX/native tracker format conversion.

Re: foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #17
Released 4.0.0:
  • Supports MyDOS directories and non-ASAP files (such as MOD) in ATR disk images.
  • Emulation of the extra POKEY's interrupts.

Re: foo_asap for version 0.9

Reply #18
ASAP 5.3.0 is out. It's compatible with the 64-bit beta version of foobar2000 2.0.