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Topic: Now Playing Animations (Read 16984 times) previous topic - next topic
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Now Playing Animations

Hey all,
Im looking for some cool now playing animations.
If anyones got any they'd like to share post the code here.

Now Playing Animations

Reply #1
For the playlist or the track info panel?

Now Playing Animations

Reply #3
i use this simple one in my tracknumber column:


Now Playing Animations

Reply #4
Code: [Select]

//from 1 to 7
//from 1 to 6




// Formatting

Now Playing Animations

Reply #5
awesome thanks guys

i use this simple one in my tracknumber column:


this didnt work for me, not too sure why though.

Now Playing Animations

Reply #6

I used the Calibi font with this.

Now Playing Animations

Reply #7


I used the Calibi font with this.

this worked great thanks snively


Now Playing Animations

Reply #8
Could someone post a zip of the vista fonts like calibri, or tell me where to get them?

Now Playing Animations

Reply #10
ah, sorry. Didnt realise we're that strict about that sort of thing around here. I find it amusing though that 99% of copys of vista are likely illegally obtained...

Now Playing Animations

Reply #11
Code: [Select]
// '/////','\\\\','///','\\','/','\\','///','\\\\')

Now Playing Animations

Reply #12
Code: [Select]
// '/////','\\\\','///','\\','/','\\','///','\\\\')

useing the same code, here is another. =P

Code: [Select]

Now Playing Animations

Reply #13
Code: [Select]

Now Playing Animations

Reply #14
Sorry to ressurrect an old topic, but I have a question:

How can I do an "animation" to have Track info alternate between %artist% and %album% (for example) in the same line, like iTunes does? I don't need any complex animation really... just alternating from time to time would be fine.


Hum, I was able to do it using the following expression (which I barely understand):

Code: [Select]

The problem is it changes too fast. How do I modify the delay? Thanks.


Now Playing Animations

Reply #15
Code: [Select]

Now Playing Animations

Reply #16
Draw choosen foreground symbol, in a choosen color, against choosen background symbol, and move the forground symbol from right to left, when it rich the end, the symbol move from left to right.

Code: [Select]
$puts(back_symbol,'● ')
$puts(fore_symbol,'● ')



And the opposite (left to right):

Code: [Select]

Now Playing Animations

Reply #18
ah, sorry. Didnt realise we're that strict about that sort of thing around here. I find it amusing though that 99% of copys of vista are likely illegally obtained...

There's nothing illegal about participating in microsoft's public "Customer Review Program" of vista, I suggest you sign up for a legitimate trial key and extract the fonts yourself.  It's not about being "strict", just avoid discussing illegal activities in this forum please.

Now Playing Animations

Reply #19
Hello. I want, that animation replace %list_index% only that song what is currently playing ... How do it ? 

Now Playing Animations

Reply #21
Big Big Thanks !!!  It's working great !