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Topic: New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included) (Read 66047 times) previous topic - next topic
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New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #1
Haha! That's cool!!  I really like these..

What is the foobar symbol supposed to be anyway? Cat? Alien?

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #2
A space monkey with headphones?

Cat? Alien?[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=378967"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
A slightly alien cat.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #3
Napster have logo "Cat with headphones".

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #4
Ooh, didn't realise you could do that. That Alien Monkey is a bit top heavy IMO, but another board I post at has headphone smilies, so I'll maker one of those into an icon.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #5
Napster have logo "Cat with headphones".
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=378983"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
mmhhhmmm, it's cat, it's alien, it's foobar, yeah, I think I like it...

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #6
That's great. Foobar should adopt that as the official icon.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #7
I personally think the alien logo is kinda lame. It's OK in picmixer's avatar, but it doesn't really look great as an icon for a media player.

Doesn't really matter, though, i use ResHacker to change the icon anyway. :shrug:

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #8
Nice one rendom. Really nice, but I still like the default icon better and I don't think it should be changed, because it represents the lightness of the player much better than a fancy logo like the above.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #9
Firstly sorry for my english(if i will make some mistakes).
i don't think icon can "represent the lightness of the player". It can represent only quality imho.
Anyway always will be people who love one thing than another, and vice versa.
I only want to make Foobar2000 icon more rememberable, and cool

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #10
Maybe we should go back to good old  :B
A riddle is a short sword attached to the next 2000 years.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #11
I really liked the style of the F in the forhead of the alien so I made an icon mod. Hope you don't mind me posting it here. All design credit to you.

Download Here:

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #12
To me, the aliencat is foobar2000. It's nice to see other work being done, but I <3 aliencat.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #13
I really liked the style of the F in the forhead of the alien so I made an icon mod. Hope you don't mind me posting it here. All design credit to you.

Download Here:
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=379225"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Awesome work mil3s!
we was young an' full of beans

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #14
yeah, nicely done too mil3s

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #15
While I love those little Fs, I must say I could never switch from the standard icon. I love it.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #16
I really liked the style of the F in the forhead of the alien so I made an icon mod. Hope you don't mind me posting it here. All design credit to you.

Download Here:
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=379225"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

That's really cool. Thank you.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #17
I really liked the style of the F in the forhead of the alien so I made an icon mod. Hope you don't mind me posting it here. All design credit to you.

[a href="" target="_blank"]
I think yes, foobar is super! 

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #18
Maybe we should go back to good old  :B

You name it. That symbol had a really nice and humble humanistic feel to it.
^_^ was nice as well, even if with a slight cynical touch.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #19
I like the alien-head myself, and since I've got both v.0.8.3 and v.0.9 shortcuts on my desktop, it's now my 0.9 icon.  Thanks for sharing!
voted 'Most likely to veer your thread' three straight years!


New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #20
I would like to see the aliencat icon redone-

by the way, this is my fb2k dock icon-

like it?
it's like the only icon I've ever made that actually looks half way decent

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #21
by the way, this is my fb2k dock icon-
  - could you share a bigger one? i know its an icon, but i use it as default.png for albumart and after zooming it looks a bit grungy...
Thanks in advance!


New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #22
You got the links wrong
Both point to the same file.
Thanks for the icons, they're nice.
Using the foobarsimple.ico


New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #23

I know at 16x16 there isn't much room to work with, but it would be cool if the headphones were visible. 

P.S. Nice web site.

New foobar2000 icons (tray icon included)

Reply #24
Thanks for the icons, they're nice.
Using the foobarsimple.ico

Same thing here, I began to get bored of the old foobar icon, and I changed it for the foobarsimple.ico. I'm very happy with it! Thank you.