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Topic: Foo_osd (Read 132743 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #75
Foobar v1.1.2
On-Screen Display v1.68

Is there anyway to get this not to show volume when the volume is adjusted.

General Tab:
Automatically pop-up on: doesn't seem to do anything

I have Volume unchecked, Auto. pop-up on check or unchecked.

Nothing seems to effect where the Volume is displayed.

Hope kode54 or someone can help.. driving me nuts.. well more nuts..




Reply #76
Make sure you have it disabled in all your presets, the drop-down menu at the top.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #77
any possibility to change  "... and hide on stop" into "... and hide on pause"  ,or add maybe ,not sure if any1 asked for this before ,cant rly find it.


Reply #78
ver 1.62 introduced stretching OSD over all virtual desktop size. Is there a control to show the OSD just on one of the multiple monitors ?
I'd like the OSD to show just on one monitor.


Reply #79
Only if you want to configure the current resolution for each screen manually. I don't really want to go into detecting the resolution of every desktop or where they are arranged in the virtual desktop space.

Set the position so it only appears on one monitor.


Reply #80
Hey kode,

Since I've configured the OSD to display the artist name, track number and name, album title etc., sometimes the line's too long for the screen width. It still remains centered of course (as per my position settings), but the two ends get chopped off. So would it be possible to add an option (checkbox) to wrap the text if required?

Also, the default preset is called, of course, "Default" (no surprises there!) I made extensive changes to that preset till everything was just so. Unfortunately, somehow I pressed the Add button and another preset called "Default" got added, so that now there were two with the same name. On noticing this, of course I ended up deleting the wrong one by mistake, and had to redo everything to get it back to the way I liked it. So a simple solution would be to add new presets as "Default (1)", "Default (2)" etc. if "Default", "Default (1)" etc. already exist.


Reply #81
Hi there,
The option I really miss, is turning whole OSD off with shortcut. (the overlay switch).

I sometimes get the OSD on fullscreen applications, and in most cases it does weird stuff.
What might be useful:
- Detecting fullscreen, and turning off the OSD when it is active (this would be really nice)
- Getting a keyboard shortcut (most likely global) to turn off the overlay switch

Hope I helped in any way.



Reply #82
Auto line wrapping: When I feel like it.
Detecting full screen applications and shutting off manually: The same.

Keyboard shortcut to enable or disable the overlays altogether: Open the usual keyboard shortcuts dialog, locate [main] -> View -> On-Screen Display -> Enable, bind a key to it.


Reply #83
Would it be hard to not disable the the OSD with fullscreen apps but instead displaying it on top of them?
I really would love to have the OSD displayed in games and stuff like fraps and other programs do it. Aren't there some DirectX hook samples to ease that?
The very act of observing, influences what happens.


Reply #84
fraps and other programs do it by hooking into the process and displaying it using their DirectX or OpenGL context. I don't really feel like getting into that sort of thing right now.


Reply #85
Thanks a lot for answers.


Reply #86
Hi kode, thanks for the great plugin! If you're still actively developing it, may I make a request? I have global hotkeys set for changing foobar's volume, and foo_osd displays a volume bar whenever I do so. However, I'd love to have an option to display the exact dB to the left or right of the bar, just as foobar's own volume control does in a tooltip when it is moved. An exact dB display will really be the icing on the cake, so if at all possible, please add an option for this to foo_osd. Thanks!


Reply #87
I'll look into implementing that, but it will be kind of a pain since the current volume overlay is fully vector rendered and doesn't actually contain any text.


Reply #88
Well I'm obviously not conversant with the actual programming techniques involved. I just thought that since the same component is able to display my song titles on track change, it would be simple to add an optional dB display as well to the volume bar.

Thanks for looking into it, and if it's at all possible, that would be awesome.


Reply #89
Only if you want to configure the current resolution for each screen manually. I don't really want to go into detecting the resolution of every desktop or where they are arranged in the virtual desktop space.

Set the position so it only appears on one monitor.

Hi, considering I use it in a portable install with multiple machines and monitor configurations, that's really inconvenient.

It seems like you can get the resolution and arrangement fairly easily with a call to EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL,NULL,callback,opaque), then your callback will be fed the LPRECT of each monitor's bounding box as argument #3 and you can call GetMonitorInfo on callback's arg #1 to find the primary monitor.

It'd be fantastic if there was a checkbox to sticky it to the primary monitor. If it is more complicated than I think it is, don't worry about it, but I'd really appreciate it if you could make it happen.


Reply #90
Okay, so now you can put the overlays on any monitor in the system.


Reply #91
Thank you!


Reply #92
Is there any way to make the OSD display at all times instead of just for x seconds upon a given event? I set "display forever" in options but it seems to have absolutely no effect, and documentation seems nonexistent.


Reply #93
Tested with On Play event. Works fine here.
Foobar2000 1.1.12B
OSD 1.69
XP pro


Reply #94
"Display forever" works as intended here. Perhaps you set it on the wrong overlay preset? All of the settings in the tabs are overlay specific.

OSD 1.69

I may also ask why you haven't updated yet.


Reply #96
I may also ask why you haven't updated yet.

1.69 works flawlessly for me
Only been a couple of days since update
Your note of changes was regarding multi-monitor for a one monitor type of guy.

I shall change my slothful ways immediately. 


Reply #97
Well, it's the only change I made, but it's worth having, in case you ever do get a second monitor or more. Better than having the overlay centered across the entire virtual desktop space.


Reply #98
love how my issue is completely brushed off/ignored. last time I ask a shit-dev anything on this forum again.


Reply #99
Nice attitude toward someone who volunteers time with free software. What have you contributed to the community?
By the way:
I can not replicate the issue.
The Dev can not replicate the issue.
No one currently is confirming this is a problem.
This is an international forum: it is always the middle of the night somewhere.
Pebkac is very difficult and sometimes time consuming to troubleshoot
Try to not let the forum door hit you on your way out.