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Topic: foo_browser (Read 441956 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #25
Great update, now it works here 

Keep up the good work


Reply #26
Oh, Snap... I made a stupid mistake in context menu...

will be fixed shortly...

EDIT: I updated the zip file to 1.0beta3 which removes some debugging output I inadvertantly left in context menu code
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #27
nice component
Question: How can I add the Browser Window on top?


Reply #28
Oh, Snap... I made a stupid mistake in context menu...

will be fixed shortly...

EDIT: I updated the zip file to 1.0beta3 which removes some debugging output I inadvertantly left in context menu code

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=374829"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Excellent...working superbly now

BTW Can it be made so that right click an item doesn't display its contents in the playlist?



Reply #29
nice component :D
Question: How can I add the Browser Window on top?[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=374830"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Use Columns UI's 'layout' configuration. Right-click whatever's there, add vertical splitter, right-click that, add whatever. Play with it, you'll figure it out.

Right-clicking is now much faster, it only takes maybe a second or two on the 'all' item in the Genre browser. Awesome job.


Reply #30
great component, but a few suggestions:

custom sorting

custom display like album list panel
example: for the album panel, i'd like to see the date of the album as well as the title, and i'd like to be able to make a new panel altogether.

have an option to remove the caption. i know which list is the artists and which is the albums. the caption just wastes space.

option to remove the horizontoal scroll bar.

and tell it which playlist to go to. being able to use the %_view% like in album list panel would be the ideal option for me.

if those things were in place, this component would be perfect.


Reply #31
some bugs

-when I choose a genre, album list is not sorted.

-*browser* playlist don't use "%path_sort%", or "Sort incomming files by" in preferences, and then there is a problem multi-artist album. I use ALBUM ARTIST and ARTIST.

-for a track with two or more genre/artist metadata, display like %<genre>% (and not %genre%) in albumlist.

excuse me for my english, and thanks for the plugin


Reply #32
thx lav-chan  these options are new for me


Reply #33
Are you already thinking to let us:

1 - ... assign whichever tag to whichever panel?

2 - ... have an unlimited number of panels? (Or, at least, more than four.)

3 - ... have a sort of a master filter on top of the panels array? Say filtering with genre without wasting a panel.

4 - ... select more than one item in a panel? I know that that was a limit set by Windows listview control so, maybe, now that you are not using that any more... (I think)

4b - ... in that case, being able to choose the boolean operator to apply to the in-panel selection?

5 - ... save somewhere a particular panels layout and setting (with a custom name) and being able to retrieve it and quickly reload it at need, maybe choosing it from a list of presets (with its panel too) This list could also work as a sort of master panel (above the master filter mentioned above. The preset should store the master filter settings too.)
This could be seen like a PLT query node but with the panels as the different levels of its tree.

6 - ... choose the path the inter-panels filtering should follow. Now we have a static path: genre->artist->album->title. It would be useful to have the filtering follow the sequence of panels in Columns UI lay-out tab from top to bottom. Sometimes I'd like choosing a title and in the next panel see just the different performers that sings it. Or even more choosing "piano" (or, with the multi line selection "piano + bass + drums") and get only the tracks (but also the artists, the years etc) that match the previous panels filtering.

7 - ... of course, having the #tag# working in the panels too...

I could go on for another hour but I save something for later...




Reply #34
4 - ... select more than one item in a panel? I know that that was a limit set by Windows listview control so, maybe, now that you are not using that any more... (I think)
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=374882"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Its the TreeView that does not allow multiple selections... ListView allows them, and the panels should support them... Hold down control to individually select items, or use shift to select a range...
There used to be a link to my website here.


Reply #35
It was too nice too be true... that's why I asked without trying before...

Sorry about that and thanks.

... now I'm dying to have "my" performer and instrument panels! (without a final "s", ambrogio, please).


Reply #36
Hot damn, this thing is cool. Can't wait for it to become more customizable.

Thanks cwbowron.


Reply #37
Are you already thinking to let us:

1 - ...
2 - ...
3 - ...
4 - ...
4b - ...
5 - ...
6 - ...
7 - ...
I could go on for another hour but I save something for later...

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=374882"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Just my opinion: I would really prefer to see that this time the "feature explosion" will not happen. Keep it slim, think about every additional feature/option in the preferences as sth. evil and only implement it if there's no other way to fulfill the purpose of the plugin.

One other thing: If there are multiple tag values I wouldn't handle every combination as a separate entry but only list single elements (especially with genres).


Reply #38
Just my opinion: I would really prefer to see that this time the "feature explosion" will not happen.

I mentioned those points only because sometimes, cwbowron has showns us to take inspiration from our requests or hints.
And because I think that it's easier to change things at the beginning of a project, when you have less things already made, than when you are already deeply buried under lines of code...

As you can see, I started my post as a reminder, not as a feature request.

Just in case he hadn't thought some of the issues I mentioned.


Reply #39
What's wrong with feature explosions anyway. :/


Reply #40
keep it simple please, so it's ressource efficient


Reply #41
nice component
Question: How can I add the Browser Window on top?[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=374830"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Use Columns UI's 'layout' configuration. Right-click whatever's there, add vertical splitter, right-click that, add whatever. Play with it, you'll figure it out.

Right-clicking is now much faster, it only takes maybe a second or two on the 'all' item in the Genre browser. Awesome job.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=374839"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

For the life of me I can't mimic the screenshot (like Itunes). I managed to get the Browser windows lined up horizontally, but I cannot place the playlist view under them, only beside them horizontally. I've tryed every splitter combination I can think of but I'm just not figuring it out. Could someone show me exactly how to organize it in the layouts tab? I know it's something simple and I'll feel real stupid afterwards...


Reply #42
It should be something like this (this is just with the browser panels and play list, if you want more stuff you'll have to add it obviously):

Code: [Select]
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |


Reply #43
Great plugin.

I have a suggestion to make it even more versatile. In addition to the browsers you have, add a user-configurable browser. The user can configure this browser to use any specified tag. Have the user enter as many tags as he wishes. Then in that configurable browser, you can right click and select which Tag you'd like to use.

Here is a mock-up of what I mean: Picture


Reply #44
Hah..sweet it creates its own playlist..dude, this is awesome, keep up the great work.


Reply #45
Why not just make them all customisable? What kind of jerk is really gonna need seven browser panels?


Reply #46
Why not just make them all customisable? What kind of jerk is really gonna need seven browser panels?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=374966"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Haha. I saw the redundancy in that and was editing my post as you said that. Thanks for calling me a jerk


Reply #47
I meant why not just make the four or whatever panels, and then make each of those four customisable. By default they would be %genre%, %artist%, %album%, %title%, but you could change them to anything you wanted.


Although i suppose the ability to add a bunch of tags to a list and then change it on the fly would be cool for people who don't want to have them all shown at once.


Reply #48
Good work so far. A few suggestions:

1.) I think the seperate panels could be eliminated altogether. I can't think of any real reason not to have them next to each other, and it's kind of a pain to have to add them all yourself. I don't know if the SDK has anything in there to detect whether a panel is vertical or horizonal, but if there is then this should be feasible.

2.) Maybe you could steal some code from the albumlist? The albumlist takes about 1.5 seconds to refresh, while your plugin takes a full 13 seconds (not to mention freezing foobar in the process) if I click on "all"

3.) If you go with #1, maybe you could make it configurable similar to the albumlist? What I mean by that is allow for people to make new views the same way you create them in the albumlist preferences. This would also allow for infinite panels and whatnot without cluttering up the columns_ui menus.

4.) In the meantime, could you at least modify the "artist" panel to use %album artist%? My VA albums are all spread around

5.) The sorting on the artist panel is odd. It goes A-Z for some of them, then +/-, then a second set of artists A-Z. I can't find any real pattern for this; I thought maybe it had to do with album artist but I don't think so.


Reply #49
Killmaster, as for 1), i use only three panels, for example ... plus i think that cwbowron is going to add more panels in the future or make them fully configurable (as to which tag they use etc.)