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Topic: Improving foo_playcount for 0.9 (Read 182942 times) previous topic - next topic
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Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #125
thanks for all the help but i will wait until a newversion comes out or g-lite says the component is stopping development

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #126
thanks for all the help but i will wait until a newversion comes out or g-lite says the component is stopping development

Modifying this component so that it works with .93 is not dependant on G-Lite doing the work.  When G-Lite ported this component to .9, he included the source code.  Therefore, anyone can take a stab at modifying this component to work with .93.  I would, if I could.  Hopefully, someone will take on this project.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #127
Hopefully someone will fix this plugin when .93 has reached final.


Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #128
Terrestrial has updated the unofficial playcount so that it now works with .93 beta 4 as it did with .92.  Download it here.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #129
Terrestrial has updated the unofficial playcount so that it now works with .93 beta 4 as it did with .92.  Download it here.


where did you find out about this? i tried searching for a post regarding this release and i couldn't find it.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #130

Terrestrial has updated the unofficial playcount so that it now works with .93 beta 4 as it did with .92.  Download it here.


where did you find out about this? i tried searching for a post regarding this release and i couldn't find it.

No formal release and just a quick update.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #131

Terrestrial has updated the unofficial playcount so that it now works with .93 beta 4 as it did with .92.  Download it here.


where did you find out about this? i tried searching for a post regarding this release and i couldn't find it.

No formal release and just a quick update that was done gratuitously.

Oh. Just Wondering.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #132
woohooo great work thanks for the update!!

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #133
thanks. working perfect here

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #134
So what's the difference between this and the official one? The formatting of certain first time plays etc. and play_count vs play_counter

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #135
So what's the difference between this and the official one? The formatting of certain first time plays etc. and play_count vs play_counter

this one will automatically tag the files, it also uses first_played.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #136
um? i use the 'offical' one and if you check an option in the advanced section it tags it during playback..

(how else does it tag it?)

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #137
um? i use the 'offical' one and if you check an option in the advanced section it tags it during playback..

(how else does it tag it?)

in  that case, it will add a first_played tag. and you can specify what percentage of the track plays before it is tagged.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #138
Thanks for the update!

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #139
Hi, i have made a fresh install of Foobar 0.9.3 and loaded the playcount plugin from the link above (

After starting Foobar i've got the following error message:
Failed to load DLL: foo_playcount.dll
Reason: Diese Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden, weil die Anwenungskonfiguration nicht korrekt ist. Zur Problembehebung sollten Sie die Anwendung neu installieren.

Quick translation:
"The application could not be started because the configuration of the application is not correct. Please reinstall the application"

Does the plugin only work with beta versions of foobar 0.9.3 ???
Has anyone tested the plugin with 0.9.3 final ?

I found another download here:
2. foo_playcount.dll (비공식 버전)

플레이 횟수가 %play_counter%, 최종 재생일시가 %last_played% 첫 재생일시가 %first_played%,
파일에 기록된다. 다양한 조정 옵션이 있다. 업데이트되는 순간 태그 기록창이 뜬다.

Installed and the DLL got loaded.
But it doesnt write any Tags !!!
I configured it to write tags after 1% playtime but nothing happens....


Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #140
Quick translation:
"The application could not be started because the configuration of the application is not correct. Please reinstall the application"
You have to install the VC2005 runtime or you can install .NET 2.0 runtime if you like (VC2005 runtime included).

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #141
Woo hoo awesome.  The update made the metadb handle leaks go away.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #142
You have to install the VC2005 runtime or you can install .NET 2.0 runtime if you like (VC2005 runtime included).

Great! Thank You!
Now it works how its supposed to be

The only annoying thing is the popup window when the playcount tags get updated... hope there will be a workaround for this in the future

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #143
Installed and the DLL got loaded.
But it doesnt write any Tags !!!
I configured it to write tags after 1% playtime but nothing happens....


Thanks to visit my blog ( Splat`

If you wanna playback info write tag (to file)

Use foobar 0.9.3 & New Offical foo_playcount.dll 1.2 (

and must add file to media library

(if you don`t use media library, Offical foo_playcount.dll doesn`t write tag)

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #144
Thanks to visit my blog ( Splat`

If you wanna playback info write tag (to file)

Use foobar 0.9.3 & New Offical foo_playcount.dll 1.2 (

and must add file to media library

(if you don`t use media library, Offical foo_playcount.dll doesn`t write tag)

Well... I can not read a single word on your blog but thanks for your help
The Official plugin is useless for me because i need the FIRST_PLAYED tag for the "hotness" script.

All i have missed to install is the VC2005 Runtime, thuan has found the solution

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #147
Maybe if you want to set the time it will write the tags. The official one writes it after one minute.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #148
Maybe if you want to set the time it will write the tags. The official one writes it after one minute.

Sure! The unofficial plugin has some options more.

But do they describe a realistic scenario? If i just like to prehear a track i don't need more than one minute. And if i listen to a song more than one minute i will probably listen to the end.

Improving foo_playcount for 0.9

Reply #149