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Topic: MP3val 0.1.2 released (Read 40402 times) previous topic - next topic
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MP3val 0.1.2 released

I've written and released a small tool for MPEG audio files validation (supports MPEG-1, 2, 2.5, Layers 1, 2, 3). I think it can be quite handy for finding corrupted MP1/MP2/MP3 files (e.g. containing garbage, MPEG stream errors, truncated etc.). Information in VBR headers (VBRI/Xing) is also checked, however, not all of it yet.

It can also "fix" most of the problems (of course, it is questionable if one should fix MPEG stream errors, for example).

This is a command-line application, it should work both under Windows and Unix.

More information can be found on the Project Homepage

I'm interested in your comments.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #1
very nice, and being open source is really a plus. would check it.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #2
This 20KB (!) program scanned 251 MP3s (1.85 GB) and wrote a log file three times its size in 41 seconds. Pretty goddamn amazing! Open source, wildcard support, blazing speed, and did I mention it is tiny?
Congratulations, ring0 - well done! Hope you will write a GUI for it, too <g>.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #3
i'm going to play with it and package it for Rarewares/Debian if you don't mind


MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #4
I downloaded the Win32 version from one of the mirror sites.

I copied mp3val.exe to the drive/folder where certain mp3 files live.

I selected Run off the Start menu and Browsed to find and select mp3val.exe

The Run command line now says G:\temp\mp3val.exe.lnk
The .lnk is not shown by WindowsExplorer

I add an mp3 file name (file to validate) and the log file parameter, as explained in the program documentation.

I clicked on OK. Something happens because there is the flash of a window opening, but it is gone before more than the outline can be seen. No log file can be found anywhere on the computer.

I selected the MS-DOS Prompt and got the DOS window.

I navigated to the proper folder.

I tried every variation I can think of on mp3val (mp3val, mp3val.exe, mp3val.exe.lnk, and mp3val~1.lnk (which is what the DIR command displays) and a few others). Every one produces the message Bad command or file name

Does the (hidden) .lnk extension indicate I don't have an executable?
If so, is there an executable at some other site?
Is some addition component, DLL, or whatever necessary to run this program?
Have I misunderstood the meaning of MP3val is a console program. Command-line syntax: from the program documentation?

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #5
I copied mp3val.exe to the drive/folder where certain mp3 files live.

I selected Run off the Start menu and Browsed to find and select mp3val.exe

The Run command line now says G:\temp\mp3val.exe.lnk
The .lnk is not shown by WindowsExplorer

Sounds like you accidentally created a shortcut to the original file rather than copying it.  A .lnk file is a shortcut.  Then, if you deleted the original, the link would be pointing nowhere so no program would be run.


MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #6
Thanks, I obviously didn't look closely enough; perhaps I just wasn't careful with that mouse pointer during the copy. Since the original was still in place, it must be that the Run command doesn't handle the pointer correctly.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #7
I've written and released a small tool for MPEG audio files validation (supports MPEG-1, 2, 2.5, Layers 1, 2, 3). I think it can be quite handy for finding corrupted MP1/MP2/MP3 files (e.g. containing garbage, MPEG stream errors, truncated etc.). Information in VBR headers (VBRI/Xing) is also checked, however, not all of it yet.

It can also "fix" most of the problems (of course, it is questionable if one should fix MPEG stream errors, for example).

This is a command-line application, it should work both under Windows and Unix.

More information can be found on the Project Homepage

I'm interested in your comments.

How does this program compare to mp3check?: [a href="][/url]
WARNING:  Changing of advanced parameters might degrade sound quality.  Modify them only if you are expirienced in audio compression!

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #8
How does this program compare to mp3check?:
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=367140"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I haven't seen this programs before I've written MP3val. If I had, may be I wouldn't write it. However, there are some differences:
- MP3val analyzes VBR headers (Xing, VBRI), mp3check seems not
- MP3val is a "native" Windows program (and was later ported to *nix), mp3check isn't (it needs Cygwin)
- MP3val supports ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2. mp3check seems to support only ID3v1
- MP3val detects RIFF headers (however, mp3check also deals with them: it claims it is a garbage
- MP3val doesn't support CRC calculation and fixing yet (however, rather small amount of files has CRC)
- mp3check has more parameters (but most of them seems to be not very useful)
- MP3val has significantly smaller size (at least in Win32)

Anyway, it's good that users will have a choice

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #9
thanks! it worked perfectly for me, fixed a file that i've had problems with.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #10
Great job ring0...a simple gui would be perfect for those not really into command based stuff. Think about it if you ever find the time...

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #11
I've tried a lot of apps to analyze and check my MP3s, but none of them has been as fast and compact as MP3val. Thanks for this useful tool.

Feature request:
A switch to reduce the output to errors and warnings only. That way it'd be much easier to spot problematic files when mp3val is used with wildcards (like *.mp3).

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #12
Feature request:
A switch to reduce the output to errors and warnings only. That way it'd be much easier to spot problematic files when mp3val is used with wildcards (like *.mp3).

MP3val 0.1.3 released, this feature is implemented in it, as well as a few minor bugfixes and improvements.

[a href="][/url]

What about a frontend, I think I will write it when I have enough time and desire

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #13
I haven't seen this programs before I've written MP3val. If I had, may be I wouldn't write it. However, there are some differences:
Anyway, it's good that users will have a choice[{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

This is another one. [a href="]MP3Utility[/url] 
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #14
This is another one. MP3Utility 
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=368343"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Nice  The only drawback is that it can't fix files.
Strangely enough, MP3utility displays all general errors in "test file" mode, but only few of them in batch mode.

Anyway, having a GUI is a big "+"

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #15
Great tool, thanks for your work.

Could it be possible to recurse through directories?


MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #16
Great tool, thanks for your work.

Could it be possible to recurse through directories?

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=368354"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

It is possible (at least, currently) only with the help of FOR command.
You should start CMD.exe, go to your directory and write:

for /r %i in (*.mp3) do mp3val "%i" -llog.txt

Recursive directory analisys will be in the GUI frontend when I (at last) write it

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #17
Thanks for the -si option.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #18
There is also a GUI version of mp3check called MP3Test,  but I don't think it has been updated to support VBR files like its commandline counterpart.  It looks to be shareware, but I don't ever remember having to pay for it.  Go here for more info:
WARNING:  Changing of advanced parameters might degrade sound quality.  Modify them only if you are expirienced in audio compression!

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #19
When I run MP3Val on my newly LAME generated mp3 files, I get the same message for each file: "Wrong number of MPEG data bytes specified in Xing header (10047046 instead of 10046717)".

The difference is always 329 bytes. I removed all tags (ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3, APEv2) and I still get this same error message. What's the Xing header anyway?


MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #20
I've been using Checkmate MP3 checker (GNU GPL) and am satisfied about it (unverbose output is appreciated).

However, it does not support filenames with non-ACP characters. Nor does yours, but since yours rooted from Win32, it was easier to adapt to my purposes to recompile a compatible version.

Notes about the code quality: you should avoid unnecessary (C-style or not) type casts when possible. It can hide defects.

Edit: A shell extension version would be appreciated, if you're not afraid of possibly leaking explorer resources (lol)

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #21
Thanks, I obviously didn't look closely enough; perhaps I just wasn't careful with that mouse pointer during the copy. Since the original was still in place, it must be that the Run command doesn't handle the pointer correctly.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=367128"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Put the program executable in your system32 folder.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #22
When I run MP3Val on my newly LAME generated mp3 files, I get the same message for each file: "Wrong number of MPEG data bytes specified in Xing header (10047046 instead of 10046717)".

The difference is always 329 bytes. I removed all tags (ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3, APEv2) and I still get this same error message. What's the Xing header anyway?

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=368453"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Xing header is encapsulated in the first MPEG frame, it can be recognized by a "Xing" or "Info" strings.

Btw, what version of LAME do you use and what options? My LAME-generated files doesn't produce such effects.

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #23
However, it does not support filenames with non-ACP characters. Nor does yours, but since yours rooted from Win32, it was easier to adapt to my purposes to recompile a compatible version.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=368461"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Do you mean "\\?\..."-like paths?

MP3val 0.1.2 released

Reply #24
Very nice tool indeed, thanks!

As far as the GUI goes, I prefer the CLI as it lets you retain full control and enables the prog to be compact, but that's just me it seems.
WavPack 5.7.0 -b384hx6cmv / qaac64 2.83 -V 100