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Topic: mp3 & cuesheet in one file - still no support ?!? (Read 6326 times) previous topic - next topic
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mp3 & cuesheet in one file - still no support ?!?

I know this problem was stated few months ago.. but still without any resolution.

It looks totally weird to me that everything's fine using external cuesheet and mp3 image file but when it comes to cuesheet as tag in mp3 file foobar doesn't respect it as in case of flac or ape files - when without any problems this tag can be read and edited in mp3 files using foobar. So why it can be treated as external cuesheet  ??

Has anyone made extension yet to widen cuesheet functionality to other audio files.

I'm actually not fan of making mp3 image files... but what if have such file without option to get loselles version. I wouldn't like to keep audio file and cuesheet separately.. and transcoding mp3 to flac is not great way in any case.

mp3 & cuesheet in one file - still no support ?!?

Reply #1
Embed cue sheets are only supported where it actually makes sense. With mp3, mpc etc. the seeking is simply too slow.

mp3 & cuesheet in one file - still no support ?!?

Reply #2
Embed cue sheets are only supported where it actually makes sense. With mp3, mpc etc. the seeking is simply too slow.
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I would disagree - the single biggest thing on my foobar wishlist is that it would support embeded cuesheets for mp3s.  I listen to lots of dj mixes, many of which sourced from various radio stations round the world (bbc essential mixes, etc etc) which are only available in mp3 format.  There really isn't any sense in encoding them to flac/ape/etc but when I store them as file.mp3 with accompanying file.cue I get two copies of it on my playlist.

I agree that the seek is not instantaneous but thats due to an understandable limitation of the mp3 and I'd rather be able to accurately find a spot in the middle of a mix with a second's worth of automatic seek time as opposed to trying to find it manually when all i've got is a big file.  I don't want to split the file because then I get pauses in the middle of the track on my ipod.

Alternatively if someone could help me in removing duplicates from the playlist that would solve the problem in a different way.  At the moment bigfile.mp3 isn't detected as a duplicate of the collection {track1,track2,...,lasttrack} that are sourced from bigfile.cue referring solely to bigfile.mp3

There was a suggestion in another thread to delete all the tags from the mp3 image file itself so it didn't appear on the playlist but then I wouldn't be able to sync it with the ipod.

The frustrating bit is that all the functionality is there, as it works to read a cue with an mp3 and its possible to had an embedded cue with flac and .ape so surely it wouldn't be hard to include .mp3 files when searching for a CUESHEET tag would it?


mp3 & cuesheet in one file - still no support ?!?

Reply #3
yeah.. to be honest I didn't notice longer seek time in mp3 file than in image flac file.. at least in case of that one mp3 file with which I had issue. (when navigated from separate cuesheet)

Anyway I've overcome issue of album in one mp3 file - I've put it in matroska container. I liked that so much that now this is the only way I save CD copies. You can tag individual tracks whatever way you like (with flac & embedded cuesheet it's limited), it supports Unicode for tags (cuesheet not) and I can add whatever attachments I like (covers etc) into that one file.

The only things to remember is to be sure to mux into container audio file without any tags (they double otherwise.. and you can't delete tags from flac file while it's in containter).. It's important to use latest foo_matroska (0.8 I think) - catch is that with latest foobar you get 0.6 with which I had problems. 0.8 version is available somewhere else on this forum.
I didn't manage to mux wavpack file.. well I managed to mux it but it was unplayable in foobar (I'm not sure where's the problem). Flac and mp3 files are fine.
I use latest MKVmerge GUI to mux files and MKVextract if I want to extract some attachments. With matroska tools I think you get as well some shell extensions so you can see any attachments within a file streight from context menu under right mouse button.